
dark web ( moved to a new link)

Slap!!!Another was felt even more brutal than the anothers.Tears were already pooling out of my eyes as I didn't think that I could handle the pain anymore.When the most painful spank was applied I couldn't take it anymore and burst out into loud sobs. "Jett please why are you doing this, I thought that this was supposed to be pleasurable." At this point I didn't even care what rubbish was coming out of my mouth as long as I got him to stop.Finally after five more brutal spanks he stopped.I was so grateful but sore from all that spanking,not even my mother's beatings were that hard. "You are telling me now what happened in that apartment or so help me I'll spank you so hard you won't even be able to sit for a whole damn week."

Zakele · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter fourteen

Ava's point of view

I couldn't help but let out a moan as Darien's tongue found it's way inside my mouth.I shuddered as his fingers roughly grabbed hold of my ass squeezing it tightly as he continued his assaults in my mouth.I couldn't help but grind my pelvis against his twitching cock and smirked when I felt him jerk.

I let my fingers run up and down his back savouring every touch and feeling of his hard muscled back before letting them return back to his silky smooth hair. I tugged his hair harder as his mouth left mine and attacked my neck sucking on it harder and harder every time leaving me gasping and moaning louder than before.Feeling a little bold I decided to lift his head up from my neck and switching the roles around ending up with me sucking on his neck.Before I could do anymore damage he groaned loudly ripping up my tank top and bra apart together.

As I was about to call out to him he suddenly went still,tensing at every second that passed before he snapped out of his gaze and gently unhooked my legs from around him before carefully placing me on his office floor. He turned away from me leaving me whimpering on the ground surprising not only me but him too.

I curiously watched him as he reached for one of the drawers in his table pulling out a males t-shirt and a purple lacy bra before walking round  it,crouching down at my level and handing me the items.

He turned back heading towards his leather chair and sitting down on it watching me intensely.Being the idiot that I am I sat there staring at him sheepishly wondering if I should wear these or he is actually testing me.

"Unless you want me to ravish you here which I don't mind doing I suggest you get dressed immediately as there are urgent matters we need to discuss."

Wow formal much.As I wore my bra or rather the bra I heard a light chuckle coming from him choosing to rather ignore it than entertain him.After I was done I walked over to him very slowly trying my best to ignore his burning stare and settled down on one of the chairs opposite him.

We stayed like that until Darien chose to break the silence.

"What happened to you last night after you blue ticked me?"

I scratch my arm up and down nervously avoiding any eye contact with him.How could I reply to that question when I myself barely knew the answer to that.All I could remember was him,Rellik.I had a hunch that if I told Darien this it would end up badly which is the only reason why I said this.

"I don't want to talk about that right now but I do want to learn more about you if possible."

I could tell immediately that he was having an internal battle as he tried making sense of my words.

"Okay,what do you want to know."

"Mmmh I actually have alot of questions."

I sat there thinking thoroughly at which questions were more important than others as I knew Darien wouldn't answer all of them.As I finally figured out which questions I would ask I caught him shaking his head with a small smile on his face.He swear this guy will be the end of me.

"Why do you always stare at me like I'm your prey."

Once again he chuckled except this time it was louder than before.

"Because I'm your mate and I feel like ravishing you all the time.I have needs Ava."

I sucked in my breath as I clamped my legs shut staring straight into Darien's eyes watching as his pupils slowly turned into slits and the rest of his eyes changed from chocolate brown to pitch black and back again.

Hesitantly I stretched my hand out aiming for Darien's other hand but flinched back when his eyes turned completely black staring back at me.

"Uuum Darien are you okay."

Instead of that light sexy laugh I was starting to get used to and love my ears surprised me when I heard a rather gruff,comamding and deep chuckle.I scooted backwards surprised at what I just heard and stared at the man Infront of me debating if whether or not he was playing a sick trick on me.

"Trust me mate this is no trick I have no time for those."

I stared at this person who was Darien but not him apparently.I know moved forward with my chair staring at him with caution "incase" something crazy happened.

"So if you are not Darien then who are you."


I scrunched up my face still confused as this doesn't explain anything or clear up my messed up thoughts.

"I still don't understand."

"Okay let me break it up to you this way. Darien and I have been looking at all the questions in this pretty little head of yours and we decided that I'm the best wolf to explain it all to you."

"Uuum okay then please explain how you and Darien are two different people in the same body."

"Well we are basically what you call supernaturals and Darien is a hybrid,half of him being a werewolf which is me and the other half being him alone as a vampire.So he can choose when in battle mostly or when sensing danger to shift into a werewolf which is me allowing my real natural body to take over or him tunning into his vampire side which might I add is very horrid and disgusting but whatever it's not like I have a say in it."

I heard a gasp escaping my lips before I realized it  and decided that the next best thing was to ask the next question.

"Okay so why do I have two holes on my shoulder blades that hurt like hell this morning but when Darien started sucking on them I felt..."

"Nope stop right there mate one,why should I answer you when you never answered the one question Darien asked you."

I sat there dumbfounded not knowing what to say.My palms were sweating as my heart started beating faster and faster every second.Jett's eyes started becoming darker and his slits becoming thinner.I scooted further backwards but stopped when Jett's dark gaze fell on me.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he continued staring at me but I could tell that it wasn't because he found something funny but that he was actually annoyed and pissed.He placed his left hand on his chin,rubbing his nonexistent beard before talking.

"I'll ask you once mate and I deserve an answer.Were you with another last night."

My heart picked up pace as I continued staring at Jett's dark eyes refusing to look anywhere else as I was afraid that he would think I was disrespecting him.He is a wild animal after all just in a humans body.T thinking back to his question I ended up stammering not being able to answer him.How could I tell him that I was with another but not the way he thinks or suspects.

Suddenly a loud banging noise sent me squirming in my sit wishing it could just swallow me whole instantly.As I stared in Jett's direction I noticed his fist on the table with his knuckles turning snow white.Mad could even describe what Jett looked like right now infect he looked deranged.With no reason what so ever tears started pouring down my face as I let out uncontrollable sobs to go with it.

A couple of minutes later I felt large hands placing themselves underneath my armpits and lifting me up.I soon realised that I was placed on Darien's thigh and when I stared into his eye with a bit of uncertainty I recognize the love in them and immediately knew that it was Darien.I wrapped my arms around his neck placing my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his manly scent before calming down.

I relaxed further more as he drew circles on back rocking me forward and backwards over and over again.Once I had completely calmed down I lifted my head making Darien face two fingers apart from mine.He smirked as he probably heard my thoughts and I rolled my eyes playfully glaring at him before asking him the one question I had been dreading since he held me in his arms.

"Why did Jett do that."

Darien sighed before staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Jett is a wild animal that thinks of his mate as his possession and something he can protect and that could give him pups in the future,also passing on his legacy.So when you didn't answer our previous question he immediately acted on instinct and thought that you were with someone else.It made him mad as he wants us to be the only ones who can give you that kind of happiness."

"Well when you put it like that I guess his heart was in the right place,but he didn't think rationally about."

"Well then with that said do you think you could forgive him."

A devious smile appeared on my face as Darien stared at me curiously and I stood up shrugging my shoulders.

"We'll see mate,we'll see."

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