
[CHAPTER 2;] "first love"

Day's have gone by, but the 2 seat mates haven't become friends yet. Daniel's eyes are still on yuna!

It was the day of there trip. They were getting ready, "hi, my name is nana, what's your's?" nana asked. But Daniel ignored her, and left! On there way to the trip. The teacher picked 3 students to each group to play fun games.. The team members on Daniel's team were nana and yuna.

First there task was gardening, Daniel tried to get yuna's attention but failed, on other hand nana seems to like Daniel, but gets ignored.

Days, months have passed! in the outside of the school, nana saw a Lost cat, she went outside of the school without anyone's permission and took the kittie. Daniel saw this, and he joined nana! They found themselves talking to each other.