
Chapter 5: The Reason and The Reunion

Robert was transported to a space that sort of looked like a movie theater as he watched the memories of the past soul.

Robert saw a different looking kid who looked to be around 8 based on his face standing in front of a mirror. Based on his body though, which was packed with both muscle but also a multitude of scars, the kid looked to already be 12-14. He had put on what looked like wizard robes and he had a steampunk looking gauntlet on his right hand.

(Wow he'd been hanging around with the wrong crowd.)

Just then the kid's phone started to ring and he responded in a voice that sounded as if it came from a young man, not an 8 year old boy.

{Jones here.}

{Boss, we found another body.}

{The drawing was there?}

{Yes, and a note.}

{What'd the note say?}

{Roger, it says 'If you keep interfering with our business, a body will drop a day until your organization is in shambles. Sincerely Lotus Corporation.'}

{Argh, That's the tenth body this month.}

{What do you want to do boss?}

{Gather the boys, after today, we're at war. I'll meet you at the club.}

{Roger that boss.}

After the kid hung up the phone he used what looked like magic, to change his appearance to that of a man in his early 30s with gray eyes and a long scar from under his eye to the bottom of his cheek and he was wearing a leather vest with the symbol of a dragon on the right pocket. He then created a blue portal with the gauntlet on his right arm and walked through.

The man arrived into a nice office and there was loud, yet muffled club music playing in the background with multicolored lights seen against the walls. After he sat in the large chair in front of the desk in the center of the room, a young man probably in his mid-twenties walked in.

"Boss, I've gathered the men in the basement and we are awaiting your orders."

"Then let's go check on the troops."

In the basement the men were conversing about why they think they were called.

"Hey Newt, what is the reason you think that Boss Dragon told Wyte to gather us?"

"I assume it has something to do with the bodies that have been dropping like flies this last month."

"Yea, I heard they found one of the Salamander's bodies yesterday."

"Well it was only a Salamander, if it was a Knight I'd be worried."

"Yeah, but the last one was a Sorcerer."

Robert's body's last inhabitant seemed to be some kind of underworld leader and his organization was centered around the theme of dragons. The leader was named The Dragon King and he had set up his hierarchy like that of a chess board. He was the King and although he didn't have a Queen he had two Knights called Dragon Knights, two Bishops that he titled Dragon Sorcerers.

He had an elite team of assassins he called Slayers and this was the only part of his organization that differed from the chess motif. He had 20 Slayers that completed various missions for him.

Back to the chess motif, he had two Rooks that he called Wyrms. and lastly all his Pawns were called Salamanders. Just like in chess the Salamanders were the weakest pieces, but had the most potential. Every new member started as a Salamander and as they got promoted they could become Wyrms, Dragon Sorcerers, Dragon Knights, etc....

As it stands right now, in the last month 9 Salamanders and 1 Dragon Sorcerer had been killed. The Sorcerers were just below The Dragon King's right hand men, which were the Knights.

The organization was made up from Thugs, Martial Artists, Magicians, and Swordsman. The King would impart different skills to each level that a member was promoted to. This is why the Knights were so strong. They had been trained as martial artists at Rook Level and then granted magical skills at Bishop level and finally taught a variety of sword skills when they reached Knight level.

The Slayers were taught all that and more. They were also taught assassination techniques and had a specific kind of magic called dragon tongue. This kind of magic was insanely powerful and casted faster than the general magic used by Sorcerers and Knights. He also taught them a skill he called Dragon Skin. This allowed the Slayers to take on characteristics of a dragon such as dragon scales, wings, tails, talons, and even enabled them to use dragon breath.

All these skills seemed to be unique to the past inhabitants' soul as the body Robert has now, does not have those capabilities, and only kept the Adaptive Physiology.

The memory continued and saw the huge war that took place between the two organizations and by the end of it all of Dragon's members were killed leaving only him. He had no choice but to disband his organization, hoping the mysterious Lotus Corp. wouldn't take further action against him. He also abandoned his Dragon persona and became just Robert Grey.

He was sorely mistaken about the organization giving up on taking him out. They found a way to get to him by discovering his actual identity and hired one of their newer members to pose as a chauffer to get him to an area where they could take care of him without witnesses.

While Robert was watching Dragon's last moments, he saw that Dragon said something in what Robert could only assume was dragon tongue, and he gave himself dragon scales which caused him to escape the explosion of the car. Unfortunately, he was thrown outside and just as his magic failed, he hit the hard pavement and his consciousness started to fade.

From the memory, Robert knew what Dragon had planned, he burned some of his life essence to activate the spell which saved his life, but caused him to fall into a coma that he would've came out of once his Adaptive Physiology activated. Unfortunately he died before that time. The absolute last memory he saw was when the kid was brought into the ambulance.


Robert awoke with a loud gasp at being launched back into his body as he seemed to be in astral form while watching the memories. He saw Arthur, who was pacing in the corner and two other people. One of which was laying her head on his hospital bed.

"Master Grey?!?! Thank god you are awake once again"

"Arthur, how long was I out?"

"Just 4 hours."

"Phew, I thought I went into another coma."

Just then, one of the two people, the woman who was laying her head on his hospital bed, looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"My baby boy is okay I was so worried!!!"

The second of the two was a middle aged man with black medium length slicked back hair, wearing an expensive looking black suit that was slightly hiding his athletic build, and there were a pile of folders on the table near him.

The woman, who Robert could only assume was his mother, Jenifer Grey. She had long silver hair that went to the middle of her back with beautiful ice blue eyes and her skin seemed to glow a pale white in the sun.

The man was Robert's Father. He was named Adrian Grey and he owned Grey Tech. He had a sort of storm grey eyes and he had a tanned skin color. He went to Robert and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad to see you awake my son. I thought I would never be able to hear your voice again."

Although not overtly obvious, Robert could see tears threatening to form in his eyes.