
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Parry for the Win, and DxD at Last.

The Kiln of the first flame was full of piles of ash and spirits of Black knights. Most of them were drawn into the armor of Adrian where the dark spirit possessing it bound them to his service. He had given up the idea that his armor could turn into a sexy woman as he could tell that the spirit in his armor was 100% male.

What did he think would happen when it was alive because of his soul? Once their group entered the main area of the kiln they were treated to the sight of devastation. Solaire removed his helmet as he looked on.

"This is what happens to the Black Knights?"

Adrian nodded.

"When Gwyn linked the first flame, the Black Knights who served him were incinerated. This is just the final result of such a fate. They were turned to ash or ripped from their bodies to wandering the kiln for eternity."

All of the Fume Knights looked at what once were their partners. Even if the betrayal was long after they set off they still felt little to no pity to them. In the end, Black Knights were just Silver Knights in black armor.

A few Black knights began to rush toward them, but they were a minority. At most, there were 10 of them that Seraphine decided to deal with. She drew one of her swords and a black necrotic aura covered the blade.

"I got this."

She swung it diagonally hitting the knights showing the effect of Nito's soul. The soul of Death caused them to crumble and begin to decay. First, their limbs crumbled to dust followed by the rest of their bodies.

Artorias looked at her with a bit of fear. Even if his own Abyss abilities were just as terrifying he just found that crumbling to dust sounded worse. Everyone knew how bad it was, but that was just one of the abilities they had.

Priscilla's Life Hunt, Adrian's Abyss Flames, August's innate lightning control, and Sif's cutting ability. They were a big group of scary beings that when put together were even worse.

Adrian raised his hand as they had arrived at the entrance.

"Seems that this is it? Gwyn is inside."

August squinted his eyes as he could feel the shards of Gwyn's soul he had consumed resonated with the one inside.

"I can tell the Lord Soul does not have long to go. At this rate, it will burn out in just another year."

Adrian knew that well so that was why they were here.

"Well let's get it shall we."

Adrian pushed into the Fog Gate and when he entered the Kiln he saw Gwyn on his knee. The Lord of Cinder was using his own body to keep the light aflame and when he noticed intruders he grabbed his sword and charged forward.

Adrian waited and did the legendary parry. He struck the sword with his fist opening up Gwyn for a ripost. He stabbed his greatsword into the Lord of Cinder's chest which went right through.

Gwyn was more like a walking animated pile of Ash so he was not as strong as he could have been. Even then Adrian knew this would have been extremely easy as Gwyn like his fellow Lords was just a husk of his former self.

"Die you dick."

Adrian punched him in the face causing him to crumble into dust. The rest of his body followed, but he did leave his sword behind which Adrian picked up. It contained the essence of the First Flame which he was all too happy to pick up.

As for everyone else they looked at the sword in his hands with shock as he had not even done that much. Was that all it took to kill the Lord of Cinder? They each could have done it themselves.

Even Sif who had steeled himself for a fight to the dead rubbed his eyes on the ashy floor causing him to roll on his back in pain. It got in his eyes which made Adrian laugh at the wolf.

"Did you all expect a grand battle of epic proportion? I did say he had offered himself to the flame."

Seraphine nodded, but she took the sword from his hands to look at.

"We knew that, but just how badly did he burn to turn to ash?"

They looked at where his body was where the bright gold soul of Gwyn floated. It was still larger than the Witch or Nito's soul, but it was far from the perfect powerful soul of the lord of Sunlight.

It floated toward August as it felt the rest of its former shards. It suddenly shot toward his body and joined the rest of its shards in his soul. They perfectly fused into his soul causing his black golden eyes to crackle with lightning.

Adrian shook his head as he started to walk out of the Kiln.

"Let's go. Unless anyone wants to offer themselves to the fire, I suggest we leave."

Everyone began to leave the Kiln which gave Adrian a system prompt.

<Dark Souls 1 has been completed. Unlocking New game plus 1.>

Seeing that confused him.

'What will it do?'

<New Game Plus does not repeat the world. Instead, the equivalent of Chalise Dungeons from Bloodborne is unlocked. The lower you go the harder it gets. 1,000 floors.>

'So you gave me access to a dungeon?'


'Thank you I guess.'

Adrian looked up from his screen as they were surrounded by several Primordial serpents. All of them bowed and spoke up.

"We serve the Dark Lords. May you rule this world in the age of Dark."

Adrian and his group looked at each other and squinted their eyes. At that moment they decided that it was better to get rid of these serpents. Adrian drew his greatsword and cleaved Kaathe's head open.

The snakes were about to flee as they were not fighters, but he was not alone. Priscilla's scythe cut the head off of one of them during its escape. She did not use Life Hunt on her body, but drew it toward her scythe.

She was not dumb enough to absorb something she did not understand fully. August and Solaire rained down lightning which was the equivalent of Sunlight in this world. Especially August who lit up like a beacon in the dark killing several of the snakes.

Seraphine jumped onto the face of a serpent and drove her sword into its skull filling it with flies and insects. Adrian looked at the deadly serpents and found no souls or great power.

They were just scheming beings of annoyingness who only manipulated people. Sure people did it all the time, but they did not cause the spread of the Abyss or make others burn forever. The world was better off with out them.

"Are they all dead?"

Ciaran pulled out her daggers from the neck of a serpent and turned to Adrian. He nodded and it was time to leave. He was happy that this world would freeze until he found a good spot to place his land.

"Come on, it's time to go. The good thing is that in the new world, time moves much faster. Meaning if we spend a hundred days outside it will only be one here. We can find a good place to place Anor Londo.

Artorias looked at him confused.

"You want to move all of Anor Londo? The city and everyone in it?"

Adrian nodded.

"Magic is a very useful ability you know. A little space magic can do wonders. Any questions?"

Solaire asked the important one that would determine everything.

"Is their sunlight where we are going?"

Adrian just smirked.

"It will be better for you to just see it yourself."

He had the system open the portal out into DxD Underworld which would be where he entered. It was a large black portal large enough for all of them so Adrian stepped in front of it. He had to be last as the moment he entered time would freeze.

"Alright, everyone start going out. I have to keep it open and will follow after. Just a warning, there will be a desert outside side so keep an eye out for any sign of danger."

He looked into his Dragon realm where all of his personal dragons were. Kalameet, Russ, Devastator, Scorn, Eeuwigdurendand and Amara were inside. He took them with him before he left as he preferred to have them with him at all times.

Priscilla and Seraphine decided to wait out here with him so everyone began to walk out. Sif entered the portal first and he was followed by Artorias and Ciaran. The Fume Knights all entered the portal except for August.

"Captain, see you on the other side."

He walked in, but the loudest and most excited was Solaire.


Solaire jumped into the portal waiting to see sunlight again, but Adrian knew he was not going to see any. The Underworld did not have sun after all, but the human world did. So his friend would just have to wait until he felt like going to the real world.

Seraphine and Priscilla were the last two left with him so they walked toward the portal.

"Come on Adrian, let's explore this fancy new world."

Priscila nodded.

"It sounds so exciting uncle. Let's go already."

She grabbed his arm and dragged him toward it. Even with her being as old as she was, she still wanted to explore and see new things. It was kind of sweet in a way. He move his arm to her waist and picked her up.

He also did the same for Seraphine as he ran in and once again had arrived in the Underworld. He put down the two women and looked at the purple sky once again.

"Looks just as amazing as the first time I saw it. Welcome to the new world."

August took a deep breath and noticed something.

"Magic is in the air. It feels different, thicker, heavier, and pure. Amazing."


Everyone looked at a Solaire who was on his knees yelling out for sunlight. His tears ran down his face as the sky was just rolling purple. They all shook their heads at him so Adrian explained.

"I never said there was a sun in this new world. It has no need for one at all as the weather changes through magical means. We should move for now, who knows what kind of beings will show up with us here."

Artorias looked around as it seemed there was just desert all around.

"Where is the nearest kingdom then?"

Adrian shrugged.

"I do not know. It is best for us to avoid one for now."

Adrina called out Amara who the moment she appeared took a gigantic breath of air. A thing about Everlasting Dragons is that they were half living and half elemental which caused the mana in the air to flow toward her in droves.

Mana was usually invisible, but she was devouring so much of it that it looked like mist. Adrian felt just how much she was absorbing and he noticed where it was going. In her chest cavity toward her heart.

'Her heart? In fantasy, the heart of a dragon is like a magic reactor. Is that what she is doing.'

He could feel it, everything about her was changing. Her stone scales seemed to be glowing and darkening. They were taking on a more metallic look to them. Her claws which were already large shared even further.

Adrian was worried she would cause a huge tribulation, but he got lucky. After a few minutes, she just stopped absorbing more mana and did not move for a full minute. She was frozen stiff and he saw something surprising.

Her scales turned into a liquid sludge. He was worried something was going wrong, but he felt mana fuse into them. They began to turn solid once again and they looked more organic and he realized what she was doing.

'She is getting rid of her own weakness to lightning.'

She now had perfect pitch black scales that were even tougher than her stone ones. She had the magic and potential, but she needed the experience of a dragon from this world to learn what to do with it.

Dragons were after all symbols of power in this world, so Adrian decided to make that one of his missions. She lowered her head waiting for everyone to jump on and once they were on she took off.

Adrian knew she was getting away from here as her evolution would have caused signs. She was right as a few minutes after they were gone several Devils flew over where she was mutating.

The lead one was a middle-aged man with a black beard and hair. He was looking at a giant footprint that Amara left behind.

"We must report this to the Devil King. A new dragon has been born and a big one. Who knows what kind of carnage it will bring."


In DxD dragons can be born from breeding or in rare cases when a massive amoutn of mana becomes a true dragon. They think Amara is the latter case.

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