

The last words of advice Casper's father ever told him, were "...A leader ought to be firm but fair, strong but kind, and most importantly level headed. Never act in anger". which is a damn hard thing to do when you see your village burned to the ground. Casper, a uniquely powerful young man has been set on a warpath, one that will stop for no-one, with the exception of the uniquely skilled and beautiful traveling companions he picks up against his will along the way. Dark Star is a casual, purely self indulgent power fantasy featuring an over powered main character with a dash of harem relationships, wrapped up in a dark fantasy package. Much like its setting, Dark Star is rough around the edges and lacking polish. its a bag of chips, not a steak, if you're in the mood for that kind of thing. Due to the nature of it's content, Dark Star is intended for adult audiences only.

Snowpine7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Stress Relief [Explicit]

Unfortunately, Casper was unable to take care of himself when he got back. As he entered the room, he was greeted by Elisayra who got up quickly as he entered and bowed her head deeply 

"welcome back" she said, her eyes still locked on the ground. 

"You made quick work of your job, didn't you?" Casper was genuinely impressed, he had done well to finish quickly, and here Elisayra was, also done it appeared. 

"I did, I also picked up a second job quickly to retrieve some stolen goods, the coin is all on the table sir" 

Casper rubbed at the stubble on his chin, and possibly thought he should probably shave soon. He looked at the table, and Indeed there were two coin purses both with a decent sum. 

"Very good work Elisayra, damn good work." Casper was genuinely impressed after all and he found that important to voice. However, there was still a part of him that had hopped she would have just run off and never returned, however that didn't seem to be the case.

He made his way over to the table, taking the coins from their bags and counting them on the table. 100 gold for the missing girl, and 10 gold for the stolen goods. Interesting how he saw people being sold for less that some merchants wares, and here others were being bought back for 100 gold. A strange world, he thought. 

"Now we just wait for Annabelle to return...trouble is, what to do until then" 

Casper took a look out the window and out into the small section of grass with the tree behind the collection of buildings, he looked up to the noon sky, sun bright overhead with not a cloud in sight, letting the cool breeze pass through the window and into his nose for some fresh air. 

He then looked over the Elisayra, studying her up and down, trying to get a better read on the girl. Though his initial intentions were pure, trying to figure out what he wanted to do, he also couldn't help but admire the girl. 

Despite her baggy clothes, which seemed finer than when he last saw her, though still covered in mud, blood, and tears, it was clear underneath was quite the body. small breasts, a small waist, and large ass most likely. 

The frilly tatted nobles cloths did well to hide her form, but it was clear from how she walked she carried weight down there. Her lips were full, with round cheeks just a little red, large eyes on a girlish face. Her hands looked mature however. Years of hard use, but they kept their delicate feminine appeal. A shame her cloths were such a mess

Casper snapped and Elisayra jumped a little "Lets get you some new cloths" 

She bowed her head "of course sir" 

Easy enough then, Casper thought. "Lets be off then, best not to waste any time in case Annabel returns soon" 

Elisayra's mind was a blur. The way he looked at her in that room, those hungry eyes, he looked as if he was ready to eat her. Casper's strong jaw yet young features made his age hard to pin down, his medium hair, not too straight, not too curly, the way his eyes peered out from under them and looked her up and down, studying her every curve. Elisayra became quickly reminded of the position she was in. she couldn't help but be a little scared, the idea that he might pounce on her and use her, to tear her cloths away and fuck her there in the room was a very real possibility, one she was almost ready for, with how Casper examined her, and she had found herself almost enjoying the idea. 

As Casper mentioned the change of cloths she almost started to remove hers, until he got up and started walking, did she realize that was not the intent. However now she was more than a little confused, and equally uncomfortably at the growing warmth between her legs. 

Her face turned red as she walked, realizing the ideas she had conjured in her head had gotten her excited. She should probably take care of herself later...then when would she find the time....

Casper had mentioned getting her new cloths...perhaps then like some of the other stories she had heard, Casper wanted her to look a certain way before he did anything to her. After all, she was dirty, shabby, poorly dressed, and more importantly, a half elf. It was then she realize it was indeed most likely that Casper wanted to dress her up in a more appropriate, human fashion. 

Not everyone has the stomach to bed half elf's, dirty business, and she didn't take Casper as a dirty man, not like that. Though she did notice he was pent up when he entered. Just as the door had opened in fact and she looked to see who would arrive, Elisayra had noticed quite the sizable bulge coming through...and he did mention they better get the business done quickly before Annabelle had arrived. Though why he would chose to fuck her and not Annabelle was a mystery to her. She figured it best not to try to understand the desires of men. 

His intentions were clear to her then, and she would do best to continue to prove her usefulness to Casper, less he no longer find a need and throw her away….besides, she had begun, perhaps enjoying the idea even of being used, if it were Casper. She found herself biting her lower lip, wondering if what she saw pressing against his pants could even fit inside of her...and she felt the growing wetness between her legs and forced the ideas out, it was getting a little uncomfortable to walk. 

Casper thought he had decent enough taste in clothing, with Elisayra's help they walked the markets in search of some fairly decent cloths, as well as a new set of tools, and some light padded armor for Elisayra, which she seemed fairly surprised to receive. 

"If you are going to be with me for a while, things will inevitably get dangerous. Trust me you'll end up wanting armor. " 

It was all in all a very pleasant afternoon. The markets were busy and filled with people, the crowded stalls offering their various wares was quite the sight for Casper, and he made well to take in all the sights. 

The two grabbed some food from a vendor selling freshly cooked turkey. Casper was also quite used to food on the road, which wasn't bad but wasn't the greatest either, the food in the city however was on an entirely different level. The flavors were intense and the meat was cooked to perfection, Casper figured this was likely the meal of a lord, being sold for a fair sum but otherwise reasonable for the coin they had. Elisayra more so was impressed. Casper would have thought that living in the city, she would have had least stolen food like this before, but it turns out she had not, and was enjoying the meat even more than he was as they walked back to the inn. 

Back at the inn. Casper deposited the remainder of the coin. Which was still quite a bit left over. "I'm going to head out again. I have some things I need to do around the city still, stay here and change if you want, and pay for your old clothes to be washed as well. No point throwing them out or wasting them. Might as well make sure it lasts. Ill be back later. 

With that, Casper left again. Leaving Elisayra in the room to her own devices. Which was rather difficult for her. Elisayra stood in shock for a moment. Not only had he bought her clothes, but tools and armor as well. It appeared now that Elisayra was going to be with Casper for at least a little while. There was no other reason for him to buy her these things otherwise. So it appeared that this man had seen her as useful. However she was still confused about his desires… the cloths they had bought were practical, functional, still a little stylish but not sexy or revealing like she had expected. He had not taken her on the bed and used her as she anticipated. She was half relieved, and half disappointed. Relieved that she didn't have to perform well, as a virgin she didn't know if she could satisfy. And if he was disappointed then there was no saying if he would really keep her around. But disappointed that she wasn't able to test her theory about seeing if the monster In his pants would fit. 

Elisayra found herself biting her lower lip at the thought. It appeared then she had a little bit of time to herself. Her fingers trailed down to the ties around her baggy cloths. She had been asked to change. 

She let the cloths fall to the ground, and before she knew it her, her hand had trailed between her legs, feeling the moisture. Moving her fingers open and closed to confirm the sticky wetness, her other hand fondling her own breast, squeezing it gently and letting the pleasure flow through her. 

She worked her deft fingers down, letting them slide inside herself, feeling the pressure around them as the palm of her hand brushed and gridded against her most sensitive areas. Her other hand pulled at her nipple. Her body arched with pleasure. She didn't realize how pent up she had been. She let her weight drop onto the bed as her fingers worked across her body, the image of Casper in her mind all the while 

Casper was hard as stone itself. The bulge in his pants pressed uncomfortably against the belt he had tucked it up against to try and relieve the pressure, though it almost threatened to burst out any way. After using the mark his body always craved sex, and it had been a while, and he wasn't able to get any time alone. His body ached, and his mind was filled with the haze as his blood was focused elsewhere. To the brothel it was then. 

He had only gone to one other brothel in his life. In a modest town not too far from his farm after he had gone off on his own for the first time. He was horny and young and desperate after using too much of the mark. It was a less than enjoyable time but it got the job done better than his hand at least. He had also bedded a village girl one other time longer into his travels after saving them from some soldiers who thought it appropriate to steal supplies because he was young, reckless and desperate after losing most everyone he knew.

Regardless, it had been quite a while, and despite being surrounded now by two very attractive women, as he had thought about before, asking them to have sex would likely compromise their effectiveness, or make things difficult or confusing in the future, and if they planned on sticking around, he didn't want the extra difficulty of dealing with one of them getting too attached, or him to them, or the complications sex with your companions adds. Not to mention the power dynamic that was eating away at him. 

Casper found himself at the entrance to the brothel. Opening the doors inside he was greeted by the scent of sex and incense. The sweet, salty, tangy mix of copulation masked thinly by the smoking spices. The three story building was simple wood, wattle a daub and stone. Packed tight with large red curtains and drapery to act as thin barriers between spaces, where the outline of bodies could be seen moving or heard moaning, interrupted by the sound of occasional banging, yelling, and crying from somewhere up top. 

Casper tried his best to ignore it, looking over the women who wandered the "sales floor" trying to seduce men who hadn't decided on their pick for the evening yet. But they all seemed slightly uncomfortable by the noise upstairs, but masked it well enough. The women here were of average attractiveness. Nothing spectacular or divine by any means. In fact both Annabel and Elisayra were both far more appealing than any of the girls here. 

A comfortable mix of ages, some suspiciously young and a few just a little too old, all trying to sell themselves to anyone else who would by. 

When Casper entered the building however. A decent amount of attention turned to him. Casper was aware that he would likely be considered to be of above average looks, and at least many of the girls in the brothel thought so as well. With their usual clients being either fat and ugly bastards or cruel mercenaries or angry soldiers, the sight of Casper was quite the pleasant relief. If they got paid the same either way, why not try and get one of the more attractive men. And soon they were on him. Hanging on his arms, trailing fingers down his chest and leg and grabbing at his junk, working the bulge over the pants. Many asking, a few begging and others pleading to take them, offering prices and voicing specific services. 

Casper was no longer short on options, and with many of the other clients starting to grumble, out of courtesy sake he figured he should choose soon. 

"You" he said, pointing to a woman in her 30s with large hips and breasts. Thick thighs. A large ass, and a rounder face with a strong jaw. She looked mature, experienced, and eager. Some of the others started negotiating cheaper prices for a three way or four way, but Casper was dragged from the women and led by the hand to a far away "room" with his chosen girl.

She led him down into the back, a small circular space surrounded by drapery and fine cushions. She sat him down on the modest mattress, and stood over him. Her fingers grabbing him by the side of the head and running her long nails through his hair. The act itself caused Casper to shiver with pleasure as she worked her delicate fingers through. Trailing the nails down his cheeks and jaw, neck and collar bone. 

She started to work at this tunic but Casper stopper her "keep the shirt on, please" he said, doing his best to sound pleased yet firm. He didn't want to ruin the moment. But he didn't have to. Another loud smack. Bang, and clatter, followed by some laughs and a cry from upstairs. The woman working him frowned a little, but tried to not let the sound bother her as she nodded 

"of course dear, of course." She let the smile creep back onto her face as she ran her fingers and hands down his stomach, his hips. Gabbing at his thighs and then letting her hands settle around the now impressive, fully erect bulge trying desperately to free itself from his pants.

She worked her fingers over it, readjusting it into a far more comfortable position and started rubbing at the underside of his cock through his pants. Long, gentle motions accompanied but her pleasant husky moans, as she used her other hand to work the small excuse of a top off of her impressive bust, letting her incredible tits spill out into the open. 

She moaned again, letting her large breasts press against his legs as she then slowly started to work at his pants. Her fingers quickly undoing the ties around his waist, and pulling them down lower and lower. As she did so, his cock erupted from his pants, nearly hitting her in the cheek as she lowered them to his ankles. Her hot breath against his shaft caused it to twitch and quiver with anticipation. "Oh by the heavens" she whispered, looking at his impressive size. One hand began to grab at the base, curling around it. 

She jumped again as another louder bang and crash echoed from above, a pained moan creaked through the floorboards and more bouts of laughter. Then another bang and more crashing. Casper winced, the woman's grip tightened just a little, making it uncomfortable, and he looked up. 

"Sorry dear, don't mind the noise...I apologize" she stroked his cock some more. And planted a wet kiss on it, where she had gripped tightly. Her lips were soft and warm, his cock twitched some more as clear dribble began to spill out. "Eager are we?" she teased

"It has been some-" Casper couldn't get the words out before he felt the warmth of her mouth wrap around the length of him. Her tongue working deftly around in long exaggerated circles with a gentle suction of her mouth as she began to Bob her head up and down, each motion causing him to shake and grab at the bed cloth. He himself let out several moans as she worked at him with her mouth, listening to the little breaths she let out as well, her hand still working the base of his shaft. 

A huge bang. The clank and clatter of noise and jovial cheers and wicked laughter echoed noisily from above. Almost shaking the floor above them. Casper frowned, he tried to get back in the mood but then another crash, then a loud scream, a screech even, more laughter and then hard sobbing and he couldn't take it any more. 

The woman working him stopped as Casper started to get up. His still wet cock spilling out of her mouth with a gasping choke "I'm terribly sorry! Please you mustn't pay any mind…please just lay back down…" she tried to call out to Casper, but he was already on his way out. The mood kept getting ruined, kept being Interrupted, it was impossible to relax like that. He was horny as hell and in the middle of getting his cock sucked damnit. 

He stuffed the quickly softening member back into his pants, tying up his pants and storming up stairs. One of the girls tried to stop him, though not very well, as he entered the top level. The entire place was clear, save for a large room space in the far back, where he could see several shifting silhouettes

Casper stomped his way over and tossed back the curtain "would you kindly quite the fuck down-" Casper's words caught in his throat at the sight he saw before him. A very young looking full elf was splayed on the ground. A metal collar around her neck linked to a chain being tugged on by a soldier. A red hot branding iron in another hand, with several horrific scorch marks on the elf's porcelain pale flesh. Her body was bruised and bloodied, a dagger in one soldiers hand. 

The elf's legs were forcibly spread open by a length of pole and rope, her hands bound behind her back, another soldier spreading her ass hole open ready to enter. Her body was a bloodied, scared, scorched, fluid covered mess. She laid there, face dug into the wood floor, tears and spit bubbling from her eyes and mouth in desperate sobs, and Casper felt the mark come over him in an instant 

This perhaps was not uncommon, not for an elf in human lands, not for a woman in the kingdom. This was the norm, his father had said so. But this, Casper felt in the pit of his stomach, was cruel, wrong. 

"Oi, get the fuck outa here lad before you get yourself hurt, aye?" 

He recognized the slurred voice. In fact Casper recognized these soldiers. These were the same ones Alex had dealt with in the tavern. It was a good thing then Casper had taken their spears and loaned Alex the dagger. Looking over them now, most if not all stripped and naked to some degree, abusing, raping, torturing this elf girl, was too much. Perhaps in the heat of battle or the spoils of war it could be ignored. In a tavern, a place of business. Where this girl worked for coin to survive, was entirely unacceptable. 

"Close your eyes" he said to the elf. She looked on at him with a dead, painful expression. "Close. Your. Eyes" he repeated. And she did so. 

The guards were pulling up their pants and grabbing their weapons but Casper was too fast. He didn't even need to consciously call the mark, or feel the heat to deal with these scum. He was on them in an instant. Casper's fist connected with the jaw of the man wielding the knife, sending his head back and into the stone of the hearth with a snap. The knife tumbled into the air, and Casper snatched it, following with his own momentum to drive the newly acquired blade into the stomach of a soldier who had a spear raised at him. 

A punch missed Casper head by a hairs length. Casper having just barely ducked under the blow and grabbed the man's arm, driving and elbow Into the joint with a snap and crack, then tossing him over his shoulder Into the fourth guard who was coming on him. 

Casper felt a stab into his back, another knife found purchase just under his shoulder blade. He let out a yell, and let the mark flow into his body, his nearly smoking breath letting out heat as he reeled, grabbing the man by the head and driving him down into the hearths rolling flames. 

The smell of cooking flesh and burning hair filled the room as Casper held his face into the coals and kicking flames and sizzling popping stone. He felt the air move behind him, And Casper grabbed the branding iron. He pivoted on his back leg and put all his weight into the jab, the branding iron smashed into the mans teeth. Sending blood and fragments of his mouth over Casper. The branding iron searing and melting his lips as the guard fell to the ground screaming. 

Casper pulled the knife from his back and let it drop to the ground. This is not at all how he had hoped the day would go. Around him the men groaned and moaned, ached and cried clutching their wounds. He let the mark fall away and let the heat of its power out with a final breath. He turned to see the elf girl, her eyes wide, half filled with tears, horror, and relief, as Casper cut the rope on her hands and unbound her feet.

She scrambled up weakly, pulling herself up Into a ball. Wiping the blood and other fluids from her body. "Thank you…" she squeaked out" but Casper was already leaving. He walked out from the top floor, healing his wounds and wiping the blood on a stray cloth to clean himself up as much as possible. And as he walked down the stairs, all eyes were on him. He was covered in both their blood as his own. He eyed everyone in the room. Locking into the girl who had started servicing him earlier. He reached into his coin purse and flipped her the silver, which she caught with surprise, and concern. And Casper walked through the door back into the city. 

By now it was getting dark as he stumbled back home, a few eyes were on him as he walked but he didn't care. What a shitty situation he had gotten himself into… it wasn't at all the plan, and now things were bound to be complicated. He needed to move up his timeline. He couldn't spare any more time, or any more outbursts of chivalry. It had gotten him into enough difficult situations already. 

Now he had to act quick. The guards who he has stupidly fought. And then stupidly left alive knew his face, and so did everyone in that brothel, word would spread quickly and that meant he needed to act sooner than later. Tomorrow night then, he would act tomorrow night. For now he just needed a good night sleep, and to release all this tension in his pants 

Unfortunately, Casper was unable to do either of those things. Entering the room. He was greeted to the sight of Elisayra and Annabelle sitting on the floor, Elisayra doing her best to patch and clean up several fresh wounds Annabelle had acquired presumably during her guarding job.

They both greeted him as he entered, Elisayra casting her eyes down a little, and Annabelle wincing as she tried to turn. 

"You alright?" Casper asked, setting his things down onto the table, noticing two new bags of coins. 

"nothing big, just someone who thought they could get one over one me" Annabelle let the corner of her mouth come up into a self satisfied smile "got em though, plus a little extra" 

Casper was impressed. Especially looking at the two coin purses contents. Gold all of it. They had now a little under 1000 gold pieces, quite the sizable sum considering the short amount of time it took. 

Casper turned to face the two. Annabelle had her shirt pulled up a little over her head, revealing her entire back and sides. As she flexed and winced at the water and bandaging, Casper noticed for the first time she had quite the interesting build. Her bust was impressive to say the least, her skin was tanned and scarred but not in bad condition, her body was muscular under a layer of appealing curves. She was toned. The kind of muscle you wouldn't normally see or be aware of until you saw it work and flex, then it was massively impressive. 

Annabelle noticed his eyes on her. "I'm fine, I promise. Really I've had much much worse" 

Casper looked away and gave a simple nod. "Good, I'm glad to hear you're well then. Elisayra, thank you for patching her up."

Casper let the words hang in the air for a moment before continuing "I have to move my plans forward. I have a lot of work to do and not very much time any more. Tomorrow I need both of your help, and I need you to listen and pay attention"

Caster turned and sat on the bed, facing the two on the ground, and they both looked up at him, waiting for his next words. 

"Annabelle, I need you to take some of the coin and buy Elisayra a horse, take them from the stables and have them ready by the far gates, have everything packed and ready to move on a moment's notice. If it gets dark, any time after the sun sets. Or if you see the guards closing the gates for any reason, take the horses and bring them up into the mountains, just over the hill, north east of the trade roads, an abandoned goblin camp. And wait there till sunrise. Elisayra, I need you to go to the docks, I bought a small boat near the far end, take that boat and row it down to the bottom of the cliffside below the castle. There is an alcove there to hide under from the wall patrol. Bring your tools and a weapon."

It looked like both of them were terribly confused, but neither wanted to ask about specifics. They simply nodded in silence. Casper clapped his hands together "good, we are leaving the city by sunset tomorrow. So if there is anything you want done. Do it soon." Casper took a look outside. By now the nighttime air started to creep in, blowing cold through the window. 

"Lets try and get some rest though" Casper turned and rested in his bed "be sure to blow the lantern out when you are done" and he pulled the blankets over. And tried his best to let sleep take him. 

Unfortunately, he had a hard time sleeping, and an equally hard if not harder time not being hard. Casper laid on his side, facing the wall, blankets pulled over him, frowning down at the bulge pressing uncomfortably against his pants. He turned himself onto his stomach, hoping almost to squash the urges under his own body weight and scanned the room. 

Annabelle was asleep close to his own bed, on the floor just a foot or two away, and Elisayra was but a foot or two from her. The room was small. Very small. Likely to the point where he couldn't take care of himself without the girls noticing. It was an unfortunate circumstance to be sure. To be in a room with two attractive women and deciding against sleeping with them, but by the gods above did his cock ache. 

Damn the mark, damn the heat, and damn his bad decisions. Not only did calling on the mark make him horny as hell, but he had his cock half sucked already and then left unsatisfied. A very frustrating series of events that left him now a little sticky at the tip and damn near in pain. It was too much. If he didn't take care of himself now, he wouldn't sleep, and he needed to make sure he slept, so, with that settled, he turned himself back over on his side facing the wall, and slid his cock from his pants, letting his hand work down the length in a grip and went to work.

Elisayra could easily imagine what he was doing under there, and as she first listened, and then watched, it became more and more apparent. She couldn't take her eyes off of his movement. His back was turned to her, and Annabelle was fast asleep near the bed. Oh how she wished she was Annabelle now. Instead she could only watch from across the room as Casper's arm moved up and down under the sheets, she soft sounds of muffled grunting, the noise of skin on skin. Elisayra couldn't help herself, Just watching him for a moment already had her squirming on the floor, and it wasn't long until she ran her fingers down between her legs and started to try and keep pace. 

Oh how she had wished she was Annabelle right now, to be closer, to see it clearer. To smell it, to be close as she touched herself. She watched his shape shift and move, his position changing now as he got more comfortable, got more carried away. She worked her hips into her fingers and her fingers inside her hole, rubbing, sliding in and out, half biting her blankets to keep her own noises in. Casper had turned onto his back now, the blankets all but forgotten, leaving her with an incredible view of his fully erect cock freed from his pants. She matched his rhythm, faster and faster as Casper did. Bit down harder on the blankets as she saw his hips move, heard his groans escape his lips. 

Casper let a slightly louder than expected exhale out in time with groans as he finished, the sticky spurts rolling out with his convulsions. He angled it away just in time, coating the bed in his seed, and Elisayra was slightly saddened by it, she saw the very beginning, watched as he came, and came hard, but he turned away and she could only see his back twitch. Elisayra was nearing her limit too, much faster than anticipated and almost immediately after Casper finished, Elisayra began to contract her stomach. Her walls were tightening around her fingers as she rubbed and rubbed faster and faster until she couldn't take it any longer. Her mouth came free of the blanket and she had to quickly cover her mouth as a high moan escaped her lips. In the middle of her throws of pleasure she swore she saw Casper begin to glance over, so she turned herself quickly around and did her best to hide her body's movements, the wet between her legs coating her inner thighs and fingers. 

Casper swore he saw Elisayra looking at him, but it was probably more than likely the mix of guilt and clarity that came after such an act. He quickly looked over the room but didn't seem to have woken the girls. He'll have to wash the sheets tomorrow though. Feeling spent and well satisfied, Casper turned the sheets around to avoid facing his sticky problem, and found sleep much easier to find after.