
Darkened Daylight [MOVED]

[I died more than once, but I never reached heaven. Nor did I reach hell. Who is tampering with my destiny? Everytime I die, I am reborn elsewhere. Even then, I remained second to none. Just who is reincarnating me?] ... "We finally meet, young lad!" "!!!!" The sudden voice that altered the turn of events made Adrona spellbound. "No need to be afraid my dear young lad. Cause you are now about to inherit 'Darkened Daylight', a power that is feared by both life and afterlife!" ... Adrona was freed from his misfortune by the 'Dark Reigner' who is known to be an origin entity and thus began his new journey in succeeding the 'Darkened Daylight', a power that reigns over the abyss. ____________________ NOTICE ____________________ Disclaimer: Dear readers, this is to inform all of you that Darkened Daylight has entered into paid mode. There this book will be available only upto chapter 36. __________ To read furthermore, please click onto the link given below: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkened-daylight_24153502106613305

ArtDisk · Fantasy
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37 Chs


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Name: Raymen Admiron

Age: 50,000,000,001,098

Martial prowess: god

Innate trait: whip sword deity

telekinetic god of weapons

multiple wielding wargod

Weapon: hailiyon's sword whip(x2)

Level: mythical

Stats: strength_1,000,074



confidence_889,721 |


[How can a person of the darkened violet flames stage still be under the wings of those mutant asymmetrons?]

I didn't know how to approach the situation. Presently, every single infinito who is dwelling in zooviya were of the darkened yellow flames stage. But, I still met an abnormal who was in the highest stage of the darkened flames.

[This ancient deity can not be underestimated. I must use all the dark power that I accumulated until now.

Right now, all that I have is just my brute force and sheer power. Since he is a wargod, my sheerness won't effect him. He would probably dodge all my attacks.]


The deity, Raymen Admiron took a step forward and spoke, "Young one, you are quite strong. Your power is on par with my own. But there is something that this god wants to know!"

I replied, "Sure, you may ask upto your heart's fill!"

"What is your relationship with the king of gods?!", he questioned.

I responded with a calm composure, "Nothing of the sort. Why do you ask?!"

He asked again, "Don't try to trick me, young lad. I can feel the essence of my lord within you. What is your relationship with the 'dark reigner'... !"


[So, this guy was referring to his previous lord and not the present ones.]

"I know what you are thinking. But right now, I am being forced to follow the orders of the dark crevasses!", he said.

"Forced? Are you telling me you were in their clutches for fifty trillion years? Don't expect me to believe that nonsense!!", I said out of anger.

Raymen spoke, "Fine, if you defeat me, I will tell you everything that happened in the last fifty trillion years!"

I responded, "If you phrase it like that, then I have nothing to lose!"


I stepped onto the ground. The demigods were nowhere to be seen in the vicinity. It made me a bit puzzled.

"You don't need to worry about those demigods. Presently, they are residing inside my consciousness, providing me their powers!", said the ancient deity, Raymen Admiron.

I doubted, "Huuuh... ? But they spouted something like harmonization of whatnot. How did that summon you?!"

He replied, "Their innate traits were originated from three of my innate traits. In coalition to that, when they combine their innate trait, it would open a gateway to me from the other side!"

[Damn it. Is the system way too advanced or is it the mutant asymmetrons and crooks who came up with such a cheat. Back when I was the demon god, I too used resurrection magic. This man died fifty trillion years ago. How the hell did his soul remain in the afterlife until now. It must have faded long ago.]

"I know you are having a lot of doubts. You can clear them after you defeat... 'That is, if you manage to defeat me'... !", he said it with a common smile.

"Okay, deity gramps... Bring it on!", I said.


Without even an ounce of notice, Raymen caught me off-guard and hit me on my spine. It sent me flying towards a thousand meters altitude above the ground. He just punched me using his bare fists. I felt a slight pain on my back.

[This guy is just like the anime characters. Appearing soft and then displaying their true powers all of a sudden is their speciality. I must get serious.

Until now, I was just using my power for pressuring and single-striking my foes. Now that I have the authority to 'rule over everything', I can imply all my demon god experience in this battle.]

I then closed my eyes to revise all my past life experiences.


{150,000 years ago, in the realm of living, in a planet called 'Atlantisis'}


The foot of a huge dragon with four horns and an extra eye on it's forehead crushed the trees beneath it's foot. It's scales were dark red and it contained four wings.


It's cries filled the whole battle arena. There were many dead bodies piled up near the vicinity. The tree branches and leaves were filled with corpses and blood. The dragon's eyes were black and red in colour.

One of the soldiers who were under the bushes in that vicinity said, "This demonic dragon is far more sinister than any ordinary dragons. Unlike dragons, physical attacks are of no use in it's case. What's more is that it's controlling both demonic and divine energies. Although, it's demonic energy is more outstanding than it's divine energy!"

"Our demon lord is also dead. Now, all we can do is wait for our almighty demon god to descend upon us and receive his great salvation!", said another female sordier who was hiding beside him.

There was also a third person hiding with them. He responded, "The last time the almighty demon god descended upon our lands was to grant our demon lord a boon. Thanks to that boon, we were able to hold our ground against the angels!"


The demonic dragon took another step on the other side henceforth crushing the trees and debris.

He then continued, "But, before the day of this battle, the demon lord said to all of us to not fear since our god told that he would assist us in subduing this demonic dragon. So, why is our god still not here?"

The female sordier said, "Don't you know? Right now, in the deity realms, there is a huge war. Our almighty demon god is battling against those divine gods who are far more superior to this dragon!"


The demonic dragon's foot landed near them. All of a sudden, the ground crumbled and the impact of the foot landing blew-out a huge wind. They fell out of the bushes. The female demon was the first one to get up. Her black and red eyes were dropping blood tears. She tried to wake up the other two. But at once, her motion came into a pause. She then shifted her gaze above.


The demonic dragon's left eye was just a few metres above her. Her reflection was well resonating on the dragon's eye. She remained like a statue. The demonic dragon then raised it's head. Later, not only an eye but the whole body was visible to the female demon. She was scared down to her wits after witnessing the demonic dragon so close that her legs lost control and remained in the same spot.


It let out a huge roar and charged it's mouth towards the woman who was stuck on her knees.


A black and red lightning struck the demonic dragon on it's forehead. It's third eye that was on the centre of it's forehead was completely crushed and blood began to mount all over it's head.


Instead of a roar, the dragon let out a huge cry in agony. The sky was filled with a dark whirlwind. From the middle, there was a red light passing through and falling onto the demonic dragon. The demonic dragon and the demon soldiers who fell out of the bushes looked towards the light.

""Sigh... Why is it always like this right after winning a war?!"", said a certain someone who was descending from the centre of the whirlwind.

The demon soldier who was on the ground yelled, "This is 'domain of the will'... One that must never be compared to 'sound transmission'. Our almighty demon god has arrived to gift us our salvation!!!"

Other soldiers who were hiding near the vicinity revealed themselves and bowed to the demon god. They began to yell in many ways.

"We respect our almighty demon god!!"

"We are very honoured to witness the presence of our demon god!!"

"We greet the great demon god!!"

"We beg our lord to give us salvation!!"


""Fear not my beloved worshippers. I came here to deliver a message to all of you!"", said the demon god.

Everyone looked at him with tranquility. He then declared, ""The king of the divine gods had been slain by me, your almighty demon god Adrona... We have prevailed victorious in the war of deities!!!""

The people who heard it began to rejoice.


"Our demon race gained victory!"

"Even the heavens can't bring down our beloved god!!"

"That's what they get for looking down on us!"


"Demon race is most mightiest!!"

"Never look down on demons!!"


"Now, we are stronger than the heavens!!!"

"Even the king of divine gods died in the hands of our god!"


I don't know why but looking at my worshippers rejoicing over my victory made me smile. I looked at demonic dragon whose head was filled with blood.


By raising both of my hands, I teleported all the demons in the vicinity to a faraway location. Only the demonic dragon and I were left in the vicinity.


One of my subordinate spawned behind me in mid-air and said, "My lord, physical attacks don't work on this cursed dragon. It has infinite regeneration genes. Only magic can injure it. But why bother dealing with this small fry?!"

I said with a grin, "Variables with the boon to handle both demonic and divine nature are very rare to come upon in these generations. I have to gain even more experience if I want breakthrough a new level of deities. And I happen to find a variable today!"

He responded, "Understood. Then I'll be on standby to not let anyone interfere in your battle!!"


He then teleported to a faraway distance near the sky.


I then bursted my mana out of my body. High-speed winds began to surround the whole vicinity. I then said, ""Poor lizard, you became so strong in less than a hundred years, yet you have to meet your doom through me!""


The demonic dragon let out a huge roar and then tried to swallow me by widening it's jaws.


It was hit by my lightning. I then said again, ""Since physical attacks won't do you any damage, I will be using my innate powers to cease your existence. I hope your death would give me some useful insight!!""


The demonic dragon charged towards me and I too did the same.


{Back to the fight with Raymen Admiron}

[At that time, I only used magic to defeat that demonic dragon. Although, the fight helped me breakthrough to two stages at once. Magic for one needs a medium to be implemented. As such, elements are the medium to that magic.]

I opened my eyes. I found myself floating in mid-air. Raymen was flying towards me from the ground. I brought myself together and got ready for his next attack and flew downwards to him. Both of us brought our right fists forward.

[The way living beings circulate their mana throughout their veins and muscles is different from infinitos coursing their dark energy through out their bodies.

But a demon that is a living being circulate their mana in a different. Every demon has a common trait called 'demon impulse'. It is a trait where every demon would become ten times stronger but looses the ability to define a friend or a foe. Inorder to avoid such tragedy, they tamper the flow of mana within them and then reconstruct an even better flow of mana within them. Tamper in the sense, circulate mana into every nook and cranny of their body. The better the flow, the lesser the chances of 'demon impulse'.

When my wife died right infront of my eyes, I gave in to this trait because everyone who surrounded me at that time were the divine gods. I used this trait when I was already worn out and paid the price to it by my death. That tampering is somehow relative to coursing dark energy through out the body in a way.

If I combine the circulation technique I used in my previous life and the coursing technique that master taught me, then I could use my power more efficiently.]


I multiplied my speed at once and engage my punch on Raymen.


He got on top of me and I was unable to see through his attack. He raised his left leg and landed a downward kick on my forehead.


The kick made me crash on the ground. I found myself in a neighbouring mountain. The mountain where the lake was situated was infront of me.

[Can't believe a single kick sent me flying towards another mountain. In terms of physical attacks, this guy is more outstanding than me.]


He landed a few meters away from me and stood silent for a few seconds. I got up and said, "Alright, deity gramps. Your fighting prowess in close combat is far greater than mine. But, now I'm going to combine all the three types of combats into this battle. Let's see if you can handle it!"

He attempted, "Three types of combats? What are you saying?"

I replied, "I said I am going to use close-mid-long range combat!!"

He responded, "You are going to use close, mid and long range combat at once. They will clash with one another for sure and that would be in my favour, kid!"

I grinned and said, "We will see about that soon enough, deity gramps!"


All the elements that were in the vicinity were controlled by me. I created sharp-edged crystals of ice, metal, rock, sand and plant wines. I also made liquid matter manipulation like lava, poison, acid and chemicals with the assistance of sound, wind, and gravity.

"I will fight you with everything I've got, deity gramps!", I said.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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