
Darkness in the dying light

He died hated by the world he saved, reborn into the thing he hated the most... The strongest Slayer finally defeated the demon Alucard, the most powerful demon ever to appear on Earth, achieving the impossible. He achieved something which no other Slayer could ever do. But in the end, he never expected his girlfriend, his own friends, and the people he trusted and fought for to suddenly turn against him and try to kill him. It was the most excruciating blow he was ever dealt in his life. When his pain was finally over, he woke up in a body of a demon. Read to find out if he is going to embrace everything he hated and if the long-awaited revenge will arrive

nRated · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Into the unknown

After opening his eyes, Christopher felt himself being teleported back to where he left off. It was a strange feeling to see Alucard in front of him, completely changed.

Compared to the visions he had, Alucard was much older in reality. The vampire looked dejected, and exhausted, and his youth seemed long gone.

"Well, go ahead, ask," he said to Christopher.

"The woman..."

"My wife," Alucard replied

"Is she still alive...?" Christopher asked.

He didn't know why but for some reason, Alucard's wife had become someone very important in his heart.

It wasn't about her being beautiful or any physical attraction, it was about feelings that he was experiencing for the first time.

Christopher had already realized that there was something more in the middle. If he was in hell or any place like that, Alucard probably wasn't standing in front of him now and suddenly he realized that everything was premeditated.

From the demon invasion led by Alucard to the battle between them, everything was arranged by Alucard. The vampire predicted everything, the fact that Christopher would be betrayed by his friends and by the world, and everything went exactly according to his plan.

"She should be fine, at least for a moment." Alucard replied bringing him back to reality.

"I see, that's good... I'm happy."

Alucard's face lit up a little when he saw how relieved Christopher was, this gave him confidence that the bet with his life was not in vain.

" So Alucard, I don't know where I am, I don't know what you want from me or why you showed me all these things but I assume you didn't do it just for someone to cry for your pity, so talk, what do you really want to me?" Christopher asked him with determination in his eyes.

"There are so many things you don't know and don't understand. When we fought, I couldn't use even 1% of my powers. The truth is that you were just a grain of sand in front of the real world, beyond everything you have experienced so far. I think you deduced that yourself from everything you saw in my memories."

"Yeah...so what? I'm dead now, so what does it matter? You're here for both of us to cry for pity? Because after all this, I still don't understand what you want from me." getting more and more nervous, Christopher started yelling at the vampire.

"Hahaha, you're right, I guess as time goes on, I've softened a bit. Very good, you want answers, you want to know what happened, revenge? I'll give you that, just remember, everything comes with a price, and I hope that my sacrifice is worth it.

Before he could say anything else, with a finger snap, Alucard threw Christopher several kilometers into the air, which is why the latter fainted instantly.

"Fallen God Sacrifice - Soul Revival Contract." the vampire activated the second part of the skill he shared with Christopher.

' I hope you will live your life to the fullest this time...my son. ' with that being said, the two disappeared.


It is not known how long passed, but little by little Christopher started to wake up. His head ached all over because of Alucard, and it took a few seconds before he sobered up.

' Huh?! what the hell is this? ' he murmured.

Christopher was sitting in a strange mechanism that wanted to be in some kind of wheelchair while being walked by a stranger.

His mind began to work at a dizzying speed trying to assimilate what was happening around him, and the first thing he deduced was that he was most likely in the body of a person who was physically incapacitated so he decided that for a moment, it would be good to get into his role to find out as much information as possible.

As the wheels moved slowly, he began to look around.

He was surrounded by strange flowers that he had never seen before and small trees that grew in an unusual shapes. The view was pleasing to the eye but very dark, everything was tinged with black, even the sky, although it was not night, had a red-to-black color, and the sun he was used to, shone pale, devoid of any brilliance.

Looking behind the garden where he was walking, he noticed that he was surrounded by huge walls of an unknown material, and flags that he had not seen before flew above cylindrical towers.

Christopher was located in such a tower, and from the top, he could see for many kilometers all kinds of buildings as if from a medieval era.

He saw many strange creatures hurriedly walking around the buildings and no one resembled any human being.

Some of them had large horns on their heads, others with large tails with fur on their bodies wide mouths, and long noses. Some of them had long ears hanging and their eyes almost out of the socket.

But besides the ugly ones, there were some of them resembling humans, he saw beautiful creatures walking in the streets, the only difference between them and a female human was a horn, or a tail, or anything " extra " that a human didn't have.

Trying to calm himself he took short and small breaths while keeping his eyes closed.

' This can't be happening. I am in a demon realm. What the fuck did that old man did. ' he thought.

Christopher realized that he was reincarnated into the demon world and then everything made sense. From the beginning Alucard planned this to happen, but why him and why that body and that place, he felt that even though he resolved one riddle, now he was facing another hundred.

Opening his eyes with determination, he took a closer look one more time at the place where he was but also to understand more about it and develop a plan to move forward.

A world of potential awaited, but in that case, it seems like a potential for danger and death.

It was a world of hidden mysteries, but safety still came first, it was a strange new world after all. That world was a paradise for him since he got the unreal opportunity to live again, but with so much to discover he couldn't help to take things slowly.

In the distance, he heard songs and shrieks of beings no one could've only dreamed of. He saw on the ground thin creatures and above flying creatures, and what you thought might be huge creatures of some sort.

With everything sorted, Christopher looked around one more time as he began his new life in that unknown world.