
Dark world: Noctem

A misfit, an abomination of sorts, Nox ráu vlad ( Theodore Crowe ) was born to the crescent moon pack, a pack filled with wolves who rebelled against the wolf monarch led by a wolf noble, Elijah smith. Born as the son of ava ráu vlad (a noble vampire who eloped with Elijah), people were scared of him, usually the child born with parents of different races hardly survive, and if they did they were considered disasters as an hybrid born with genes of both strong races could singlehandedly wipe out an entire race off the face of the universe if they wanted. But for Theodore it was different, at the age of awakening he was considered a norm, not even a vampire or a wolf as his gene suggested much more an hybrid. Despite being a norm, his parents still loved him and he was happy even being a norm, but that happiness was short lived as an incident changed his entire life, the humans massacred his pack and his parents lost their lives trying to protect him. With no choice but to flee as his parents wished, he ended up staying in the earth realm with his aunt and her family, slowly adaptating to the life of an earthrealmer while the urge for revenge intensified daily. Soon a strange phenomenon occured throughout the realms connecting them to one another as orchestrated by some Monarchs of the mystic realm, as a last minute effort from the resistant monarchs, Noctem was created substituting as a temporary replacement for the earth realm where monsters, gates, towers and ruins appeared. Amidst this chaos a deadly encounter with a mystic realmer awakens Theodore's sealed powers as an hybrid. As the realms fall deeper into chaos he must protect the things dear to him while getting his revenge on the one responsible for the massacre of his pack side note: The mc isn't a hero and doesn't have an heroic mindset, rather he's closer to something like a villian as he won't hesitate to use anyone as a pawn to achieve his goals.

Regis_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Humans, I've always wondered what kind of creatures humans were, were they hideous creatures waiting in the dark to devour us? Were they a higher evolved specie which was superior to ours? Are they a lower specie that needs our protection? Well the correct answer to that would be no, humans aren't what we make them out to be, they're unpredictable, cunning, deceitful, at the same time they can be loving, caring and willing to make sacrifices for the things they want to protect.

But one thing is certain, one thing humans are known for and that is their greed, their desire for knowledge was absurd, the constant desire to advance and evolve their specie was insatiable. They didn't care who they had to trample on, to them evolving meant everything.

I was always told that humans were the most peaceful specie amongst all, however the sight in front of me was the complete opposite of how a peaceful specie should be. The humans in front of me were just beasts with a savage nature destroying everything in sight.

But why? We've never done anything to agro them, I haven't even come in contact with one before so why? Why were they killing our pack members! And that said why were we not fighting back?...

"THEODORE!!" A voice called jolting him from the myriad of thoughts swarming his head

Elijah smith, the leader of the crescent wolves pack and the father of Theodore was running towards Theodore despite the amount of humans in his way, Elijah was an average muscular man who seemed to be in his mid thirties, with a silver coloured hair and a well trimmed beard, Elijah was a confident and virtuous leader, he'd always had this air of authority around him which regular wolves wouldn't even dream of having, he was without doubt the alpha of the pack, with a serious look on his face showing no sign of weakness. However today he was bearing a look which he had never shown before, he was scared, not because of the humans ambush rather he was scared because of his son Theodore.

Being the son of the alpha every one expected Theodore to be a prodigy, a kid with high battle prowess and intelligence, However he turned out to be a big disappointment. At the age of thirteen he wasn't even able to transform into a werewolf, well.. It was a given he couldn't be a pure blood werewolf as his mother was a vampire from a royal lineage, a royal vampire, but still they had expected him to be stronger than an average werewolf. Unfortunately he ended up as a misfit among his pack.

"Theodore, listen to me, you need to get out of here, it's not safe ok? You need to run" Elijah urged desperately, handing Theodore a letter " run towards the nearest realm gate, look for the location on that letter....

"But dad what about you and mom, aren't you coming with me?" Theodore asked interrupting his dad, with his panic evident.

Elijah looked down for a few seconds avoiding eye contact with Theodore before finally answering " you go first, we'll be right behind you, alright? I'll go get your mothe...

Elijah wasn't even able to finish his sentence as a bullet with a blueish tip came flying towards him, He began morphing to counter it but Theodore was right behind him, there was no way he would dodge it without Theodore being hit.

Theodore eye's were sealed shut preparing for the inevitable as tears began streaming from his face but before the bullet could hit any of them a red liquid which was undeniably blood splashed on Elijah and Theodore, in front of them stood a woman with a long black hair and crimson coloured eyes, with a gapping hole where her heart was supposed to be, along side multiple holes in her body, oozing out a blueish substance where the bullet passed though.

She turned to her son, giving him a warm smile before falling to the ground. Theodore rushed towards her, taking her hands in his as his hands began trembling uncontrollably.

His mom had used her clan's blood Arte to protect him and Elijah but she had already taken enough damage, she didn't have the strength to protect herself, thereby taking the bullet with her body instead.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood her hands slowly reached up to Theodore's face, trembling with each words she spoke, "I..i. I'm so sorry... T..Theodore, I won't be able t..to go wi..With you, promise me that you'll stay alive no matter what, run Theodore d..don't let them catch you, you can't die, please don't end up like i..irene.. You can't die.."

With each words she spoke Theodore could feel her life slowly leaving her, before she could finish talking her hands pulled out from Theodore's own slamming into the ground as she became a lifeless corpse.

At that moment time seemed to stop for Theodore as his whole consciousness faded into darkness, the word kill echoed within his head like the voice of a demon trying to take control of his body.

A feral roar sounded from his lips as he let out a scream that didn't seem to belong to him, he was completely different from the crybaby he previously was, now only a palpable bloodlust was emanating from him.

Picking up the dagger which was dropped by his mother, he rushed in for the closest human closing the distance between them before the human could even react, without a moment of hesitation he dug the dagger into the skull of the human repeatedly until what was left was a disfigured skull adorned with blade marks and holes.

Moving on, he continued killing more humans in his path without care as he had completely lost all sense of reasoning the only thing he felt was anger, untamed rage, a sensation which couldn't be contained, it wasn't something that could be subsided just by killing a few humans, but there weren't any more humans to target as his dad had taken care of the rest, killing them faster than they could refill and shoot.

Leaping off his last victim Theodore hurried over to his dad who had several holes oozing out a blueish substance which was eating away the flesh on his body, similar to his mom.

Majority of the pack members had escaped while some had been annihilated however the sound of multiple footsteps and machines could still be heard approaching from a distance. Elijah had managed to take out most of the bullets from his body but even he knew he wouldn't last long.

"Theo.. Run! Run as fast as you can and don't look back" Elijah instructed, giving his son one final look before rushing towards the direction the humans were approaching from.

Theodore ran, obeying his father's request he ran as fast as he could but the recoil from his previous battle with the humans left his legs numb as he shakily collapsed in front of a huge tree.

Without any option left he tried to force his awakening, from what he knew there were many factors to triggering a werewolf transformation, the most common one being pain.

Stabbing himself on the thigh with the dagger which he retrieved from his dead mother, he let out a pained cry which he quickly covered his mouth with his hand in order not to alert any beasts or humans nearby of his presence.

Despite the pain he still couldn't transform or at least trigger his awakening, so he opted for another option. He bit his lips with enough force to make a small wound on the tips of his lip which blood was trickling down from, he quickly sucked the blood from the wounds hoping to at least awaken his vampire bloodline, he was ready to become a monster if it could give him the power to protect himself from them. Sensing it wasn't enough he used the dagger to cut his hand, taking every drop of blood but he still couldn't awaken as a vampire.

"Damn it, Damn it.. Damnit!!!, why! Why! Why am I so weak, if only I was a bit strong at least mom wouldn't have died or I'd have died fighting alongside them, what do you want me to do now mother? How do you expect me to live? What do I do!" He muttered with tears streaming down his face.

The pain Theodore felt was slowly turning into anger, replacing all the previous emotions he felt. " It's their fault, everything is their fault those dammed humans, if it weren't for them my parents wouldn't have died, I'll kill them, I'll kill everyone of them." He cursed, turning towards the direction where his pack was annihilated however he stopped. There was no way he'd just waste the sacrifice of both his parents, they chose to stay and protect him even if it meant them dying.

"Tsk, there's nothing I can do in my current condition, I have to get stronger.... I swear I'll make them pay I'll hunt every last one of them responsible for this, it doesn't matter how long it takes whoever's responsible for this incident I'll be sure to repay them a thousand times more.

Tearing out a piece to clothing from his dress, he quickly wrapped his bleeding thigh tightly before using the dirt on the floor to cover up the blood which had spilled on the ground.

With a weary sigh, he rose to his feet, about to continue his journey but he noticed something strange, he had been in a particular spot for a while now and they haven't come after him, that could only mean that they had anticipated the fact that he was heading for the realm gate, if that was true then moving forward would only lead him to his death.

" ...no ..no no I can't let my self get captured now, I need to get to a safer place, a place where it would be difficult for them to chase me.." Theodore muttered with a troubled expression on his face. Suddenly a thought came to him as he stared into a large forest with dense fogs surrounding it.

"The forest, yes the forest, with a fog that thick there's no way they'd be able to get me, I'll still have the advantage over there" Theodore thought to himself, even if he wasn't able to awaken any of his bloodline the inhabitants of the mystic realms still had the influence of mana in them as each of them were born with a mana core located in their heart . Without wasting any more time he ran into the forest.

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've worked on this book that's probably because I've been trying to improve my writing and honestly after reading a lot of books I noticed that my work wasn't exactly what I expected, still it's my first book so it was really amateurish. anyway I started rewriting it after studying the patterns others use in writing so I hope this time it's ok... please let me know in the comments if there's anything you want me to improve on.. and lastly I'm not gonna deviate from the original story it's still going to be the same.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Regis_creators' thoughts