
Pain Invasion (Part-2)

Itachi knew it was coming.

Sasuke's plans had always been so transparent; Sasuke would find him and they would fight until Itachi inevitably died.

Itachi covered his mouth as he coughed weakly and slid a pill out from his pocket; the medication was bitter but it eased the pain and that was the thing.

He couldn't die any other way than by Sasuke's hand. Sasuke couldn't discover the truth and this battle was to be far more than brother vs. brother, it was to be Itachi's careful performance finally produced upon a live stage.

Itachi's thoughts were interrupted by the rustling of the nearby bushes and he glanced through the foliage to find Okami, The only person he fought with full power in recent years. Red eyes trailed lazily to his.




"You know, I wanted you to speak first, But of course, how can the 'cool' and eternally calm itachi Uchiha break the silence first"


"You going to say something?"



"Wow... I wonder why is it that every time I see you, I want to hit that face of yours so much"


"Did you just--- Is it your family trait or something, or is it that only you two brothers picked up. Never mind, I am a big-hearted person who--

"You are annoying. Just like Shisui", Itachi said calmly cutting him off





Okami chuckled, Why is he getting so worked up. Look like his friendship with Lee is affecting him more than he realizes.


"It's good to see you one final time", Itachi said calmly

Okami's lip curled and fought the urge to smirk. "Intelligence head Jiraiya wants you back, your mission is over. Come back with me"

Itachi's eyes activated the Mangekyou upon instinct.

Okami stood there without moving at all. He wasn't afraid of Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan, Enlightenment path protect him from any and all illusions after all. what he is afraid of is Itachi never coming back and die like a dog with no one knowing his sacrifice.

Itachi stood impassively as he saw a younger version of his self bowing down to the Sandaime Hokage, begging for his family crime to be hidden from Sasuke.

"No", he said softly

"Why? why should you take all the blame on yourself and die like a dog on the street, JUST WHY?"

"I do not wish for him to place the blame upon Konoha," he continued, His face staring at Okami


"Sasuke is not one who can let go of his emotions – even as a young child he found it hard to abandon habits and mannerisms. It's part of who he is and I loved the village too much for him to forsake it like he undoubtedly would have."



"It has begun Okami; my final act..."

Okami frowned before nodding.

"Stay here."


Itachi violently coughed, blood slipping between the rows of white teeth and onto his hand. It was like an ironic gesture of his life, the blood collected in the slight dip of his white palm, crimson red against an almost white canvas.

As he weekly took another pill to ease the pain.

"I want to help you."

Okami stretched his arm out, the hand-turned as if waiting for Itachi to grasp it.

"Please Itachi… I know I can't save Sasuke but I can save you."

Itachi considered these words before knocking Okami's hand away.

He stood smoothly, fighting the urge to cough… he couldn't be pitied even more.

"I'm not looking for salvation, Okami; I'm looking at protecting the remainder of my clan. Now if you'll excuse-"

Itachi was cut off by the cough he had tried to hold back and the globule of blood that was spat out onto his hand shone dangerously.

Itachi winced and pulled another pill from his pocket. He shoved it into his mouth with a bloodstained hand and swallowed it.

"Do you love someone Okami?"


"Yes, her name is Tenten, I am going to settle down after this... Retiring from Shinobi carrier"

Itachi lifts his finger and point at the stone wall where the names of various individuals are written...

"Every single person, I ever loved is on that list, The people I killed by my own hands, Izumi, Shisui, Mom, Dad... I am miserable and broken beyond repair Okami, all I ever dream is a nightmare, Everyday I stare at that wall, talking to them"


"You won't be doing me a favor by letting me live, to me, It will be worse than torture"


"I must take my leave now if I am to execute my plan I need as much chakra as I can get. Goodbye Okami, Also, can you make sure that Sasuke gets my eyes."

Okami nodded slowly.

"As a last request, please do not tell anyone about the Uchiha clan or even about this meeting, I would be very grateful"


Itachi stretched his fist, with two fingers stretched, "This is Seal of Reconciliation. I last did it with my Best friend Shisui. You both are almost the same"


Okami gently mirrored Itachi as he smiled very gently.

"Thank you for being there", Itachi said softly

Itachi's body split slowly into the ravens he was often compared to and he allowed a soft smile to grace his lips as he saw fresh tears on Okami's cheeks.

"Not that a dead man's thank is worth anything…"

He closed his eyes and the clone vanished from sight.


It wasn't long that a huge lightning strike, accompanied by the announcement of the Jutsu's name 'Kirin' and the crack as the electrical surge hit the ground.

Okami then saw the huge figure of Itachi's trump card. That colossal creature Susanoo.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Itachi Uchiha is dead...

When the creature disappeared, Okami knew the curtains have fallen, and the exceptionally talented actor has fallen down.

Okami slowly but gently came out of shadows, as he used a scroll and with a poof..!! of smoke a completely different body of Itachi came out.

This is what he was learning from Tsunade these few months. Creating a look alike dead body.

Using his knowledge of Medicines, He carefully removed Itachi's eyes and transplant it on the new body. As he picked the dead body of Itachi in a bridal style.

He looked at Uncouncious Sasuke, "I hope his death brings you the peace you wanted for so long"


He made a grave for him. As he prays at his grave. he brings out Dangos and quotes a passage from one of his favorite books

We are the Dead. Short days ago.

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

He hopes that Itachi Uchiha hears it.

His name, his face, His love for his brother will forever be intact in his mind.



-Meanwhile Konoha-

It was raining. The sky was dark as the clouds continued to cry natural tears. There was a distinct air of despair, regret, and sorrow as a small group trudged forwards.

Raidou and Aubo were in front. Following them were Izumo and Kotetsu. Lying on a makeshift stretcher between the four of them was a body, half covered by a black cloak.

Behind them, walking slowly with tears in her eyes was Ino.

She couldn't look at the shrouded body. Every time she did, new tears would form and she would break out into fresh sobs.

Chouji walked close behind her. He also avoided his teary eyes from the body. Often he would glance behind him worriedly. The last person following their group was lagging behind, dragging his feet and staring at the ground. His expression was blank, his eyes devoid of emotion. Chouji had never seen him like this.

Shikamaru was completely broken.

He had cried, slightly at first, but as soon as they had left, he had withdrawn into the empty shell. Chouji didn't know what to say. He knew the pain, but it wasn't quite the same for him.

After all, he hadn't been that close to Asuma-sensei. Not as much as Shikamaru, anyway.

They arrived at the village, soaking wet, to be greeted by Shizune. She looked at them, her face grim.

Raidou had sent a message ahead of them, informing Tsunade-sama of Asuma's death. Shizune stepped to the side, allowing them to pass. When Ino came close, Shizune reached out a hand in comfort to her junior. Ino took it before burying her face into Shizune's shoulder and crying unashamedly. Chouji paused and waited, turning to look back.

Shikamaru was still quite a way off. His pace had slowed as they had gone along until he was barely moving at all. While Shizune and Ino walked away, Chouji waited for his friend. Finally, Shikamaru walked through the gate and stopped beside him.

"Shikamaru", Chouji received no acknowledgment from the boy, and he grew even more worried. Shikamaru started walking again, leaving Chouji in his wake, staring after him sadly.

"It wasn't your fault, Shikamaru," Chouji whispered, but his words were left unheard through the rain.

Tsunade sat, her eyes closed and her hands clasped together in front of her. She took a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

She was the Hokage. She wasn't allowed to cry yet.

"Please alert all relevant parties of the funeral. I'll tell Kurenai –"she was cut off as Shikamaru spoke up.

"No. I'll tell her. I'll tell Kurenai-sensei." He said quickly. Izumo and Kotetsu glanced at him. It was the first thing he had said after they had left the exchange point.

Tsunade looked at him carefully, before nodding.

"Alright. I'll leave it to you." She said. He nodded and turned around, exiting the room.

"I'm worried about him," Tsunade said quietly. Izumo and Kotetsu nodded.

They were too.


"Ah! Shikamaru! Have you finished your mission? Where's Asuma? Is he busy with the re...port..." Kurenai faltered at the expression on the young man's face.

Her heart wrenched and she felt her breath becoming shallow.

Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

Shikamaru looked at her, his eyes empty.

"Kurenai-sensei...I'm afraid that...Asuma...is dead." His voice was hollow, and soft, just above a breathless whisper.

Time seemed to freeze.

Kurenai stared ahead, unseeing. The words played over and over in her mind before finally, she registered.

A single tear escaped before she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing. Shikamaru stood before her, unmoving.

Kurenai was so busy grieving, she didn't see how his fists clenched until his nails broke the skin and his palms bled.


Naruto sat before Kakashi, panting. He was tired out from all the harsh training and Kakashi had told him to rest for a bit. Although he had said he could keep going, his body had ignored him and collapsed to the ground for the much-needed rest.

"Damn." He hissed. Kakashi sighed but otherwise kept silent. They were interrupted when Yamato re-entered the clearing, having gone off to speak to another Nin that had arrived. His face was grave and he had a depressed aura around him.

"What's wrong, Yamato?" Kakashi asked as he came closer. Yamato sighed.

"The training needs to be put on hold. Asuma-san was killed in action, and his funeral is soon." He said sadly. Naruto's eyes widened and he gaped. Asuma-sensei was dead? Shikamaru's sensei was killed?"


-3 Days Later-


Okami ran all the way back to Konoha as fast as he can, Jiraiya sent a message that Asuma is gone.

He ran as fast as he can, without holding back at all.

There he saw her, Broken Kurenai sensei.

That day, she cried in memory of Asuma Sarutobi.

Okami stood by the Memorial Stone, tears gliding down his cheeks.

"Sensei", He muttered


Her hand gently slid over the freshly engraved name on the smooth stone.

"He died Smiling", She said softly with a sad smile



It's been Hours, since then. But she kept sitting there in front of his name.

He didn't say anything but kept standing behind her.


-2 Days Later-

He stood there watching the graves of Granpa and Grandma. As he closed his eyes and made a decision.

He reached Hokage's office late at night.

"I am going to retire", Okami said

Tsunade looked at him and sighed, "You are currently our Strongest Shinobi. What is your reason?"

"I have been told before Joining the Intelligence department that I can leave anytime I wish. So I a--

"I am not asking that"


"I am going to look after Kurenai sensei and Asuma sensei's baby... I have a clothing shop in my name as well"

"You are going to become a civilian"

Okami nodded.

She sighed, "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself getting broken"


"Very well, Your Documents will be processed by tomorrow"


-Kurenai & Asuma's House- Nightime-

"what are you doing?", Kurenai asked at the gate looking at the smiling student of hers.

"I am here to live with you", He chuckled, as he went inside without her permission


"Ah, Sensei, I am not a Shinobi anymore and since I told Naruto that I can't live with him anymore, I am now homeless, Please allow me to stay", He bowed to her.

She rolled her eyes, only an idiot would believe that lie.

"Ah, there is no extra room I see, No worries, I can sleep in here, I am used to sleeping at floor anyway, Sofa is much better compared to that"

She narrowed her eyes down.

He awkwardly smiled, "I can cooking and do Household work if you want me to?", he asked scratching the back of his head



"I need some clothes for the upcoming baby", she said smiling a little

"Aye Aye Sensei", He grinned