
Darker Days to Come

A/N: I apologize for not dropping anything in so long. I had gotten Covid back in June and there were serious complications and I almost died. I’d like to start dropping chapters again. I still don’t know when that will be. It started in his village and spread throughout the kingdom, and eventually the entire world. Malformed creatures known as Demons begin to spawn in our protagonist James’s village. What is the cause of this, and can it even be stopped? Follow James on a adventure as he discovers secrets, plots, and magic abilities like no other. As the once most talentless person becomes someone both fear and revered. A/N: the cover is not mine. If you are the owner of said cover and would like me to remove it, please let me know. Sorry if chapters might be dropped at a staggered rate, I am working a full time job.

Gilgamesh_21 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Crimson Eyes

'I have to do this, if I don't we'll both die! But how, how do I use magic?' James thought to himself, trying to figure out how to wield magic like he did three years ago.

He figured his best chance of using magic was to get as angry as he did when he first used it. James thought, what if I die right now. It'd be my own fault. I haven't even done anything with my life. But Drake… I can't let my little brother die!

A surge of magical energy took over James's body, his eyes began to change crimson red. Without a doubt he knew he had activated his magic. In one swift moment, James appeared next to the first deformed wolf. With his right leg almost curled to his back, James swung his leg forward so fast it and with so much force. When James's leg made contact with the wolf, the sound on bones cracking and a whimpering cry of pain from the wolf could be heard. Awestruck, Drake could not believe what he saw or rather what he didn't see. James moved faster than anything the human eye could follow.

In an instant he killed the first wolf. The second wolf was now aware of the James. It lunged towards him from a distance no mere wolf could under normal circumstances. As if time was just slowed for James, he simply side stepped and moved out of the way of the lunge. He then punched the wolf in midair, right where his heart should be and it was dead in an instant. Drake was about celebrate when James turned and faced him, eyes still crimson red.

Drake sensed that there was bloodlust coming from James even though he had never experienced anything like that before.

"Are you alright James?" Drake got no response from James, so he began backing away slowly from him. Before he could even blink, James from right in front his face. James readied his fist, "James stop!" Finally, as James was about to punch Drake, his eyes cleared and he was once again in control of his actions. "Drake, I'm sorry. This power that I have, I don't think I can control it so I should avoid using it again until I get some training. It's almost as if the only thing I want to do is kill everything in site." Drake looked both petrified and awestruck at the same time, "I agree James. That was pretty amazing I must admit. I won't be outdone by you for long." James gave him a slight smile of acknowledgment. Drake almost always knew what to say to cheer James up.

"Well here comes the sun now, if we head out now we should still be able to make it to the capital with daylight to spare James. Alright then, let's get going. The sooner we get there the better. Who knows what else might be lying in wait out here for us, and my magic can't be an option for us again right now."

The two brothers gathered themselves and continued there journey to the capital with renewed haste. They feared what else they might run into, even though they both did not have much energy due to not eating the prior day. Unbeknownst to them and the people of the country they were in, something truly sinister was brewing that no one could ever had hoped to prepare for.

I know this and most chapters have been fairly short. I do plan to increase the length of the following chapters. Bare with me please.

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