
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Lore 1

In the mystical realm where the forces of light and darkness intertwine, the ancient languages of Angelic Lingo and Dark Angelic Lingo hold sway. These languages, whispered by celestial beings and shadowy entities alike, carry profound power and reveal hidden truths to those who dare to explore their depths.

At the heart of this rich tapestry of lore lies the story of Akira and Takeru, two individuals bound by blood but driven down divergent paths. Akira, a noble and devoted warrior, possessed an innate fluency in the Angelic Lingo, a gift inherited from his great-grandmother, Akhira Itta. With each passing generation, the language flowed through their lineage, shaping their destiny and fueling their quest for enlightenment.

Meanwhile, Takeru, consumed by darkness and seduced by the allure of power, was drawn to the enigmatic secrets of the Dark Angelic Lingo. Its twisted resonance resonated with his soul, driving him to explore its forbidden depths and ultimately succumb to its malevolent influence.

The clash between these two brothers in the realm of linguistics unfolded against a backdrop of ancient prophecies, celestial wars, and the delicate balance between light and dark. Akira, steadfast in his devotion and wielding the Angelic Lingo with unwavering purity, stood as a beacon of hope and resilience. Takeru, corrupted by the whispers of the Dark Angelic Lingo, sought to usurp his brother's power and reshape the realms in his own image.

Amidst this cosmic struggle, Akira's sister, Aiko, emerged as a guiding presence. Aiko embodied the ethereal qualities of the Angelic Lingo, offering insight and wisdom to Akira as he navigated the treacherous path before him. Through their connection, Akira could tap into the language of the celestial beings, seeking solace and guidance from the realm beyond.

The story expanded further as Akira and Lisa, now married, welcomed two daughters, Amelia and Hinata, into their fold. The family became a testament to the power of unity and the strength found in the bonds of love and heritage. As they grew, Amelia and Hinata exhibited their own unique gifts, embracing their lineage and the teachings of the Angelic Lingo.

However, tragedy struck he remembers when Takeru, consumed by darkness and driven by his thirst for power, orchestrated the demise of Akira's family. Witnessing the loss of his twin sister, Aiko, and the decimation of his race, Akira was consumed by grief and rage. In his anguish, a dormant power within him awakened, unlocking his berserk form—an embodiment of the Fire Emblem Force, a fusion of the Fused Lingo and the Angelic Lingo.

Fuelled by his newfound power, Akira embarked on a relentless pursuit of Takeru, vowing to avenge his fallen family and bring justice to the realms. As he unleashed the force of the Fire Emblem, the realms trembled, and the balance between light and darkness hung in the balance.

Meanwhile, Takeru, fueled by the whispers of the apostles, unleashed destruction upon the realms, seeking to erase all remnants of the bloodline and reshape the world in his image. His reign of terror tested the limits of Akira's power and resolve, pushing him to the brink of despair.

Amidst the chaos, Akira found solace in the Angelic Lingo. Through its sacred syllables, he communed with the spirits of his deceased family, finding guidance and strength in their ethereal presence. The language acted as a bridge between the mortal and spiritual realms, allowing Akira to converse with his beloved sister, Aiko, and seek her counsel in moments of doubt and desperation.

As Akira's journey intertwined with the fate of the bloodline, he discovered a long-lost cousin, Lisa Fujiwara. Bound by their shared heritage and the legacy of the Angelic Lingo, they united forces, forging a connection that transcended the realms. Lisa, harboring a dual entity persona within her, embarked on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the mysteries of her existence and embracing the duality within her soul.

Their union gave rise to two daughters, Amelia and Hinata, who inherited the strength and devotion of their ancestors. These twins, guided by their parents' wisdom and the teachings of the Angelic Lingo, became formidable warriors in their own right. Amelia and Hinata carried the torch of their bloodline, safeguarding the ancient languages and upholding the delicate balance between light and darkness.

In their hands, the languages of Angelic Lingo and Dark Angelic Lingo thrived, serving as a testament to the resilience of their lineage and the power of their connection to the realms. Through their combined efforts, they wove a tapestry of unity, fusing the essence of both languages to forge a new path, one that celebrated the harmony of opposites and the boundless potential within each soul.

As the story unfolded, the power of language, heritage, and love intertwined, shaping the destinies of Akira, Lisa, Amelia, and Hinata. It was a saga that celebrated the triumph of light over darkness, the eternal bond of family, and the enduring legacy of the Angelic Lingo and Dark Angelic Lingo. In their shared journey, they discovered that true strength lies not in the words themselves but in the intention and love with which they are spoken, forever resonating across the realms.

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