
dark web ( moved to a new link)

Slap!!!Another was felt even more brutal than the anothers.Tears were already pooling out of my eyes as I didn't think that I could handle the pain anymore.When the most painful spank was applied I couldn't take it anymore and burst out into loud sobs. "Jett please why are you doing this, I thought that this was supposed to be pleasurable." At this point I didn't even care what rubbish was coming out of my mouth as long as I got him to stop.Finally after five more brutal spanks he stopped.I was so grateful but sore from all that spanking,not even my mother's beatings were that hard. "You are telling me now what happened in that apartment or so help me I'll spank you so hard you won't even be able to sit for a whole damn week."

Zakele · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter eight

Darien's point of view

I woke up with Luca screaming through our mind- link to get up.Man I don't know why but I always forget to block him.Most of the time werewolves can't block their Alpha from mind-linking them but the Alpha can and so can I because I'm hybrid.

I started off with a shower and got dressed in black jeans,white T-shirt and a black leather jacket with black sneakers. Whilst I was still fixing my hair I caught a smell of pancakes and bacon coming from downstairs.

I immediately dashed out of my room,downstairs to the kitchen where I found Aria and Sierra making breakfast.

A few minutes after that Luca and Riccardo walked in laughing so loudly that I had to cover my sensitive ears.Seriously how can Aria and Sierra stand these two.I mentally rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate and filled it with pancakes but mostly bacon.

Aria,Sierra,Luca and Riccardo soon joined me at the table.Whilist eating, I could feel the tension in the room, I mean I could rip it apart with my claws,but never before have we sat in a awkward silence with no one talking.

Although something told me that this was about me, I chose to ignore it.


Luca spoke breaking the silence

"Your uncle sent a letter inviting you to the Vampire Ball next week Friday"

"I'm not going."

I said firmly living no room for discussion but of course Sierra being Sierra didn't take no for an answer.

"Darien stop doing this to yourself you have to go back to your rightful home."

"Sierra don't get involved in this."

Riccardo spoke giving Sierra a death glare.

"Don't you dare look at me like that he is your friend,you need to help him realise what he is actually losing and that he's pushing people that love and care about him away."

"Sierra stop telling me what to do your not my mate."

"Thank God I'm not I hope you don't find your mate or she rejects you since you've clearly proven to me that you don't deserve her."

I won't lie Sierra's last statement cut me deeper than I thought it would.What if she's right and she does reject me and moves on to someone new.What will I do then.

"Or she is human and doesn't know about us then we can make her believe what we want her to believe."

"Jett she is obviously not as dumb as you someone will show and tell her the truth and it obviously will be Sierra."

"Why didn't you say so we'll just kill her and tell Riccardo that she was attacked by rouges then bam problem solved."

"What!!!You psycho your on time out no more running for you for the whole week."

"Jeez calm down you sound like mom."

(Sighed) "I swear sometimes that you snuck out and came to me or you bribed the moongodess into picking me for you cause you and I are not the same."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Then guess what he fucking blocked me,what am I gonna do with this wolf.

I kept on starring at my food for a long time until Aria broke the second awkward silence.

"Come on Sierra we need to leave the boys alone for a while...."

Sierra stood up whilst throwing daggers my way.I was really starting to take what Sierra said into consideration.Maybe I should just let her live her life without dragging her into my ruthless world.

"You idiot mate will love us no matter what I don't care if she is human. I want to hold her,love her and protect her so stop whining like a little pup and let's go find her."

"Your right wait what did you just say."

"Which part."

"Damn it the part where you said that she was human."

"Oh that wait don't tell me you didn't notice."

"Obviously I didn't that's why I asked you."

"I should have known that you were dumber than I thought you were."

"Haha very funny know tell me how you noticed."

"Well for one if they were supernaturals we would have smelt them a mile and away thanks to our special combination and I'll tell you the rest later."

"Not helpful."

"Hey my offer still stands about Sierra."

"NO.Anyways about earlier you were right I was being to emotional for my age."

"Of course I was right,I'm the wise one and obviously mate will love me more than you."

"What no way."

"You wanna bet."

"Gladly,may the best male win."

"You are so dead Darien.I'm a natural with the ladies."

"Actions speak louder than words my wolf friend."

"Aagh whatever stop acting

smart,Riccardo wants to talk to you."

Jett went back to the back of my head making himself comfortable enough to continue watching his movie;my life.

"Look bro I'm sorry about what Sierra said,you know she can sometimes be..."

"To much."

I said finishing his sentence for him.Before he could say anything I walked towards the sink and threw my dishes in it.

"Why are you both still sitting,I thought that we had plans for today."


they both said at the same time.I mentally rolled my eyes and walked over to the garage and took out my favorite motor cycle.I hope that mate loves it too.

Luca and Riccardo soon joined me and we took of towards Goldfeathers café.On our way there I thought to  myself how tall mate was,is her skin tanned,pale or "normally"coloured,does she have long or short hair.Is it black,brown,red or is she a blonde.Does she have blue,hazel or brown eyes.

"Could you please stop thinking all of that at the same time it's driving me crazy."

"Hey I was just wondering it's not really a bad thing now is it."

"I don't really care as long as there is a pussy and two breasts then I'm fine."

Wow then they say I'm the one whose a pervert.