
Dark Witch's Curse

In the mysterious and enigmatic world where shadows lurk and secrets abound, two destined souls, Adrian and Amelia, are fated to cross paths, bound by their haunting pasts and concealed darkness. Adrian, the wealthiest and coldest man in all of Asia, rules with an iron fist as the formidable king of the vampires. His heart knows no mercy, and traitors dare not cross his path. Deep within him lies a hatred towards women, a chilling secret etched in the shadows of his past. Amelia, on the other hand, starts as a sweet, caring, and loving girl, yet burdened by her timid nature, she shies away from the public eye. Unbeknownst to the world, time weaves a sinister tapestry around her, transforming her into a bearer of countless dark secrets. Their lives collide unexpectedly, shattering the barriers that separate their worlds. As fate intertwines their paths, they find themselves drawn to one another in a dance of darkness and intrigue. With each revelation, they uncover the haunting mysteries that have shaped their existence. As their encounters grow frequent, an undeniable connection forms between Adrian and Amelia, transcending their differences. Together, they embark on a journey of understanding, a quest to unveil the truths concealed within their souls. Amidst the ever-deepening shadows of their pasts, they must confront the demons that haunt them and find solace in each other's embrace. Will they overcome the weight of their hidden truths and embrace the light within? Or will their darkest secrets drive them apart, forever lost in the abyss of their own souls? Prepare to delve into a tale of passion, mystery, and redemption, where love and darkness entwine, and the resilience of the human spirit shines brightest in the face of the unknown. The saga of Adrian and Amelia will keep you spellbound until the very last page, as their destinies intertwine in ways neither of them could have ever foreseen.

EleanorXondox · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Race Against Fate

As they searched for Roy, the eldest brother received an urgent call indicating that Roy was at the police station. Reacting swiftly, they dashed out of the college premises. Olivia intercepted them, seeking details about Roy's whereabouts, and upon learning, she raced ahead in her car, aware of Roy's unease with their vampire speed.

Arriving at the police station, a potent and captivating aroma, reminiscent of chocolate but laced with a formidable power, assaulted Gabriel's senses. A surge of worry gripped him, fearing something untoward had befallen Roy.

"Did you feel that surge of power?" Nicholas inquired, his concern mirroring Gabriel's unease.

Nodding in agreement, both Gabriel and Adrian proceeded to the waiting room as directed by a police officer. Spotting Roy there, relief washed over them, prompting an immediate rush to envelop him in tight embraces.

"Where were you, Roy? We were so worried," Adrian's voice carried a mix of relief and concern, echoed by the rest of the brothers.

"I lost my way and ended up outside your college, and a man tried to kidnap me, but this lady helped me," Roy explained, recounting the troubling events.

"Hey, little boy, do I look that old that you're calling me auntie?" the woman beside Roy chimed in, teasingly addressing him.

Before they could delve further into the curious interaction, Olivia's arrival interrupted the conversation, immediately embracing Roy in a protective hug.

"Are you alright, little pumpkin?" Olivia's concern was evident as she sought reassurance from Roy, who nodded in response.

As the series of bewildering events unfolded, Gabriel found himself in a whirlwind of confusion and realization. The girl standing beside Roy was revealed to be his mate, a revelation that threw his senses into disarray. With a sense of urgency and uncertainty swirling within, he made a decisive move.

"Olivia, take Roy outside," Gabriel instructed, urgency lacing his tone. Olivia nodded in understanding, swiftly ushering Roy out of the room, leaving Gabriel to grapple with the inexplicable turn of events and the sudden emergence of his mate.

As soon as she left Gabriel said "Put your guards down"

She looked shocked by his words.

So Gabriel explained to her, "Listen, don't get confused. I am sensing that I am attracted to you so I want to confirm it. Besides, I feel like time has turned backwards so I want to make sure you're my mate."

As she closed her eyes Gabriel thought that she was contacting someone. As soon as she put her guards down he recognized it that she was his mate.

And the word slipped out of his tongue


Hearing that she looked terrified and in just a second she disappeared.

All of them were shocked because there are only witches who can disappear like this. But the normal witches could never get this fast disappearing power.

So they ran out to look at Roy and Olivia there.

Olivia was hiding Roy behind her.

"Hey calm down, I am not here to hurt you, I am just here to give this letter to you "the girl standing in front of Olivia said

"What letter? "Adrian asked

She gave the letter to their eldest brother Adrian and said "if you read you will know that whom does it belongs to"

Reading it Adrian gave it to Gabriel, when he read the letter it says

"Hi! I know you would be mad at me because I disappeared suddenly. But I could not live there anymore because I was scared of your brother Adrian. I have known him for three years. But I could not stand there. If you want to meet me you have to come to Dark wizard's castle.

Your mate Zariah"

Reading that Gabriel sighed

"Zariah, but where the hell is black Wizard's castle " Gabriel asked

But that girl was already gone. She disappeared.

They all were so shocked to see that.

After leaving Roy and Olivia home Gabriel went to his old spot with Adrian at a large high cliff at the border of Vampire world. A border where vampire and human world connects but no one knows about it, because humans never enter in this place due to some safety reasons.

As he was sitting and thinking about the letter Adrian shouted

"We have to go, Aunt Anika has gotten attacked by a beast in the backyard of palace"

Without wasting any second they left towards palace because they could never lose her. She was always with them, when dad became stone statue, when mom disappeared after losing her powers.

After reaching palace they called the Royal doctor. He was checking aunt and all of them were pacing here and there.

After some time he came out and said

"There are so many black venom traces we can't save her"

"Nooooo, you have to save her" Uncle Alan screamed

She was his mate and no one can handle the pain of losing a mate it's like a half part of their life.

"Listen, there are still two ways to save her

The doctor said

"Tell us"

All of them shouted

"The blue gem that the vampire Queen was holding in herself but it disappeared with her, if you could find it"

The doctor said

"And what's the second way" Adrian asked

"It's the black wizard, she can save her, but no one knows where she is "

"I know where she is "Roland said

"It's in the black Souls valley jungle"

"I will go there " Gabriel saod

"No one goes there because it is filled with the black wizard's servant who are poisonous same as the black wizard, just a mare cut from those people can make you die in just a second" Roland explained

"Brother, you are forgetting that we are Royal Vampires and we have this power from mother, of controlling the poison of any kind" Gabriel replied

"No my dear brother we can control any poison but not a cursed one. "He said

"A Cursed poison, what does that mean?" Gabriel asked

"Everyone says that the black wizard was cursed by a person who's prayer has been broken by her father. No one knows exactly how and why all of this happened and who was her father but she lives alone in Black Souls Valley Jungle. So afraid of her cursed poison no one goes down to that Valley. Going to that jungle is something a person would wish for dying." Roland explained

"Okay enough we don't have time, we lost our parents but we can't lose aunt Anika, we have to go, I am going and Gabriel I think you have to go there so join me " Adrian said

he nodded and got some things that they will need. They left towards Black Souls valley.

After reaching there they were standing a few steps away from the entrance of the jungle.

"Be ready we have to be alert because we can get attacked from anywhere"

As soon as they stepped in the jungle they were hit on the legs that made them drop to their knees.

"Why are you here?" some woman in a long black dress asked when we looked at their faces. Their faces were covered in a black mask?

"Who are you?" Adrian asked

After his question they looked angrier and they were surrounded by black fog. They were damn shocked to see this. This was a thing that no one has ever seen. Soon the darkness engulfed them and they fainted.