
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


"AAAHHHHHH!!!!!" a scream in the dark space, with a razor sound, ready to be cut. A Butcher, a larger Legion, approaches a girl, putting his giant knife on her right hand.

"Melania!!" Max shouted inside the cell, watching his sister tortured by the Butcher.

Her hand slowly slices her arm with her shoulder. Her scream traumatized a whole hostage in the cell, as her blood sprayed all over the place. Then, the Butcher chops like a hammer, splitting her right arm from her body. Melania's eye rolls up, and her blood sprays out.

Max, however, tries to free himself to save her but with a needle in his back neck, sucking his blood and transferring it to Melania and she's too. As the others have the same method as both of them until they are dried out the cause of low-quality hose. "Cut his head!!" a Legion requested. So the butcher took a man as they requested. The man screams for help, begging for his life spared. His eyes open widely, and his legs struggle.

After that, the butcher carves his head with his serrated knife. The man's skin peeled and the blood spread wildly.

As Melania stares at him, her body vibrates. Her face goes emotionless as she can't handle the striking pain.

"Is she still alive?" a Legion said.

As she kept breathing rapidly, the Legion told the butcher to cut her neck. Melania looked at Max with tears in her eyes. Max was helpless and hopeless in saving her. Max shrieks loudly, pulling the chain around his hands and neck.

Instantaneously, as the Butcher was about to cut her neck, 10 bullets ricocheted its armor. It turns its head back and searches for it, and finds Tomioka with blood around his body, which is the Legion's blood. "That takes 10 minutes to get you here," Tomioka said.

Tomioka sprints forward, wielding a Legion's ornate sword, and swings as he kills the Legion. Soon, he climbs on the Butcher and cut its head off, and said, "Moegara no tame ni dantō suru,"



"F*ck you, Elyssa,"

"Pfft, care for only family, not dignity,"

"My family is my dignity,"

"Yeah right, Miss Lisa,"

Elyssa and Lisa talk to themselves in one body, making Amelia, Mika, and Hinata curious about Lisa's condition. "Ahh, stop STOP!!" Hinata shouts at Mika as she recovers Hinata's genitalia. She grabs and pulls Mika's hair, almost making her lose focus on healing Hinata.

"Calm down, Hinata. It didn't take that long," said Amelia. After that, Hinata grabs her sister's arm and bites like a wolf. Amelia covers her pain by petting Hinata's head slowly. Soon, Satoshi goes to Amelia. "I'm okay..."

Then, Satoshi rubs Amelia's arm which gets bitten, and the pain slowly fades. At the same time, he rubs Hinata's hair, and she becomes calmer a bit. "Where's Akira?" said Mika.

He shrugs as he doesn't know where Akira does. While he's thinking, Satoshi walks into Lisa(s) to know if she has any idea where's Akira. He asked her with his usual sign lingo. "He sometimes meditates for a while. We didn't know why, yet he always sits in the narrow space dark. You'll find him easily."

"(Sign Language ) How easy is that?"

"If he gains the trust of someone, his body glows like fire. If he doesn't, a ringing sound will increase. The louder the more distance you are."


With a screeching sound, torture chains burn Brandr's whole body. "Forgive me, Lord Takeru!!" he begged.

In the dark void, millions of tentacles lurk on the walls covered in blood. "Daring to touch my own daughters," Takeru resentfully spoke.

"But, I adore your creation. You created Elyssa,"

"She's naturally developed her, by herself. Not myself," Takeru squeezed Brandr with his cursed chains.

"I promise, I'll never touch them except Akira, your brother,"

"If you're, then repent your soul," Takeru said, and after that, he pulls Brandr's d*ck, making him scream in sufferers. And then, he keels over.

"Mein Elden, Tomioka escaped." said The Wendigo.

"Well, let's see who finds me first,"


The voice of a beautiful girl, called Akira three times, as Akira meditates. As Satoshi finds him, he claps his hand to wake him up. Then Akira opens his red scarlet eyes gradually and stares at the Basket man. "What?" he said.

"Mika was searching for you," he said in sign jargon.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came not far from them. Akira continues to meditate by closing his eyes again. Satoshi went upset with Akira and decided to pull his scabbard with his sword in it. He walks slowly to the footsteps, and then a few Legions attack. It didn't make any sound. All Silent strike. Blood splash, dying sound, just not even a single metal sound.

As Akira opens his eyes, Satoshi sits in front of him with blood all over his body. His breath was heavy. "Calm, Komuso-san. Do not embrace any fire upon your spirit. Let it fade." he said. Finally, Satoshi takes a deep inhale and exhales.

"What's going on?" Amelia said as she arrives. She stuns as she saw Satoshi's true face as he puts down his basket. His side hairstyle with a bit of line. His look is also in his 20s. His hazel eyes slowly beat her heart. "Pa...mama is calling you," she stuttered.

"What's wrong?" Akira said.


Not far from Akira, Lisa, and Max Melania hugged each other as they found at last. The most emotional is Melania since she lost her arm and the pain is still there. The twin is led by Tomioka who save them from death.

Furthermore, Akira, Satoshi, and Amelia show up. Tomioka stares at Akira and he does too. Everything went intense as both of the cousins meets each other. Then, they approach themselves face to face. "Your daughter Hinata," Tomioka said.

"She's still pure even though she's lost her virginity," Akira said.

"And your wife?"

"Split," Akira said, suddenly Lisa strangled Tomioka.

"LISA!!!" Melania shout.

"She's not Lisa. That's Elyssa, an entity in Lisa's self-consciousness."

"How about your wife?!" Tomioka said while getting in a chokehold.

Longer Akira paused then he said, "She is still mine, and Takeru has no idea what I've done to her."