
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasy
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41 Chs


A fight between three corners, a battle to get the power from the offering, left Tenebris (Akira), Elayara (Lisa/Elyssa) and Mikael halted their chaos. They stared at each other menacingly. "Long time no see, Chue..." Akira said.

"I wished that time we had saved everyone, agree?" Mikael said, drenched with blood around his body. He slightly pinched a dead little girl's tooth and threw it at Akira it turned into an ornament armored legion that instantly attacked him, and soon Lisa killed it with just a swing of kick, turning it into dust. 

"Next time, avoid that attack, assh*le," she said and attempted to stab Akira.

"If you could only tell me that," he said while holding her hands as she attacked him. 

As Satoshi found them with heavy breath, Mikael immediately chanted his mantra as he saw Satoshi. Satoshi accidentally listened to it, the earth began to break in half, and half of the population fell, swallowed by the earth and finally, it merged once more, including Satoshi.


After carrying Amelia like a bride, Satoshi searches for a secure spot where legions can't find or harm her. Once he finds it, he places her there and asks Aurora to keep an eye on her. Satoshi then heads back to assist others in need. Despite agreeing to watch over Amelia, Aurora still doubts her human sister's condition. "Her heart is about to give out," Satoshi says, gazing at Amelia. Even though he wants to leave Amelia with Aurora, he knows that she isn't qualified to treat her.

Then as he realized that he was back where he should have been after death, he felt something intimidating around his area. An entity from afar, witnessing the trio fight each other. "Satoshi..." Amelia said softly, with her eyes developed a heart-shaped. "Where are you going?"

He signed his gesture to Amelia and soon headed to the entity he saw. As he arrived, he saw him holding a book, holding the power to manipulate everything for someone who wished. "Finally, you have to acknowledge Mikael's manipulation easily," he said. As the entity stared at Satoshi, suddenly he felt something on his tongue. Satoshi grows back, and then he talks for the first time with his own tongue.

"I'm Z," he said.

"What is that on your hand?" Satoshi said. 

"This book? This shouldn't be given to anyone who is not competent," Z said. "This is a book which Akira's brother hunting for, a book of Diary of Jane, a reverend of Sleep,"

"A diary?"

"Not an ordinary Diary, it's a cultivated book, of which the rightful person will understand,"

As Satoshi looks at the book, it speaks in a foreign language. "I know dear...I know..." Z replied. 

"What did it say?"

"You heard?" Z said. "Takeru is around here,"

Satoshi's body suddenly begins to tremble. "Why...why did he do here?"

He stares at the specific area while smiling. "Would you hold my book for a second..." Z gave Satoshi the book and jumped off the building. As Satoshi is about to help him but he dies. 

He had no idea what to do with the diary until Satoshi heard whispers from Takeru nearby. He quickly goes back below. Now he's not safe from every side he goes.


"Hey, any signs from Satoshi?" Emilia said.

"Nope," said Aiko. 

The remainder goes to the other place safe for them to rest after all the conflict they got through. Hanna lays on Mika's as she is in trauma after the event. 

Then the sound of the bushes coming towards them. Hinata and Emilia are on guard. Soon it was Melania and Max. "GUYS!!" Hinata immediately goes to them joyfully and is relieved that they are still alive. She almost cried that she could lose another sibling. "Where have you guys been!!??"

Melania and Max calm Hinata in tears, telling her that they are all right.

"Melania... What's wrong with your hair? And your eyes?" said Emilia.

"I also don't know why," she said. Even Max also has identical red fade and white hair. "Hey, do you guys see Akira?"

"Papa? We don't see him yet," said Hanna.

Melania's face suddenly turned pale as she knew everything in life would turn upside down. "We better find him," said Max.

"Why?" said Mika. "Is it necessary? I mean he never cared about us,"

"I have a feeling that you are important to him," he said. Max knew from the cage they got abducted. He saw Akira stare at Mika calmly. And as that, Max thinks that Mika might resemble someone.

Mika has no idea what Max is trying to say. "I heard Akira used to have a sister,"

After that, Max got triggered by her words. He saw a figure in his vision that might be similar to Mika's appearance. As he pulled Mika's hair without her consent quickly chanted it and the hair burned. And the burning gets bigger, developed an entity, that resembles Mika.

"Who's that?" Mika said.

As Max compared both of them, he soon looked at Mika and told her, "That was Aiko Itto, one of The Children of Cinder, Akira's late sister,"

Then Mika keeps watching Aiko for a while like there is a connection to her. "Why does she look like my mother," she said. As she took out a picture of her mother, she began to cry. "Mother?" she stares at the entity again, and she begins to get closer to it. "Is it really true? My mom is one of the Cinder?"

"Well, I don't know. But, surprisingly, you are one of us," said Emilia.

Hinata walks towards Mika and scans her body to see any sign of Cinders. As she found, it was a star sign just on her back neck. Then, she heard that Mika kept saying the same chant that Amelia and Akira would say repeatedly. "Alirion". As she finished scanning her, Hinata stared at her, and said, "Harmonia,"

"Harmonia..." Mika said.

Then, Hinata immediately hugs Mika as a sign of foundation of hope.