
Darkened Daylight [MOVED]

[I died more than once, but I never reached heaven. Nor did I reach hell. Who is tampering with my destiny? Everytime I die, I am reborn elsewhere. Even then, I remained second to none. Just who is reincarnating me?] ... "We finally meet, young lad!" "!!!!" The sudden voice that altered the turn of events made Adrona spellbound. "No need to be afraid my dear young lad. Cause you are now about to inherit 'Darkened Daylight', a power that is feared by both life and afterlife!" ... Adrona was freed from his misfortune by the 'Dark Reigner' who is known to be an origin entity and thus began his new journey in succeeding the 'Darkened Daylight', a power that reigns over the abyss. ____________________ NOTICE ____________________ Disclaimer: Dear readers, this is to inform all of you that Darkened Daylight has entered into paid mode. There this book will be available only upto chapter 36. __________ To read furthermore, please click onto the link given below: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkened-daylight_24153502106613305

ArtDisk · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The Beginning (5)

"Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgghhh... !"


I fell unconscious on the ground and woke up after a few seconds. It was the same as waking up from a nightmare.

"Huaak... Haah... Haah... Haah... Haah... Phew, that was one hell of a drill... Please, warn me before you do something like that next time!", I said out of response. I was still lying on the ground. The dark reigner stood silent for a few seconds. I got a hunch.

[;;;;... Please, don't tell me that we are still in the first drill. I don't want go through that hellish experience again.]

"What are you relaxing for? We are still not done. There is still so much to do!", said the dark reigner with a serious expression. I held my agony.

[Please, kill me. This drill is no different from hell.]

I sat back on the rock and began to meditate as usual. The dark reigner placed his palm on my back again. I began to cry on the inside.


The dark reigner began to make changes in my body. I started to feel painful again. But, it was bearable upto a certain level. I still felt the pain, "Kugh... Argh... !"

The same process continued for a few minutes. As the time ticked forward, I was slowly getting used to the pain. Afterward, there was no pain at all. But the dark reigner's hand was still on my back.

[I can notice that he is still making changes in my body. Now that I got used to the pain, I am feeling ticklish on the inside.]


Few moments later, the dark reigner removed his hand off my back. I still remained meditating. The dark reigner told me, "You may relax now. The first part of the drill is over!"

I slowly opened my eyes and stood on the ground. My clothes were so tight.


My body underwent bizarre changes. I noticed myself being a few inches taller than my former self. My muscles were shredded and became visible on the outside through my clothes. Although, they weren't as bulky and thick as that of a bodybuilder's.

[Through my third life, I realised that having thick muscles would put you in a disadvantage when you are in a crisis. I don't like having thick muscles. They would just limit my movements and speed.]

The top layer of my skin was completely filled with black coloured sweat. I stank completely and I myself have been unable to bear that smell.

"Cough, cough... Mr.Madrona, I think I need to take a shower!", I said.

The dark reigner rised his right palm, pointed his index finger towards me and snapped his fingers.


The stinky odour on my skin got vaporized and my clothes blew into bits. But the bits turned into dark coloured leaves within the instant they left my skin. They were glowing in white flames that were wrapped around every leaf. And, I found myself in a new costume. The costume was completely black. It was a zip-up hoodie with an armour lurking on the insides. It didn't have any kind of elastic on the wrist side or on side of the hip. It was like a body suit. However, the part of the hoodie at my waist was lose. It was waving as per the wind. My lower body was occupied by a black pant and black coloured ankle shoes. I checked the new dresscode by flexing out my muscles. The cloth was flexible and I felt very comfortable in it.

Dark reigner said, "I purged away all the impurities on your skin and made a new suit for you as per your liking!"

[So, that black sweat was a pile of impurity lurking inside me. No wonder I changed so much after my body was cleansed inside out.

But, what is this? The whole sky is black yet bright and the sunlight is dim. It looks like nightfall. What is going on?]

My vision heightened a hundred fold. I was able to see the blue nature even beyond ten meters. Dark reigner spoke, "You must be wondering why you are able to see everything clearly. You should have a look at yourself!"


A mirror appeared right before me. I looked at my reflection.


[What... What is happening? Why are my eyes black and red?]

My eyes were like that of a devil. The white layer turned black and the pupil and iris that are at the centre of the eye turned crimson-red. I gasped in shock. I looked scarier than my'Demon-god'self but with no horns. But, my eye structure was the same. When I was a demon god, the centre part of my eyes was vertical like that of a wild beast.


I snapped out of the shock and looked towards the dark reigner who congratulated me just then. I didn't get why he did that. I asked, "Mr.Madrona, why did you congratulate me just now?"

He replied, "Cause you have achieved an abyss core and became an infinito!"


[Huh? I became an infinito? Just like that?

I thought I should go on an adventure inorder to achieve that.]

He said, "You are a vessel for Darkened Daylight. So, there is no need to go through any kind of trouble. And no soul can enter into the absolute abyss and become an infinito simply. Unless, their fate is twisted like I said on that day!"

I interrupted, "Yeah, I get that much. But, what will happen if I go back to my homeland with these eyes?"

Dark reigner replied, "You can change them after achieving the authority to 'shape shift'!"

[Shape shifting, huh? That sounds good.]

"But, doesn't that mean I should wait in the absolute abyss until I achieve the 'shape shift' authority?", I questioned.

The dark reigner smiled and said, "Yes!"

I sighed. He then walked past a blue tree. I had nothing to do but follow him. I walked past the tree. I saw the dark reigner shape shift into the old man of the previous day. His eyes were also black and red. Previously, in the soul dimension his eyes were emanating crimson flames slightly even when he was in his human form. But now, the black and red eyes surprised me.

[Guess, I can see them in detail because of my new eyes. I can see through the dark very clearly. Before, I used to feel uncomfortable in the dark. Now, I am enjoying the dark. Never would I have thought that darkness would be so beautiful. But it would be even more amazing if there was a light in this darkness.]

"Presently, it is night here!", said the dark reigner.

I attempted, "Huh? Then what about the white sun- I mean the star on the sky I saw earlier?"

He replied, "Brightness is darkness and darkness is brightness in the absolute abyss!"


[So, that's how things work. The sun is a satellite and the moon is a star. Then that means, right now I am looking at a moon and not a sun, huh?]

"You are right!", said the dark reigner.

I chuckled at him for reading my mind as always. We continued to walk towards the woods nearby. As we walked deep into the woods, I noticed many unusual things. On our way, I saw river streams that were black. From afar, it would look like a drainage water. But by having the eyes of an infinito, the black river stream looked beautiful. The water was transparent on the top and weird fishes were brimming inside it. I became puzzled and looked at the dark reigner.

"The water in the absolute abyss resonates black whereas in realm of living, it is blue. Everything would be visible from the inside but when you look at a faraway distance in the water, it would become black. In the afterlife, the colour of water resonates red!", said the dark reigner in response to my doubt.

[In my homeland, the colour of water and the colour of the sky are blue in common. Here also, the colour of sky and water are common in each realm's own perspective.]

I didn't care about the weird creatures since I am going to study a whole skyscraper like cupboard of bookshelves.

[I couldn't care less about those weird creatures since I have to comprehend a huge skyscraper. I wonder how many years it would take me to comprehend all that knowledge.]

"Then what about the colour of poop!", I asked out of curiosity.

He said, ";;;;... That depends on the kind of food a person eats!"

The dark reigner increased his walking pace and I too did the same.


He then brought me back to the bookshelf dimension via portal within split seconds. I wasn't able to notice it. He said while smiling, "It's time to begin the second part of your first drill!"

[I am getting a bad feeling due to that smile.]

He said, "Let us first revise what we in the first part of the drill!"

I responded, "Sure, why not?!"

He continued, "Then let us begin right now!"


I noticed myself in a small room with a table and a chair. The table was white with black and gold design on the top. The chair was completely white. There were more than a hundred books on the table. Each book was thick and the thickness exceeded two inches. My mouth was opened due to utter disbelief. The dark reigner looked at me and said while smirking, "Go and sit on the chair. Cause 'I' will personally overlook your studies from now onwards... !"


[I am going to die. There's no doubt about it.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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