
Darkness in Romance

Do not look down on this man, who has a handsome, tall and strong appearance, as a good person. Wizart, who is the CEO of a comic-creation company-has a terrifying dark side. There must be fear in him. Wizart, who does not believe in love, prefers to live in loneliness and darkness. But fate is always on his side. When his company needed a professional comic writer, Teresa, a spoiled, cheerful and gentle girl, worked for his company. After only a few days working at the company, Teresa was annoyed by Wizart's fussiness as CEO. That invited hatred in his heart to this man! Days pass without realizing it, and Wizart's life is getting lonely. Teresa's presence in his life made Wizart fall in love. Wizart wants to change into a good man for Teresa to win her heart. Finally, he believes that love exists between two people who are destined to be together.

Zqueen_Psy60 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

The first day of work for the W Comic Trending company as a professional paid comic writer would happen on this day in Teresa's life. Before, she had never worked for a big company as long as she was a mystery writer. That's because Teresa has an interesting identity.

Since Teresa knows who the CEO of the W Comic Trending company is, the way she dresses is very neat in a pink women's suit and her hair is deliberately left loose. Teresa looks beautiful today but her mouth is covered with a white mask as a precaution. She was already asked to meet the CEO first, with editor Arick later, but because of his mistakes in the past, it became more difficult for her to face Wizart, the psycho guy.

Her high heels surprised Arick, who just wanted to pick her up downstairs. Unexpectedly, they collided with each other.

"Ms Teresa. You arrived early." He said with a happy smile. Teresa, who was still wearing a face mask, just smiled behind the mask. Arick felt strange seeing Teresa suddenly wearing a face mask today.

"Teresa, why are you wearing a face mask today?"

Arick had started asking. Teresa's mind began to be confused, looking for reasons. What excuse should she use?

"Ahm..I...I'm sick today. That's why I'm wearing this face mask. I'm afraid I'll catch it." Teresa's answer gave a thoughtful reason. Arick was deceived for that reason. Although Teresa tried to avoid being identified by Wizart later. Shame on her if Wizart has known her for days. Already disguised as her boyfriend at that time.

"Come on...I'll take you to Mr Wizart's office. He's waiting for you now. Please follow me.." Arick was kind enough to take Teresa there to meet Wizart's CEO. Teresa was starting to get nervous.



The sound of knocking on the door jolted Wizart, who was engrossed in standing daydreaming, looking at the scene outside the translucent glass window of his room. He quickly turned back.

"Come in." Wizart allowed.

It was seen that Arick and Teresa stepped into the room and approached Wizart's desk. Teresa immediately lowered her face.

"Sir, the comic writer I have chosen has arrived," Arick said with a smile. Wizart quickly looked at Teresa who was standing next to Arick. Wizart's eyebrows rose to see Teresa's strange behaviour as if she was trying to avoid looking into Wizart's eyes.

"Is she the author?"

"Yes, sir. That's Writer Teresa Alice." Answer Arick introducing her.

Wizart, who felt suspicious and strange, immediately stepped towards Teresa, who was busy lowering her face. Wizart's tall body cast his eyes down because of Teresa's low height.

"Welcome to my company, Miss Teresa. I'm the CEO of Wizart who will manage or review each chapter of your comic. After being reviewed by...Arick as editor." An introduction session between the new comic writer and the CEO of W Comic Trending Company took place.

But somewhat disappointing Wizart, the girl in front of him still lowered his face. She did not respond. Arick just watched them both.

'Oh my God, please don't make me take so long to see him...I feel horrible all of a sudden..' she said in his heart.

But unexpectedly, Teresa's chin was lifted slowly by Wizart's fingers to look into her eyes. Both of them looked into each other's eyes. Teresa's heart began to beat fast. I felt like I wanted to die when I saw this handsome man in front of me!

"Ms Teresa, you look strange. Listen, every time I speak...please look into my eyes. Don't bow your face like that. I don't like it, hmm?" He said softly. Although his heart felt angry because Teresa seemed to disrespect him. But in Teresa's eyes, Wizart's face seemed to glow brightly with that beautiful smile that had seduced Teresa's heart all this time.

But just for a moment, she was shocked because Wizart no longer raised his chin. Their eyes no longer met. Whereas Teresa feels like flying to heaven because of Wizart's sweet smile. But unexpectedly, Arick, who was watching them like watching a romantic scene, quickly looked at them with emotion. Both of his hands were placed on his chest after seeing Wizart and Teresa looking into each other's eyes. Does he remember this is a romantic drama?

"Ms Teresa, you can continue your work today. If there is anything, just ask Arick." Wizart returned seriously to give instructions.

"Yes, Sir." She said, feeling still in love. She immediately walked away from the room. His face was still stunned because of Wizart's actions.

Wizart, who had a serious face, just watched as Teresa stepped out of the room.

Then, he turned his gaze towards Arick. Arick was still looking at him with a face as if watching a romantic drama.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wizart asked because Arick's look was strange.

"This man is romantic.." Brave Arick praises Wizart. Wizart simply exhaled softly.

"Hey, do you want me to hit you there?" Wizart warned.

"Sorry, sir. I was distracted earlier. I'm going to work now." He quickly ran away from the room, leaving Wizart. Wizart just watched him run out of the room.

Wizart couldn't believe he had such an employee. Damp and murky in every way. But because Arick is a long-time employee, Wizart serves him well. Although he sometimes looks cruel and strict.


Standing in front of the translucent glass window in the office, Teresa's hands were lazily holding the phone that was purposely held close to her ear. Someone on the call had made her smile cheerfully.

"Your editor is very kind," Rani said in the call to her. Teresa was very excited to be able to share the story with Rani.

"Yes, he's very kind. But...I didn't think I'd see her here." Teresa's expression suddenly turned gloomy. His face mask was temporarily removed before Wizart was there.

"Why? Who did you meet earlier?" Rani was already interested in hearing that.

"Later, I'll tell you when I get home from work. I have to continue working after this."

"Okay. Do the job well. Listen to what your boss is saying..." Rani managed to motivate her friend on the call.

"Yes, you too. I put the phone down first. Bye!"

Teresa immediately ended the call after saying the final word. Though she is in trouble now. How could she avoid Wizart all the time she worked there? Should she wear a face mask every day? Teresa was getting dizzy...