

Somewhere in Switzerland, there was a place that people said was a haunted mansion. No one's tried to enter that mansion because of the legend that that mansion was possessed by a demon.

The old Bramford Mansion stood at the brink of the small metropolis of Millfield, its once grand façade now weathered and cloaked in ivy. Locals spoke of its haunting presence, whispering memories of eerie lights and disembodied voices that echoed via the night. But the most chilling legend turned into that of the underground tunnel that related the mansion to the historic church on the heart of metropolis—a tunnel stated to be possessed with the aid of a demon named Curason.

Curason changed into no everyday demon. He had been banished from the underworld centuries in the past, condemned to wander the earth and wreak havoc on the residing. His power grew with each soul he claimed, and the tunnel between Bramford Mansion and St. Mary's Church became his domain, a sinister passage where the boundary among the dwelling and the dead become perilously thin.

One rainy nighttime, a set of pals—Alyssa, James, Megan, and Tom—determined to analyze the mansion, driven via a mix of curiosity and disbelief. Armed with flashlights and a crude map of the mansion, they ventured inside, their steps echoing thru the desolate halls.

"We must find the doorway to the tunnel," James advised, his voice trembling barely. "It's purported to be in the basement."

Descending the creaky stairs, they reached the basement, where a heavy iron door marked the doorway to the fabled tunnel. With a deep breath, Alyssa driven it open, and the organization turned into without delay engulfed by an icy breeze that seemed to whisper their names.

The tunnel was long and narrow, its walls coated with crumbling bricks and historic symbols. As they walked deeper, the air grew less warm, and an oppressive darkness surrounded them. Megan's flashlight flickered, casting fleeting shadows that danced menacingly on the partitions.

"Do you listen that?" Tom requested, his voice barely above a whisper. They all stopped, straining to listen. Faintly, they might pay attention chanting, a low, guttural sound that seemed to come back from the very partitions round them.

, the floor under them trembled, and a sinister snicker echoed thru the tunnel. The buddies huddled together, their eyes wide with fear.

"Welcome, brave souls," a deep, malevolent voice intoned. "I am Curason, keeper of this passage. You've got entered my area, and now, you shall pay the rate."

Panic set in as the friends tried to retrace their steps, however the tunnel seemed to curve and shift, perplexing their feel of course. Shadows grew darker, and the chanting grew louder, pressing in on them from all facets.

Alyssa, the most determined on the group, steeled herself and shouted into the darkness, "What do you want, Corazon? Why are you here?"

A cold wind whipped around them, and Corazon's voice filled the tunnel yet again. "I are searching for to interrupt unfastened from this prison, to walk a few of the living and unleash my wrath upon the sector. Your fear fuels my energy, however a sacrifice will seal my launch."

Knowing they needed to act quick, Alyssa remembered a passage in a dusty antique book she had examine about demon banishment. With shaking hands, she drew a circle at the ground with a chunk of chalk she had in her backpack and started out to recite the incantation.

The tunnel shook violently as Curason howled in rage. "No! You cannot banish me!"

James, Megan, and Tom joined fingers with Alyssa, adding their voices to hers. The electricity in their blended will surged thru the tunnel, and with a final, ear-splitting scream, Curason was torn from his area and banished back to the underworld.

Exhausted and trembling, the friends determined themselves back at the entrance of the tunnel, the iron door firmly close behind them. They stumbled out of the mansion, the primary rays of sunrise breaking thru the storm clouds.

Millfield might forever consider the bravery of those who confronted the demon of Bramford Mansion. And though the tunnel remained sealed, the townsfolk knew that so long as they stored the light of braveness burning in their hearts, no darkness may want to ever simply triumph over them.