
Darker Shades of Grey

Follow the story of a man who finds himself waking up in a strange room not remembering anything about himself and not knowing where and how he got there. Read as he tries to regain his memories and the people he meets along the way. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A story that will leave you wondering.

dutsis · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I ran, ran, and kept running. I don't know for how long I ran but I ran until my legs could run no more.

eventually, I fainted from exhaustion...

"Come here honey" I hear the voice of a woman

' I think she is talking to me' I thought as I see my body turn in the direction of the voice

I seem to move without hesitation toward this woman

'I can't control my body. I think this is a memory.'

This woman looked quite tall and was wearing a simple yellow dress and when I tried taking a closer look at her face, I was surprised. I could not see it. It looked like a black mist shrouded her face. It felt ... Like I could not remember her face.

I start moving closer and closer to the woman, but something stopped me...

BANG! I hear a loud sound coming from behind this woman suddenly the woman in front of me fell to the ground.

Then I hear screams...

I couldn't tell whether they were my screams or the screams of other people, but before anything else could happen, I woke up.

When I open my eyes I am greeted by a lush, green forest.

the place where I had fainted looked quite plain and level compared to the surrounding forest.

surrounding me were these creatures; let's call them furballs.

They looked like white furballs that had two soules eyes, a pair of legs, and covered in a faint blue aura.

As I rub my hands on my eyes I notice more peculiar things all around me as I could I could see... Dust? I questioned myself because it seemed to look like dust.

But then I remembered that this is a forest and there should be no dust here as I am pretty sure I am the only human in this forest.

These particles had the size of dust particles but were of a pale white color.

They also seemed to concentrate on some specific areas.

I saw a lot of them surrounding me and the little furballs.

I also saw some mixed in the dirt, within the water, and surrounding the trees. What's most peculiar about these particles is that I could not touch them or interact with them. I tried reaching out and seeing if I could move or interact with these particles but to no avail.

'It seems I can only look at these particles. I don't think I can manipulate them in any way, I think they are immutable I thought as I gathered the strength to get up from where I was laying down.

'Now that I escaped I have new objectives.'

'First I have to get food, water, and shelter for today'

'Then I need to find a way out. Althou I don't know how long I am going to stay in this forest. I want to make sure I make the best move before deciding if civilization would be better.' As I was about to start looking around for something to eat I hear a loud sound.


All the little furballs around me seemed to get agitated and hid.

Some hid under tree branches, behind bushes or below leaves.

I followed suit and hid behind a giant tree that was some distance to my to my left.

Suddenly and without much warning I see a beast smashing down on the ground where I was just laying down minutes ago.

'What a timing, I wonder what would have happened If I dint wake up when I woke up. Would I have died?' I thought as I took a closer look at the beast half buried in the dirt.

This beast looked quite small. It looked to be about the size of a half-grown adult, had husks protruding from its mouth and had four legs. It looked like a more evolved version of a wild boar.

approaching the area where the boar-like beast was, a tiger-like beast slowly emerged from the shadows of the forest. the difference between this beast and a regular tiger where the giant teeth that protruded out of its mouth the overly muscular legs and the size.

this creature was almost twice the size of the boar-like beast.

The tiger-like creature then took a look at its prey, then opened its mouth, and gave an ear-deafening roar. Following this roar, the tiger-like beast did something strange.

The white particles that I thought to be immutable turned out to be reacting to whatever the tiger was doing. Almost like the particles were listening to the tiger.

Then I saw the particles get more and more agitated and more concentrated around the mouth of the tiger-like beast.

BOOOOM! I hear a loud booming sound following what looked like a long white beam that shot from the tigers mouth. This attack looked powerful enough to cut any tree in this forest like butter.

One would think that this attack was powerful enough to annihilate the boar-like creature, but surprisingly the creature was alive only barely. Most likely due to its above-standard physique. The boar-like beast used the white particles in a different manner than the tiger beast. Compared to the tiger-like beast. This time I saw the white particles surrounding the dirt around the boar get agitated and these particles were grabbing onto the dirt and moving it. This seemed to be creating a dirt barrier to protect the boar-like beast. But alas all its efforts were in vain.

Before the boar-like beast could even finish the dirt barrier, the tiger beast leaped in the air toward the boar beast. It landed like a torpedo on the ground and ripped the head of the boar apart with its ginormous teeth. Blood was spraying everywhere from the boar-like beast.

'Poor beast' I thought, as I saw the tiger beast take its food away from the battleground. Heading east of my position.

'I think it's taking the boar to its hideout. Mental note not to go anywhere in that direction.'

After some time I get out of my hiding spot and begin to think.

' A lot of stuff happened quickly. The first thing I found out from this fight is that the white particles seem to alter the world around them, and if agitated they can cause destruction.'

'It also seems that my theory beforehand about the white particles being immutable was wrong. As I just saw these particles move with the intent of their masters. In this case, it was the boar and the tiger beast.'

'That means they can be controlled! That's awesome! This means if I figure out how to control these particles as the boar and tiger beasts did, I would have the means to defend myself from most incoming threats.' As my thoughts rage in my head, I start stepping away from the blodied battleground as I knew the smell of blood was going to attract more beasts.

I leave the flat ground where I woke up and start venturing west. Opposite of where the tiger beast had gone.

Eventually, after a long and arduous walk, I arrived near a mountain range. Where I found a river and next to it was a little cave. With enough space for me to safely sleep at night.


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