Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)
(I have named the Fume Knights in the AUX chapter as I need names for these guys. They will be given by name in this chapter and from here on out.)
As Adrain walked up to Kaathe he placed his swords on his back. He would not be needing them yet as he did not know if he could kill these guys. They were annoying sure, but so far more like an annoying pest.
Even if he could tame one, he would not do it. They were so ugly and he did not know what Miyazaki was thinking when he made their design. He walked up to the giant serpent as he looked it dead in the eye.
"You sure are ugly. When I imagine primordial serpent I imagine some Eldritch horror, not a bucktooth, fleshy mustached worm."
Kaathe was shocked that someone had so little fear for a primordial serpent. However, did he have to be so hurtful about it?
"I am Dark Stalker Kaathe and I-"
"Want to make me the new Dark Lord over the age of Dark. I will help lead toward the age of dark, but I am not ruling this dumb excuse of a world. I mean what am I going to rule over, hollows? They are not the most self-aware subjects you know."
Kaathe blinked a few times as he did not understand how someone could be so uninterested that it made it harder for him to manipulate him.
"Well, I am glad you h-"
"Take me to the Kiln already. Don't bother with the bullshit."
Kaathe felt his eyes twitch as he never had met anyone so annoying as Adrian. What did he expect from a former cripple who took joy in annoying others?
Kaathe swallowed Adrian which was not as gross as Adrian thought it would be. There was no saliva and it seemed more like a shadowy place. The trip was quick as Adrian was spat out at the entrance of the Kiln of the flame.
"Now p-"
"Place the lord vessel, I know already."
Kaathe clacked his teeth together as he kind of got annoyed.
"Oh come on. I practiced those lines forever, at least let me get them out."
Adrian laughed at the eight-grade syndrome snake and placed the vessel down. Just like the game, a massive bright light shot like a beacon into the sky which made many who see it feel hope.
As for Adrian, it just meant he could now take on the Witch, Nito, Seath and hurry up with this world. One more goal was that he wanted to talk to the Ancient Dragon in Arch Lake to see what was up with him. Most importantly he had to go back in time and get max level.
He already knew that DS2 would be many times harder than this and every single enemy would be broken beyond measure. Good thing that he had so many things to do, but he was glad he had time. Adrian walked up to the snake and made a request.
"Can you take me back to New Londo? Not the abyss, but the actual ruins."
Kaeth sighed as this guy was just not interested in anything he had to say. He once again swallowed Adrian and took him out of the well to spit him out to a pile of Dark Wraith corpses.
Each one of the Fume Knights was surrounded by the remains of slaughtered wraiths. Around Sif, it was a sight to see as each one was cut apart, but the scary one was Priscilla.
Her Life Hunt ability drained the life of the wraiths empowering her. Seraphine raised her foot and crushed the face of one of the unfortunate Dark Wraiths. It just showed that each one of them was a powerful combatant.
Adrian could see large parts on fire as it seemed the dragons had not stayed out of the fighting. Kaathe saw the remains of his followers, but he was not at all disappointed. Seeing how Adrian would not be a good choice he changed his plans.
Before they asked him any question he left as he did not want to deal with Adrian. However, he got a look at Seraphine and Solaire who would be perfect as the Dark Lord as they were both undead.
He would have to get them away from Adrian though so his plans could flow. Adrina knew the serpent was not going to sit still, but he did not care.
'System, can I kill the Primordial Serpants?'
'Good to know.'
Adrian whistled to get their attention which made them all look at him with expectation.
"The kings are dead."
Seraphine and Priscilla sighed in relief when they saw he was ok, but it was different for the Fume Knights. They all looked him over and shrugged.
"Captain, I don't see a head-on your waist. Don't you have to offer skull to that freaky alter thing?"
Everyone looked at Harold who had placed his axes on his waist. Adrian played along as he nodded.
"Fuck, I forgot my offerings. Boyz, all of you grab Harold, his held will serve as my replacement."
They all grabbed him and pinned him down as Adrian walked forward. Harold was laughing, but Adrian pulled out his longsword holding it over the nape of his neck. Seeing it made him start to laugh nervously.
"Your joking right? Right?"
"Yeah. You guys can let him go."
All the knights did as he said as they patted Harold on the back who for a second thought his head would be a trophy. Adrian looked at each of the fighters as some of them had sustained a few injuries.
"Hey Cabbage, you ok? That cut looks pretty bad."
Hearing that nickname made the short Fume Knight grit his teeth annoyed. He ran his hand on the sword wound on his upper chest to check it out.
"Compared to the stuff Ornstein put us through, this tiny cut is nothing."
A knight named Lucian placed his shield on his back and sword in the sheath.
"Yeah, that fucker held a grudge that we ruined his army. They killed our brothers, but we took most of them with us. Now, what is next, captain? We got to a lot of foes to slay and areas to explore. This world is vast you know."
Another knight named Yuri nodded as he brought up a good point.
"While most kingdomes in Lordran have fallen, there might still be a few around. I recommend we try to establish some contact with them. It would be a good way to gain allies at the very least."
Solaire looked down as his homeland of Astora had fallen to the sands of time, long ago. The Undead Curse brought it to ruin so he hoped that at least a few kingdoms survived till now.
Adrian nodded as he removed his helmet.
"You know what, we should do that. Still, now I feel it is time we pay the Duke a little visit."
All of the Fume Knights grinned as while they liked dragons, Seath was not on that list. August looked at his Swordspear and felt that it would finally take its true purpose even if just for this time.
However, they all looked at Priscilla who was his daughter. When she noticed what they were asking she shook her head.
"Kill him if you want. He never showed me any care and the first time I met him he told me I was just one more of his test subjects. Not even mother cared for me as I was just a mistake."
She hugged Adrian's right arm and smiled.
"I don't care as long as I have all of you guys back."
They all smiled at what a nice girl she had grown up into. They were proud as they felt that hanging out with them made her who she was today. Still, she ruined it when the next words left her mouth.
"Although I missed uncle Blake the most."
Everyone broke out laughing as they began to get on Amara. They had a Scaleless Traitor to hunt down and they would enjoy every second off it. As they flew back home August nudged him on the shoulder.
"What is it?"
"Captain, I have noticed something about you recently and I wanted to ask you about it."
August pointed at Adrian's chest as he was curious about something.
"All of the tattoos you have. You did not have those when you died and now you have several strange ones. I noticed your right arm is covered from the shoulder to your wrist. Several skulls and a strange mask. I was curious about them."
'Oh, he saw my sleeve.'
Adrian unequipped his right arm armor and showed off his tattoo sleeve that he made to carry over. That along with all of the arcane symbols all over his body was an incredible artwork and his pride.
"Well, what can I say about it that I don't know. Still, I like it."
Seraphine and Priscilla ran their hands on his large arm feeling his muscles that felt like steel. They were firm and it was just what both women liked. They all asked him a few more questions, but he played them off easily.
A good thing about faking having amnesia was that it worked really well. When they returned to Anor Londo they had the Giants and Silver Knights to kill all over again. It was good that Andre would stay with Cough where they did not enter at all.
When the three dragons landed, the first thing they did was go toward Cough and Andre. To take on Seath when he was immortal was not smart so they would have to go around and destroy or take the Crystal from the dragon.
As they walked there, Adrian had an idea.
"Well, we should supply ourselves with plenty of Dragon Slayer arrows. This was one of Cough's specialties."
They all remembered the giant Gough long ago died in his sleep. He died at peace despite the rest of the Knights of Gwyn meeting worse fates. Artorias fell to the Abyss, Ornstein turned traitor, Ciaran died of a broken heart.
Solaire looked at the solemn faces of all of the knights.
"What is wrong?"
August turned to explain.
"Well we Fume Knights might not have been well-liked, but the giant Gough did. Despite being the only giant to become a knight of Gwyn this brought him negative attention. I remember once that some knights clogged up his helmet with wax to make him think he was blind."
Seraphine and Solaire both immediately were annoyed hearing that. Especially Solaire as Gough was one of the 4 knights of Gwyn.
Adrian was the one to answer for him.
"Jealousy, just as we Fume Knights were not seen in good light due to our respect and taming of Dragons, giants were similar. Despite being one of the reasons Gwyn won the war they were treated like shit."
Harold sighed as he remembered a fight that broke out between him and a few silver knights for what they did to Gough.
"Well Gough was a giant and as a giant, he was not very smart. Don't get me wrong, the guy was well speaking and thought, but he was still simple. When he slept they clogged his helmet with pine resin making him think he was blind. Poor bugger."
Seraphine was confused about one thing.
"Did he not just remove the helmet?"
Adrian shook his head.
"No, giants don't eat and rarely remove their helmets due to cultural reasons. To them showing one's face is something they only show close kin. We did fix the issue for him making him see he was not blind. Storytime is over."
When they got into the forge room Andre and Cough were both playing around with some material Adrian had left for them to experiment on. As blacksmiths, they wanted to find out more about this special material.
When they noticed that everyone came back alive they sighed in relief. Andre put his hammer down as he looked at Adrian.
"So, how do they do?"
"Better than I could imagine, both the armor and the swords."
Cough nodded.
"Proud of work. What do you need?"
August and the Fume Knights all smiled.
"Dragon Slayer arrows and a lot of them."