

Gone are the days gone by, when they were a prohuman being, and that first had to be a tiny seed of the Alpins tree and wait for its fruits and leaves to be eaten by animals and these in turn by humans until they had the ability to regenerate in a human being. DarkMan would never forget the exile to which he was sent to earth by the creator of the 7 games; he had to hide the angelic identity from him and behave balanced living a healthy, youthful, professional life. He should never again show himself bad as he would be deported and the inevitable extermination of him. The strategy is to get other beings of nature to do work for him and he had a well-elaborated plan that I call: ‘Covid System’, with this system to be implemented for three years, he would manage to subjugate all humanity, before him. What he did not know is that his former enemies from the Prays world were following in his footsteps and had prepared a trap for him for February 14, when his arrival on the White Island was predicted through the Prays oracle, the mutant crabs led by King CrabRed, He had prepared a welcome that would revolutionize his life. The Genx XPrays, is vision, dream and revelation of the past and some cases according to the omniscient and omnipotent wisdom of the Creator could partially understand the future. For years a citizenship life was formed, since he had parents through artificial insemination and by the molecular DNA technology of Gen XPrays the ability to conform from an embryo, thus any indication of his previous fallen angel nature would be totally covered. In part, the man with his warlike actions helped him to that end. When trying to destroy the cell where he was, he managed to disseminate it in microparticles, which today are a good man, a professional about to start a courtship and soon to marry from then on, no one would stop him from forming an army of humans with the ability regeneration. Let's look at DarkMan's youth stage: ‘the dark man’ now a doctor named: HealDevP, with prestige, financial position and owner of a clinic, a genetic testing and molecular virology laboratory. Previous volumes in the series: - Gen XPrays - 7 Creator Games - BitLove... ---------------------------------------- Reader friend, we take on the challenge of writing up to 50 chapters between March, April and May 2021 and if we receive 50 comments to 50 chapters we will follow a new challenge to 100 chapters.

GenXPrays · Fantasy
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Do we have your support...

"Do you have any recommendations that your experience tells you."

"We were," replied the old doctor, "with people from the Commission for the Prevention and Detention of Covid, and it was precisely there that he proposed to invite you Dr. HealDevP and his expert detector dog: RiverDog, to continue the tests."

—The canine elements, with which we had, are not available for now, due to what, a leak from a Covid sample container, which fell to the carelessness of the assistants and caused the contagion of myself and other colleagues, including nursing staff. —In spite of this, some pets that the patients brought, began to sneeze and cling to their masters, as if fearing something. That gave us the hint to start a Canine Detention protocol.

"Do we have your support, son?"

Note that I never told him this, but I was one of those who supported his application to opt for the rank of scientist, even through my company I endorse his designation. My career is the guarantee you needed to be in the position you are in today.

—I honestly did not know, I am very grateful to you and whatever is necessary in order to achieve recovery of health. Sure to help my faithful RiverDog and myself for what is planned to do. Said Dr. HealDevP.

After that pleasant conversation, the routine doctor-patient function continued. "The priority is: counteract the attack of the Covid to the lungs." It should be avoided that the patient suffers from a lack of oxygen, since placing it in an artificial respiration tube has not had great results, since there is a risk of cardiac arrest.

It is hard to see reality, and even more so when it is your turn to experience it, both doctors had been together for many years ...


It was one afternoon, with a splendid sun, radiant, tall, imposing, scorching, the old doctor ran through the sands of Chimbote beach until sunset; he had recommended great walks and walks in front of the sea; Well, 'the healthy air' of the sea breeze is breathable with certain qualities for health. Contains mineral salts and a mixture of sea compounds.

Suddenly, something was lying in the sand, and the rocking of the waves worked, sometimes dragging the sea or expelling the sand.

"Oh my God!"

-But. Who is this young man !? And what is he doing lying on the beach? I have not heard of the stranding of a ship at sea or near the Islands ...

"Hey, can you get up ?!" Dr. HealDevP got no response.

- (Approaching, he took her pulse and proceeded to measure the rhythm ...)

- he is alive!

- (He took him in his arms and put him in his truck, then: he arrived at his house)

—She began to check: if he had any mortal wound or some broken bone; He did this routine check-up, as if giving first aid… if necessary, he would continue his trip to a nearby medical post or, in extreme cases, to a hospital in the city of Trujillo.

(Keep going…)

—He put him, an antibiotic and something for hypothermia; You could tell that he had been exposed to cold water currents, at times he had chills, he babbled words in French and English, his breathing was slow and his pulse was weak.

After a few hours, and his temperature normalized, he was still clumsy in his speech and due to the low energy he fell asleep again ... when he woke up he still felt disoriented, and when asked his name or where he was from, he did not respond appropriately, as he had a loss of memory.

I hope that he will recover, as he also inquired about news in the local media, and several times he went to the artisanal pier in Chimbote, asking among the fishermen. About some missing person with such descriptions.

"So you don't know your name?"


-And you do not speak Spanish?

—I speak French and English, only

"You don't remember where are you from either?"

—Not only that he lived in the mountains, near a forest ... and he hunted white-tailed deer ...

—That's what I'll find out, where that animal is from and I'll find signs of your home ...

—It's strange, on this coast, there are no such animals: Where is this young man from?

—For now I will solve, give him a name and since I see that he does not have Peruvian origin, I will give him my last name. I will have to adopt it; Well, I could not leave it there ...

This young man was nothing but: Darkman. Charly's father ... the portal moved him to the beach, so that this person could find him. The omniscient Creator wisely pulls his strings.

He turned out to be a highly educated young man, so he had no difficulty studying high school and academia and applying to college, graduating with honors as a physician with a major in infectious and tropical diseases.

Years later, - he had his adoptive father, on a stretcher, hospitalized for Covid - now he must return the favor and give an account of his studies, and more with the experience gained

"My son, I think my time has come."

—How about it, Dad! It's not like that. It will just be a routine checkup. You know that I have treated you with various ills, and I helped you out of all of them. And you have to ue to do your part. Consider that Covid uses the emotional part of the patient, so you must take control of your emotions.

—Also: Dad, we have to start the trip to Canada, because I already found out that the white-tailed deer hails from the Canadian border.

—You will see, that you will soon improve and we will go to know where my origin is from.

—On the other hand, I had a dream, about something that I had with me, when I arrived… Do you know something about it? It is like a papyrus made from the leaves of a tree, which I think I know very well.

"Okay, it's about time I told you and gave you what belongs to you."

—Here is the combination of my safe, you will find it just behind my desk, behind the painting of the Bay of Chimbote; this in the reading room.

"What is it dad?"

- He just go and bring the chest, which I gave you to keep several times ...

"Ah! The one who has no lock or key to open it."

"Well, I'll go and get it." At that very moment.

Previous volumes in the series:

- Gen XPrays

- 7 Creator Games

- BitLove

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