
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasy
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73 Chs

  Chapter 20 Crazy Girlfriend

  The communication between the three Dark Magicians on the platform was definitely beyond the comprehension of those apprentices below.

  After finishing their own battles, Sain and Bosch moved to the advanced apprentices' fighting area to observe their battles up close.

  "Hey, Sain, I'm over here." When Sain, wearing a Pale mask, appeared in the area of the advanced apprentices, his senior sister Faye waved at him.

  Senior sister Faye's battle had already ended, and because she had mastered the unparalleled Fire Elemental magic and had many magical props given by Master Mosido and Senior Brother Zoro, Faye's ranking was already locked in the top three.

  It was Sain's girlfriend Lena, as well as Lilyanya, who had contact with Sain once, whose battles were not yet over.

  At this point, two spots had already been decided in the circle of advanced apprentices, and they were fighting for the last one.

  Lena's opponent was an apprentice who mastered the rare Necrochimera.

  Sain saw a few traces of the official Dark Magician Colonso in this apprentice.

  Apart from the summoning creature in front of him, a twisted monster assembled from several Warcraft bodies and skulls, the apprentice himself had four arms, making people shudder.

  What was even more chilling was that a red tumor had grown on the apprentice's neck.

  A slow heartbeat sound came from the tumor, as if something was gestating inside.

  The fighting techniques and methods of the advanced apprentices far surpassed those of the middle and low-level apprentices.

  They not only mastered several kinds of magic, even more than ten, but also had various trump cards.

  For example, the tumor apprentice, in addition to having a twisted monster as a striker, also had some special means similar to the death ray.

  The gray cloak draped behind the tumor apprentice seemed to be a high-level magical equipment.

  In contrast, Lena, besides the black Crystal Stone bracelet that Sain was familiar with, had only one additional piece of magical equipment in her hand, a black bracelet on her wrist.

  In addition to this, Lena seemed to have learned two more Dark Element magics than two months ago, one was a ray released from her fingers, and the other was a dark energy ball.

  As a new apprentice who was promoted to senior level but still had half a year to go, Lena would find it difficult to win this battle.

  "Your girlfriend is pretty good. She could push Death Hand Mike to this extent. I thought the battle would be over quickly," Sister Faye said with a smile.

  As senior apprentices, they already knew who would get what ranking before the grade assessment began.

  Death Hand Mike was undoubtedly one of the best among the senior apprentices in the academy.

  Besides his proficient Death Magic, the Synthetic Beast monster that he controlled fearlessly was also a tough opponent.

  Normally, the last seat among the top three senior apprentices would be locked onto Mike.

  But the current situation was obviously not a sure win for Mike.

  Sain was about to say something in response to Sister Faye's teasing, but his face suddenly changed as he noticed the changes on the field.

  It was true that Lena was known as the "Madwoman" when she was a junior apprentice, and she hadn't changed much even after entering the senior apprentice circle.

  With Death Hand Mike and his Necrochimera alternating between long-range and short-range attacks, it was too difficult for Lena to take him down with conventional methods.

  However, Lena was not one to give up easily.

  She gathered a violent fireball in one hand and a dense Dark Element radiance in her Crystal Stone necklace with the other.

  With both spells ready, even Death Hand Mike couldn't help but be wary.

  But to everyone's surprise, after the radiance of the two spells appeared, Lena didn't choose to release them immediately.

  Instead, her wristband flashed and she turned into a shadow that rushed towards Mike at an extremely fast speed!

  "What?!" More than one magic apprentice couldn't help but exclaim after noticing this scene.

  Even the three Dark Magicians on the platform turned their attention to the field.

  One of them might have wanted to ease the cold hostility released by Andis earlier, so he said, "She actually released two spells at the same time, no, to be precise, it should be three."

  "Although there is suspicion of using two magic props, her Mental Power refinement and subtle control of the Magic Spring are indeed impressive," the Dark Magician praised.

  While this Dark Magician noticed the coherent operation of Lena's three magic spells, Andis, the strongest magician on the field, noticed that Lena was reversing her approach and directly approaching Mike's body, relying on her combat intuition.

  As a spellcaster, Andis has gone through countless battles and knows full well the consequences of being engaged in close combat.

  While they wield powerful elemental forces, the fact remains that Magicians are generally weak in terms of Constitution.

  With the exception of bloodline Warlocks and a few other spellcaster professions who excel in melee combat, most other spellcasters still require the aid of a Magic Shield or enslaved creatures to provide close-range defense.

  Although senior apprentice Mike has a Necrochimera at his disposal, it's obvious that this creature has no intelligence and moves rather stiffly.

  As for Magic Shields, it seems that Mike hasn't learned any such spells, judging from his current state of panic.

  "Boom!" The sound of a huge explosion resonates, followed by nearly twenty smaller chain explosions.

  Lena's enhanced Bursting Fireball is something that Sain witnessed two months ago on Black Street.

  The first large fireball knocked down the Necrochimera in front of Mike, and the subsequent twenty or so small fireballs left it immobilized.

  Fire Elementals seem to be highly effective against both Synthetic Beasts and Necrochimeras.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lena approaches Mike.

  In a hurry, Mike releases two Death Rays, one of which is blocked by Lena while the other misses.

  By the time Mike attempts to unleash other spells, Lena has already approached him and her right hand, radiating with a thick black light, has aimed at Mike's head, or to be more precise, the tumor on his neck.

  "Hiss!" Hissing sounds can be heard throughout the training ground.

  Even the seven owls in the sky fly down, their four eyes staring fixedly at Mike and Lena.

  In his current state of being restrained by Lena, Mike's face alternates between pale and blue.

  It's unclear whether he's furious with embarrassment or if the impact of his death-reconstruction spell has taken too much of a toll on his body.

  The stench of decay unique to corpses emanates from the two extra joints on his arms.

  "Do you think you've won? Come on, do something!" Mike shouts, either out of anger or desperation due to the impact of his spell.

  "But I can guarantee that the moment you make a move, your body will be engulfed by the poison of my Bone Cloak. Even your corpse will become a meal for my little darling!" he threatens.

  As expected, the magic item cloak behind Mike is now floating in mid-air and has subtly sealed off all of Lena's escape routes.

  Including the Synthetic Beast that was knocked down by the violent fireball, which is now dripping with mucus and blood, trembles and stands up again.

  This guy's vitality is really tenacious!

  If Lena could be called a "mad woman" by Mike's threat, can she still be trusted?

  Sure enough, as Mike's words fell, the Dark Element radiance in Lena's hand not only did not weaken but became even brighter.

  In the next second, the jet-black Magic Spring beam was about to turn Mike into a sieve.


  At this moment, Sain's voice came from outside the arena.