
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasy
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73 Chs

 Chapter 30 The Girl's Thoughts

  The power of one person's kindness and good intentions is ultimately limited.

  After this anatomy class, three apprentices were swallowed whole by Colonelso's pet.

  This explains why the total number of apprentices at the Dark Magic Academy has never been able to increase.

  There are always some apprentices who are casually wiped out by the Dark Magicians in class or in daily life.

  Living in fear and trepidation without enough strength or backing is the norm for all apprentices.

  After a nearly three-hour anatomy class, Colonelso left the classroom first, followed by the other apprentices.

  The deaths of the three novice apprentices seemed to have little impact on those who were accustomed to death.

  Some of the lower-level apprentices who had been enrolled longer even sneered at the weak novice apprentices.

  These lower-level apprentices were obviously the bullies in the apprentice circle, and no novice apprentice dared to confront them.

  However, when these few lower-level apprentices, whom even the novice apprentices could not provoke, passed by Sain in front of the platform, they respectfully bowed and greeted him.

  Sain recognized them all, and the leader was a guy named Veda, who was also about to break through to an intermediate apprentice.

  A few months ago, Sain and Veda were at the same level, but now Veda had to respectfully salute him when he saw Sain, which was the rule at the Dark Magic Academy.

  Sain also knew that Veda had always wanted to be Colonso's apprentice, but unfortunately, Colonso didn't think much of this low-level apprentice.

  "Stupid and clumsy" was Colonso's evaluation of Veda.

  The only lucky thing for Veda was that he had not made any obvious mistakes in the anatomy class, so he was not swallowed by Colonelso's pet.

  Veda was also a low-level apprentice who appeared frequently in the anatomy class, and Sain had a little acquaintance with him.

  After Veda and his companions left, the other apprentices in the classroom left even faster.

  The whole classroom still had a faint smell of blood, but many people had become accustomed to it.

  When the crowd gradually dispersed, there were only two people left in the classroom.

  One is Sain, standing on the podium, and the other is the female apprentice below the podium.

  "My name is Tianti. Thank you, Senior Brother Sain, for saving my life." The girl below the podium bowed more than ninety degrees to Sain.

  Tianti is not yet ten years old, with a body as slender as a whiteboard.

  Sain doesn't have any particular fetishes, so he is not interested in the girl in front of him.

  Even risking his life to save her was just Sain's kindness and compassion at work.

  In fact, Sain already regretted it.

  Because Master Colonso did not teach this group of entry-level apprentices the "Cross Stitching Method," he cannot rely on luck every time.

  Or maybe he is hoping that Master Colonso's memory will decline.

  The little girl Tianti is unaware of Sain's true thoughts.

  In fact, recent rumors about Sain have spread widely among the apprentice circles at Dark Magic Academy.

  In addition to killing Yilke and Scarface Joque, which made Sain famous, he also won the academy award in the grade assessment, which made many low-level and entry-level apprentices remember him.

  What Tianti knows about Sain's deeds is actually a bit earlier.

  For example, she learned from several senior sisters that Sain had saved Merry in the anatomy class several years ago.

  The thoughts of female apprentices are always more delicate and sensitive than those of male apprentices.

  Although the proportion of female apprentices at Dark Magic Academy is not high overall, there are still many low-level and entry-level female apprentices who are moved by Sain's deeds from that year.

  Tianti actually just sought help from Sain with a "try and see" mentality, but she didn't expect Sain to really help her! He is indeed the "good person" rumored among the apprentices.

  Or does he want to pursue me? Tianti couldn't help but imagine in her heart.

  The apprentices at Dark Magic Academy are generally psychologically mature.

  Sain didn't expect that the little girl in front of him, Tianti, had already imagined to that extent.

  In response to Tianti's gratitude, Sain shook his head and said in a calm and indifferent tone, "Actually, with only two mistakes like yours, Master Colonso shouldn't do anything to you."

  "The reason why those three apprentices were fed to his pets by Master Colonso is that they made more than three obvious mistakes," Sain said.

  "But I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can do for you, Senior Brother?" Tianti took a step forward and asked, walking very close to Sain.

  Given Sain's experience and knowledge at the Dark Magic Academy for the past ten years, even if he pulled the little girl named Tianti into a small corner, she probably wouldn't resist at all.

  However, Sain didn't make any move.

  With his understanding of human anatomy, he knew that doing such a thing with Tianti, who was not even ten years old, would only cause pain for both parties, without any pleasure.

  "How old are you this year?" Sain asked casually.

  "I'm nine years old, but in two months, I will be ten," Tianti answered.

  Tianti's answer made Sain show a "I knew it" expression.

  However, Sain unexpectedly said something that surprised Tianti.

  "Since you're almost ten, you should have some strength.

  Help me move this specimen back to my dormitory," Sain said, pointing to the apprentice specimen on the podium that had no heart, liver, or kidneys.

  This apprentice specimen was a gift from Master Colonso to Sain and also served as a reward for his work as a teaching assistant in anatomy class.

  To achieve success in the fields of anatomy and human anatomy, talent alone is not enough.

  One must also practice persistently.

  Otherwise, why would Master Colonso have such high expectations of Sain and publicly praise him as "professional"?

  Some apprentices only see Sain's glory in front of others but do not see the efforts and sweat he puts in behind the scenes.

  Sain's request surprised Tianti.

  The little girl first looked at the curled-up apprentice specimen on the podium, then at Sain.

  Seeing that Sain's cold and indifferent expression did not waver in the slightest, Tianti swallowed her saliva and dared not refute him.

  Does Senior Brother Sain have a unique taste, or does he want to do something after returning to the dormitory? Tianti thought to herself as she considered why Senior Brother Sain asked her to bring the specimen back to his dormitory.

  Tianti's inner turmoil revealed her desire to find a powerful Intermediate apprentice as her backing, as more and more sisters around her either fell into temptation or died miserably.

  To continue her peaceful learning life, Tianti knew she needed a strong and reliable backer.

  She had considered several candidates before, but none of them were as good as Sain, who was handsome, powerful, and loving.

  The only thing that made Tianti uncertain was that she had heard Sain already had a girlfriend, who was also a powerful Advanced apprentice.

  "It's okay to be his side chick, as long as he can protect me," Tianti thought to herself.

  The emotions in the nine-year-old apprentice's heart were so rich that it was shocking to hear them spoken aloud.

  However, Sain had never thought so deeply.

  The only reason he asked Tianti to help him carry the specimen back was because of the equivalence principle commonly held by magicians.

  Sain had saved her once, and shouldn't she repay him in some way?