
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · Sci-fi
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53 Chs

Chapter 8: Scheming Ahead

Grand Commander Kapel, someone of higher standing than Proxer, was one who oversaw all departments in the military. He had a stern demeanor, his face alone was sufficient to assert his authority, especially with his thick eyebrows and mustache. Anyone would need immeasurable amount of spunk just to strike a conversation with him, Proxer included.

Angsty, Proxer stiffly turned his head towards Kapel whose look seemed reproachful and revolted. Perhaps the sight of Proxer about to stab the debilitated, unknown creature with a slice in his neck was one completely unanticipated. Well, only Kapel himself knew what was on his own mind. Proxer hastily dropped the blade on the floor and with "clang" noises, Proxer stood with a slight stoop.

Proxer couldn't comprehend why Kapel arrived at such a place. His standing was one thing, but how did he know where to find them? He wondered tentatively, until he saw three familiar figures that were shriveling behind Kapel.

"So this skinny one is the one? While I have some questions about what he actually is, I am going to have to ask you lot first," stated Kapel with an amplified intimidating aura, all soldiers cowered with no exception, especially when Kapel's gaze locked onto them for a brief moment.

"Maladin, you are the one in charge here, but what... is with this chaotic scene, and you were about to stab him, were you not?" Kapel directed his stare at Proxer, who was dropping some cold sweat. While Proxer was fretting about how he should respond, "Well?", Kapel pestered.

"Uh um... so this cr-creature you speak of, refers to himself as Jogrin, and um... as you may know, my comrades and I had a dispute of a... somewhat... large scale. And I believe that is the reason... why you are here..." As Proxer spoke on, his voice became more and more inaudible.

Kapel squinted his eyes and leaned foward.

"Maladin, I cannot hear you when you speak so softly," Kapel expressed his displeasure.

"Ah... what I am saying is..." Proxer was pretty much at his wit's end.

"I can help sum up the occurrences so far," Jogrin nonchalantly chimed in, and all except Kapel was astonished by him.

He got up while bracing his half-healed neck with both his hands, while his long, eye-catching tail aided him in standing up straight.

The room went completely silent for a brief moment, until Jogrin affirmed that he had all the events after he had arrived at Zuta in a chronological order in his mind.

"After I crash landed, I blacked out because a log stabbed right through my chest, and I was sent to a... hospi...tal? Then..." Narrated Jogrin with an earnest look.

"Excuse me, you imbecile, who were not given permission to speak up. I was asking for Maladin's explanation. Besides, I am well aware of all the mayhem you have brought upon the military. Stay silent until you have been allowed to speak. Now, Maladin, answer me honestly," Kapel's tone was a threatening one, which made Proxer and the soldiers present inadvertently straighten their backs and wear and rigid face. It was as though he was oblivious to what kind of tumultuous threat he was talking to.

"Well, my apologies for being ignorant to what hearsay you've already heard of. And I'm aware that you have the authority of ordering these people around, but as someone uninitiated, I'm not one of them. That's why your authority doesn't work on me. Besides, Proxer is clearly apprehensive of you, so it's only rational that I stepped in and explain to you in his place, is there a problem with that?" Jogrin who showed no signs of apprehension rebuked with a monotone, without holding back his words. He didn't mean any hostility, but it sounded otherwise for the listeners who were gobsmacked.

"Hoh? You have the audacity to talk back to me, huh. Leaving your identity aside, do you really think you are in any position to act so willfully, AFTER ALL THE UNTOWARD ANTICS?! Someone uninitiated? You dare say you of all people ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THIS?!" Kapel, who was infuriated, retorted with a voice that reverberated in the room. It was as if the room was shaking from his voice.

His retort was rational too. Though no casualties, Jogrin caused an intense uproar among the soldiers. And even though Proxer almost perished from the besiege due to the soldiers, Jogrin was still the one to blame ultimately.

However, Jogrin wasn't wavered in the slightest sense. He merely lifted his head, took a step forward, and gazed straight at Kapel who was widening his eyes in anger. He wasn't the least bit frightened by Jogrin, the peculiar being.

Toward the imposing Kapel, no hesitation could be seen from either Jogrin's expression or action.

"Is that all you have to say?" A question was asked out of nowhere.

"What?" Not understanding the meaning behind those words, Kapel raised of voice of doubt.

"... 'after all the untoward antics', is what you said, right? In other words, you're already aware of what'd happened back at the hospital. I daresay you know of most, if not all that actually took place. I can tell you're a shrewd person, that's why you mostly likely have some concerns over when they..." In a tone of condescension, Jogrin assertively accused Kapel of his knowledge on said matter, only to be cut off when he was about to reveal an information that incurred the increment in Kapel's fury.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU IMBECILE!! Halt your antics or consequences will come your way!" Kapel abruptly yelled at Jogrin at the top of his voice and of course, his voice reverberated in the room even more than just now. But what he didn't know was that, his face looked different from usual at that very moment.

Yes, he had put on a face of a panicked man, albeit barely noticeable. Those who had a clear look on Kapel's face caught sight of the nuance that was the change in Kapel's expression. He was afraid of something which concerned what Jogrin was about to divulge... And that something was an information that Jogrin refrained from disclosing. He still had such a mindset, yet he still used it as a bait. He'd anticipated Kapel having been informed of the details of the besiege from the 3 soldiers, whose presence he recognized from that very event. To confirm whether Kapel actually had knowledge of the details, Jogrin purposefully provoked Kapel using his "contempt" towards himself and made him had a slip of tongue - "after all the untoward antics". Then, to further test his awareness on the supernatural ability that could tamper with minds, or some kind of power in general being at play, he followed up with his fake interrogation while exerting more pressure with his words, in order to push Kapel to his limit. He gambled with the possibility of the soldiers going wild again as soon as they heard about their minds having been taken over... ostensibly. He wouldn't reveal something that was going to break the soldiers completely. Nonetheless, Jogrin got the result he anticipated right from the start of his interference of the "conversation" between the commanders. His method worked even on someone as imposing as Kapel.

In other words, Kapel has been in the palms of Jogrin this entire time, and he was able to realize that promptly after he stopped Jogrin from speaking further.

However, even with all the crafty foul plays, there was one flaw in them. Doing that only raised Kapel's suspicion of Jogrin being behind the supernatural phenomenon that was the soldiers having lost their minds and having no memory of it occurring at all, and hence intensifying Kapel's contempt towards him. The surprising thing was that, Jogrin actually never even, for one second, put that into consideration, because others' trust in him matters as much as a dust found in the corner of a room.

'He already realized I was testing him. As expected of someone as shrewd as him.' Albeit in a condescending way, Jogrin still internally commended Kapel as he perceived the change of Kapel's emotions, and looked away as if not caring about the current situation at all.

Toward that behavior, Kapel became more peeved. He yearned to throw a fit by grabbing Jogrin by his collar, but refrained from doing so since that would be a behavior unfit for a Grand Commander. He held himself back, but the rage inside him had yet to subside, for he had been manipulated by the instigator of a certain chaos that took place not long ago.

'I've been to complacent and let my guard down and let him know what is on my mind. This guy... He is more than what is shown on the surface... The capability to manipulate even me with words, not to mention... the wound on his neck, it is barely visible now... Just who... what is he?' Having calmed himself down, Kapel raised his guard against Jogrin, who caught wind of it with his "emotion perception". Now, all he had to do was to let whatever took place next to unfold. Ideally, Kapel would 

"Gr...grand Commander Kapel!" The gazes of the bickering dual and the soldiers migrated to Proxer. "I am humbly sorry to interfere, but it was m..."

And yet another interruption was brought about, it came from Jogrin.

"Mr. Maladin, is it? Please don't raise your voice now. Remember how you and your subordinates completely lost control not only back at the hospital, but also just now? You'd better calm your head before you speak," Jogrin made an inexplicable remark while giving Proxer a cold gaze.

Aghast by the cold gaze he witnessed before, Proxer took a step back, not able to mutter a word.

Jogrin probably realized that Proxer was going to blame himself for reminding Jogrin of a traumatic event, which caused his outrage, and for assuming he was perilous, albeit with sound reason. That could be why Jogrin vehemently quelled Proxer to talk further.

However, something more ominously spellbinding was Jogrin's demeanor and how he lied. Why would he act as such? Proxer only tried to stab him after understanding what Jogrin was hinting at. Proxer's dumbfounded expression was conspicuous, but it was slowly mixing in a pondering expression, as he averted his eyes and scowled.

Kapel glanced back and forth between Proxer who was immersed in thoughts and Jogrin who was emanating a freezing aura. Kapel somewhat froze up once Jogrin's callous, light gray eyes were directed at him, though he was able to maintain his composure, and the soldiers didn't catch Kapel flinching slightly.

'What is he thinking this time? It is safe to assume he has another ploy to be executed... But, what is it?' With his guard up, Kapel was immediately under the impression that Jogrin was up to something again.

On the other hand, Proxer didn't notice Kapel's change in emotion, as he was deep in thought. Needless to say, Jogrin's previous actions had left him mystified. Did he misunderstand Jogrin's intentions? Why did he make it as if Proxer had also been inflicted by "mind tampering"? He completely spaced out.

"Hey Mr. Kapel. If you want to talk sense into me, how about I do it to you instead. All you were doing, is getting your subordinates to spill out what happened, ignoring how panicked they are. In other words, you're too fixated on this matter. I may have no experience in leadership, but one should know, to prioritize the needs of their subordinates. If I'm deemed dangerous, shouldn't you be... hmm?" As the normally taciturn Jogrin fired out sentences after sentences, trying to coax Kapel without holding back, he perceived a change in emotion in Proxer, so he raised a dubious voice and turned his head towards Proxer. Though his callousness had left his face, one could still feel the coldness emitted from him.

It was swiftly followed by a gasp from Proxer, then he gritted his teeth in anger, which caught the attention of many, including Kapel. It appeared Proxer concluded something that somehow made him irked.

"Jogrin... How could you do this again? You've already protected me once, and yet you're doing it again..." Proxer muttered woefully while his eyes were on Jogrin who was expressionless. No, Proxer's reaction was completely out of Jogrin's anticipation, as Jogrin displayed a somewhat dumbfounded expression.

"Protect? Maladin, what is the meaning of this? He has protected you before? Tell me in detail, now!" With his voice raised, Kapel pestered for an answer without giving Proxer a rest.

Meanwhile, Jogrin glanced aside at Kapel while letting out a little sigh, seeming to be beset by how Kapel was still being inconsiderate toward his subordinates even after what he'd been told.

Frantic, Proxer gazed shakingly at Jogrin, who also met him in the eyes. His usual inscrutable look was the bane of Proxer at this moment, as he couldn't figure out what Jogrin was thinking. Whether it was when Jogrin confronted Kapel directly in a debate just now, or currently, he had zero idea that Jogrin had been plotting. As for the reason behind...

As for Kapel, he stared dubiously at Proxer with a scowl, impatiently waiting for the latter's response.

Having sensed the stare, Proxer steeled his resolve, and cautiously broke the silence.

"He... he protected me from the bombardment that was... from my comrades, even though... it pained him to an extent that a normal Zutan couldn't live through, he just stood between me and them, opened his arms and defended me. But still, he's receiving such cruel treatment... it's the min... it's the fear that was prompting them to do so, but how could they make such a judgement even after seeing what he did for me, how?!" He protected me, it hurt for him, but..."

At the beginning, Proxer sounded reserved as he was stuttering and trembling, but as he went on, his tone became firmer and he was tightly gripping his own fist with the other hand. His trembling remained, but it seemed to be a different kind of trembling, as his blue eyes were slowly filling with tears. Also, he refrained from revealing the "mind tampering" even when he was struck by "woeful", since the idea itself was ridiculous to any regular Zutan. It was highly astute of him to consider that, even though Kapel might have already had a grasp of the actuality of what unfolded.

On another note, it was bizarre that Proxer was still referring the soldiers as "comrades" after all that happened.

Upon witnessing Proxer's abrupt emotion change, Kapel flinched. He tapped his fingers on his trousers as he blinked more rapidly, while gazing at Proxer after losing his scowl. Jogrin turned his eyes to Kapel as the former seemed to have perceived something from Kapel.

'Hmm... I see... He may be putting this face, but deep down he cares deeply about Proxer...' Such thought arose from Jogrin who was solemnly observing Kapel, his tail remaining drooped.

Being able to grasp what Kapel had knowledge on, as well as his personality, Jogrin understood the circumstance he was stuck in, but it seemed he hadn't come up with a way to resolve this dilemma concerning his involvement with the people of this planet, and this scuffle would continue on as both sides showed no signs of stepping down...

There was also the problem of Proxer siding with him, which could somehow jeopardize the flow of Jogrin's ploys.