
Chapter 1

I've tried to stand out. Pretended to be someone I'm not. I've tried to make friends, study hard, always exceed but it seems that all that work has been put to waste by one button.

As life goes on I've realized the twin sister I've always loved and walked side by side with. Now stands ahead of me and I understand that I'm falling behind in the shadows of the past. 'How? How can she move on and on? Her famous within 2 hours and it still grows?' The thought of falling behind makes my gut turn and my head spin. I'm being left behind and there is nothing I can do no matter how hard I try. Acceptance is what I make my mind think, but there moments where my mind breaks and I lose myself more and more as the days pass. I try to be better to try harder but i can't.

My body shivers and I keep realizing that I cant do anything except look like a annoying, ungrateful, brat in everyone's eyes. I get compared everytime someone finds out I'm a twin and my sister has more fame then average people. All I can do is sit tight and be quite let people decide what they want even if it always ends up me being overlooked and alone.

'So what? What do I do?'

What do I do? Any advice? I feel like I'm suffocating.

Savannah_Vlogscreators' thoughts