
Chapter four 

It was when Yu Dan came back to her original self as the goddess of war and destruction then she realizes that her pet when she was a human was in fact her pet when she was a goddess. Yu Dan absently mindedly ruffle her foxenix, a cross bred between a nine tailed fox and a phoenix. In fact, it was Yu Dan's fifth eldest brother Yu Ban who is the god of animals who experiment between animals in order to try and find the best animal that can fit his youngest sister as the goddess of war and destruction.

Yu Dan's eyes slightly blinked when she remembers the love her eight eldest brothers had showered on her when she is a goddess. Yu Dan decides to lower the amount of time her eight eldest brothers will go through their punishment as a present. Actually, in Yu Dan's heart, it is not the type and time of punishment they go through will help to ease the stone that is struck in her throat. Yu Dan actually did not hate anyone anymore as the tribulations she go through as a human is already far away in her mind. But still by hook or crook, Yu Dan knew that she needs to punish her enemies at least personally when she was a human to ease the stone in her throat.

Since Yu Dan had set out her eight elder brother punishments to be just mentally and any injuries inflicted during the punishment will not exist expect in their mind. So, Yu Dan decided to let her fifth to eight elder brother who was two set of twins to fight each other. And Yu Dan's sixth brother, Yu Fa was the god of harvest.

Yu Dan seventh eldest brother is Yu Tian and eight elder brother is Yu Ting and they are respectively the god of weather and god of water. So, Yu Dan had Yu Tian and Yu Ting accidently create a colossal mistake with the weather and it could not be solved. And this colossal mistake had resulted the human world animals and harvest to be affected in turn that no solution could be came up with.

Yu Dan lips raised slightly in a parody of a smile when she had finally seen to all her eight elder brothers' punishment. Although Yu Dan still had an uncomfortable stone struck in her throat, but she still must thank her royal parents for sending her to the human world. Yu Dan stood up and stretch herself and thought that it is just dang good to finally come into all her powers. When Yu Dan was born the only female in three generations of royal family, she was calculated to be the most powerful goddess of her generation. But after thousand of years had passed, Yu Dan shows no sight of her supposed talents and soon this prediction when she was born was totally forgotten.

But Yu Dan did not decide to widely broadcast the fact that she had come into her full powers despite receiving much backlash when she was a young goddess in regard to this prediction. After all, as the goddess of war and destruction, Yu Dan knew better then to let people knew of the weapons in her arsenal. But this power is a boon to her when Yu Dan decides to take care of her enemies when she is a human. With her original powers as a goddess, Yu Dan could not even touch a hair of her enemies. After all, especially her eight elder brothers who rank the highest on the yearly god and goddess exams so in the heavens, they can meet no opponents.