
Dark Slayer (Sword Art Online X OC/Male Reader Insert)

Being the son of the most successful and famous animation CEO companies and the descendant of the famous samurai during the 12th century, Shiro Miyamoto grew up with a strong interest in anime and swordsmanship. In 2022, Shiro will take his first step in realizing his dream and later be known as the hero that cleared the death game that robbed many lives, SAO.

HiroPendragon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 01: Sword Art Online

<<Date: November 6th, 2022>>

By the year 2022, humanity had fully developed a Virtual Reality Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG). On Sunday, November 6, 2022, Sword Art Online (SAO), the highly anticipated and renowned online fantasy game of the year finally out.

Currently, we can see our protagonist, Shiro Miyamoto jogged to his house all the way from his school with a smile plastered on his face as his snow-white colored hair fluttering in the wind.

The pedestrian greets the white-haired boy as he replied to them with a smile that can make male and female hearts flutter due to his attractive appearance. However, the one that greets Shiro at the moment was an old couple in the neighbourhood.

Old Man: Good afternoon, Shiro. Why are you in such a hurry?

Old Woman: That's right. Don't tell me, you got yourself a girlfriend or two~?

Shiro blushed at the old couple's remark and just scratch his cheek shyly.

Shiro: Good afternoon, Jin-Ojiisan, Makoto-Obaasan. It's not like that. I just have an appointment with a friend of mine in a game in about 30 minutes. If that's all, I bid you farewell. Have a good day.

The old couples smile and nodded at the boy as he continued his journey to his home. Increasing his pace, Shiro found his house just right around the corner, and once he got in front of his house, he grabbed the doorknob and twist it, opening the front door.

Shiro: I'm home.

???: Welcome home.

Shiro's attention turned towards the voice after putting his shoes inside the rack and found staring at the beautiful adult woman in front of him. The woman has snow-white colored hair matching Shiro but different eyes color with her has ruby red-colored eyes while Shiro has crystal blue-colored eyes.

That's right. The adult woman that may look around her late 20s was actually Shiro Miyamoto's mother, Izabella Miyamoto. And her actual age is 45.

Izabella: How was your morning training at school today?

Shiro: It's fine. Hey, Kaa-san, can I play 'that' game today?

Izabella: *sigh* Even if I say no, you'll still play it, right?

Shiro just smiled sheepishly making Izabella let out a second sigh with a frown before it changed into a motherly smile.

Izabella: Sure, you can play 'that.'

Shiro: Yay--

Izabella: But! Make sure to be here before dinner time or say goodbye to games and animes for a month.

Shiro's expression turned into a nervous one, knowing fully well his mother are not joking. Shiro nodded his head furiously making Izabella giggle.

Shiro: Y-Yes.

After the conversation with his mother, Shiro head upstairs, towards his room on the second floor as his or more precisely his parent's house which is a combination of a modern and traditional Japanese-style house.

Once he got in his room, Shiro took a shower which took 10 minutes then changed into a long-sleeve black shirt and red-colored shorts. While Shiro dries his hair with a hairdryer, news about Sword Art Online or SAO, the game that Shiro will be played today is on the screen of his computer.

The news says that SAO will be release with 10,000 copies only and people had been in waiting three days lining to buy Sword Art Online. After finish drying his hair, Shiro's smartphone on the worktable suddenly buzzed meaning that someone sent him a message.

Shiro smiled when he saw that the person who sent him a message is none other than his fellow online friend, Kirito. The two met during the beta version of SAO as they were two out of 1000 lucky players to play the beta.

Shiro and Kirito are close to revealing their real names.

Kirito's message: Yo, Shiro. Don't forget to log in to SAO and meet me at our usual hunting place.

Shiro's message: Alright. I'm just finished drying my hair.

Kirito's message: Wow, TMI, bro.

Shiro's message: Hahaha. I'm just messing with you. Well, see you there. Make sure not too late.

Kirito's message: Hai, hai...-_-...

Shiro smiled and switch off his phone. Then, Shiro proceeds to grab a streamlined helmet coated in dark blue. At the back is a long pad with a wire the same color as the helmet stretching out of it. This was none other than, NerveGear.

Shiro looked at the helmet-like device with a smile before proceed to wear it on his head. After wearing the NerveGear, Shiro laid on his bed then close his eyes and say the magic words to activate the system.

Shiro: Link Start.




<<Location: 1st Floor, Town of Beginnings, Aincrad>>

After entered the online virtual world of Aincrad using his game avatar Vergil from his beta-version gameplay after the NerveGear had finished calibrating his virtual body, Shiro or now known as Vergil looked around him and saw other players differs from young men, adult women, and even a kid.

All of them wearing the same attires as Vergil with differences in color and outer garments. Vergil's appearance was the same as his real world since he was too lazy to change it. He then gripped his right hand and let out a smile.

Vergil: Finally, I'm back... in this world.

After finishing his dialogue, Vergil hurriedly made his way towards him and Kirito's usual hunting spot on the west field outside the Town of Beginnings. As he was running, Vergil looked around him and saw many people around the town, some talking with others and some buying things.

Vergil smiled at the sights and continue his journey and after a few minutes, he found himself standing in a field to the west of the Town of Beginnings, the starting area at the south edge of the very first floor of Aincrad.

Vergil: Looks like Kirito still hasn't arrived yet.

Suddenly, Vergil turned his head around when heard his name being called from behind and smile when he found who is calling him. It was a young man with long neat black hair and black eyes. The person was none other than Kirito.

Then, Vergil's expression turned into a confused one when he saw another player behind Kirito. The guy has reddish hair flared back by the bandanna tied to his forehead, his lean figure clad in simple leather armor same as the two.

Vergil: You're late, Kirito. What took you so long to come here? And who is that guy behind you? Your friend? Of course not.

He said, jokingly knowing fully well his friend being a loner. Kirito tried his best not to kill his only friend with Vergil giggling at him. Unlike Kirito, Vergil is better at communication than him.

Kirito: ...-_-...Hahaha. Very funny, Vergil. Very funny. Anyway, the one behind me is Klein. We met just a few minutes earlier when I'm on my way here. He asked me to teach him the basics about SAO after he somehow found out I'm a beta tester. Klein, this guy is Vergil, my friend.

The guy named Klein step beside Kirito and hold out his right hand as he reintroduces himself.

Klein: Yo. The name's Klein. Nice to meet you. By the look at it, you must be a beta tester too, right?

Vergil smiled and shake Klein's hand with his right hand, greeting each other.

Vergil: Yeah. Nice to meet you too, Klein.

After introducing themselves to each other, Vergil joined Kirito in teaching Klein with Klein being very bad at learning and the proves was he is currently laid down on the grass after being hit by a level 1 monster called a <<Frenzy Boar>> at the groin.

Klein: My balls...

Vergil and Kirito looked at Klein with sweatdropped since what Klein said is impossible. There was no way they can feel pain in the VR after all.

Kirito: You're making it look worse than it actually is... As we said, this is a VR world, you cannot feel pain.

Realizing what Kirito said is true, Klein stood up on his feet and shot back a pitiful reply in Kirito's direction.

Klein: O-Of course I knew it! I-I just did that to trick that monster. Heh, looks like you're a formidable opponent.

Vergil: ...-_-... Whatever you say, dude. Anyway, the important part is your very first motion, Klein.

Klein: What do you mean by that?! Can somebody explain it to me?

Vergil let out an annoyed sigh as he leaned down to the grass at his feet, scooped up a rock, and held it above his shoulder. Much to Klein shocked, the stone began glowing a faint green.

Automatically, Vergil's left hand flashed, and the rock traced a bright arc through the air, striking the blue boar between its eyes as it prepared to charge again.

Vergil: Listen carefully, Klein. The key to active the Sword Skill is to make sure you initiate the motion and get the sword skill off properly. After that, leave it all to the system and they will do the job.

Klein: Motion... motion...

Klein muttered, trying to figure out how to activate the Sword Skill. Vergil let out a tired sigh as he easily kicked the boar, deflecting the attack as it charged at Klein.

Kirito: What Vergil means is you don't just hold it up, swing it, and cut the enemy like one, two, three. You have to pause just enough in your first motion to feel the skill cue up, then kapow! You blast it into him…

Klein: Kapow, huh?

Klein held his curved sword at mid-level and took one deep breath in and out, lowered his waist, then lifted the sword as though to cradle it on his right shoulder. The sword then began to glow a glinted orange as he managed to activate Sword Skill <<Reaver>>.

Klein then delivered a single, fast thrust with a forward jump, automatically killing the boar and gaining EXP.

Klein: Hell yeah!

Klein turning to Vergil and Kirito with a huge smile, his hand held high. Vergil and Kirito chuckled and returned the high five.

Vergil: You did a good job for a newbie.

Kirito: Yeah. Congrats on your first kill. Just remember, that boar was basically the wimpiest little slime in any other game.

Klein: Are you guys serious? I was convinced he was a mid-level boss.

Vergil and Kirito: Not a chance.


//Time Skip//

Several hours later, Vergil and Kirito finished teaching on how to activate the Sword Skill, and currently, the three of them are standing around the horizon of the field, watching the artificial sunset in the SAO.

Klein: Man... This place never ceases to amaze me. I still can't believe that it's all just a game. The guy who made it must be genius. Put me at a loss for words. Honestly, I'm glad to be born in this generation.

Kirito: You're a melodramatic guy.

Vergil: That's right. But I gotta agree with Klein. I'm also glad to be born in this generation.

Klein: See, Kirito. Vergil also agreed with me. Well, I can't help but this is my first full-dive experience.

Kirito: Then it's your first time playing a NerveGear game?

Klein: Truth is, I rushed to get the hardware just because of SAO. I'm pretty fortunate considering I was able to get my hands on one of only 10 000 copies. Well, the two of you are ten times luckier than me, since you two got to participate in the beta. Only a thousand people were allowed, after all.

Kirito: Hmm, I guess you're right.

Vergil: That's right. I think we are lucky.

Klein: So, how far did you two get in beta?

Kirito: It took me 2 months to get to the 8th floor. Besides, Vergil was more amazing than me. He only took 2 months to get to the 20th floor.

Vergil: Hehehe... Well, what can I say? I and sword are inseparable.

Klein: Wow! That's so amazing you two especially you Vergil.

Vergil: Thanks. But right now, I think we only need to take only half the time to clear our previous record. Right, Kirito?

Kirito: Yes.

Klein: You two are pretty absorbed in the game.

Kirito: To be honest, during the beta. Whether I was asleep or awake, SAO was all I could think about. In this world, a single blade is your ticket to the entire world. It might just be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than I ever did in real life.

Vergil: That's true. I always got absorbed in the game and sometimes become like my avatar in real life. One time, I almost got yelled at by my mother because I swinging the kitchen knife.

Kirito: That's pretty amazing in various ways.

Vergil: Hehehe. So, what now? Want to keep hunting until you get the hang of it?

Klein: You bet your ass I do! ...is what I like to say but I'm starving, so I'm gonna log out for a bit.

Kirito: Eating food in this world only tricks you into not feeling hungry.

Since he was absorbed in the game too much, Vergil just realized that it was almost nighttime, meaning that if he was late, his mother will probably kill him.

Vergil: Oh no! I need to log out before my mother kills me because I am late for dinner.

Klein: Hahaha! It must be tough for you! I ordered a piping hot pizza for 5.30 ahead of time.

Kirito: Look like you plan ahead of your time.

Klein: Yup. Anyway, I will log in back after I eat my pizza.

Kirito: I see...

Klein straightened up and continued as though he'd just thought of something.

Klein: Um, so, I'm gonna go back to the Town of Beginnings after this and meet up with some friends I made in another game. If I introduce you two, would you guys want to add them to your friends' list? It makes it easy to send messages to each other.

Kirito: Uh...

Kirito stammered as he found himself in a situation where he doesn't know what to answer. Vergil looked at Kirito and immediately understood what he thinking since the two were close. Even for Vergil to get this close to Kirito, it took him almost a month.

Vergil then turned to Klein and gave him an apologetic smile.

Vergil: We appreciate the offer, Klein. But... I'm afraid we might cause them to be uncomfortable around us.

At Vergil's response, Klein quickly shook his head in understanding.

Klein: It's alright. Of course, it's completely up to you guys. There will be plenty of chances for socializing.

Kirito: Sure... Sorry. And, thanks for asking.

Vergil: Me too. Thanks.

Klein once again shook his head, since he can't blame two of them.

Klein: None of that! I'm the one who should be thanking you two! You guys helped me out a ton; I'll make it up to you some time. Y'know, mentally.

Vergil and Kirito looked at each other and started to chuckle a bit. After he checked the time again, Klein holds out his hand at Vergil and Kirito for a handshake.

Klein: All right, man, I'm gonna log out for now. Thanks again, Kirito. You too, Vergil. We gotta hang out sometime.

Kirito reached out and grasped Klein's extended hand with a smile.

Kirito: If you have any more questions, feel free to message me or Vergil whenever.

After Kirito, Vergil also grasped Klein's extended hand.

Vergil: Yeah. We can answer anything so don't be shy.

Klein: Yeah. When that time comes, I'll be counting on it.

After that, the three of them parted away from each other, and Vergil and Klein start to open their respective menu by holding out their index and middle fingers in their right hand and swung them downward, opening the main menu screen.

*bing* *bing*

With a sound like bells jingling, a translucent purple rectangle materialized in midair in front of the two. However, Vergil and Klein's expression turned into horror and shock when they can't find the log-out button below the 'help' button.

Klein: Huh? What the heck? There's no log-out button. Hey, Vergil. Did you find it?

Vergil: No...

Kirito, who sits down on a nearby rock looked at them with a confused one. He understood if Klein can't find it but this is Vergil he was talking about. His fellow beta tester and his only close friend so he can't miss the Log-out button.

Kirito: No button? That can't be true. Look closer.

Kirito also opened his menu and try to find the log out button but he can't find it too. He then looks at Vergil with a confused look as the white-haired boy is also confused at this. This has never happened during their beta time.

Klein: You can't find it?

Kirito: You're right...

Klein: Well, it's the first day of official service. It's only natural for there to be a bug or two. I'm sure the management's freaking out.

Kirito: The same goes for you. It's 5:25 P.M.

Klein: My teriyaki mayo pizza and ginger ale!!!

Vergil: Oh no... My mother will kill me for sure... Goodbye, my ideal VR world...T-T....

Kirito just giggled at the two antics before suggesting his idea.

Kirito: Look, you guys should try opening a support ticket with the GMs. They might be able to boot you off from the system side.

Klein: I tried, but nothing happens. Isn't there another way to log out?

Kirito: Nope.

Vergil, who has given up on log out of the game and now thinking of an idea to tell his mother why he was late for dinner looked at Klein and said to him.

Vergil: The only way for a player to get out on their own is through the logout button on the main menu. There's no way to manually log out other than through the menu.

Klein: That's impossible! There has been another way. "Return", "Log Out", "Escape"!!!

Vergil and Kirito sweatdropped looking at Klein who made many ridiculous poses as nothing happened.

Kirito: We told you. There wasn't anything written in the manual about emergency logouts.

Klein: What... You joking right! I know, I just pull the NerveGear off my head...

Klein rubbed his hands over his head as though removing an invisible hat, but nothing happened.

Vergil: Calm down, man. You start to creep me out.

Kirito: We can't move our bodies in the real world. A component in NerveGear is designed to intercept all brain signals concerning movement.

Klein: Seriously?! Then the only option is to wait for the bug fix?

Vergil: Either that or until someone in the real world takes the NerveGear off for you.

Klein: But I live alone.

Vergil: I live with my parent. If I late even a minute, I probable found myself lying on the ground in the real world.

Kirito: Vergil, you have one scary mother... Anyway, I live with my mom and little sister. I bet that if I don't come down for dinner, they'll eventually force me out of the dive.

Suddenly, Klein put his hand on Kirito's shoulder and looked at him with his eyes sparkling.

Klein: H-How old is your sister? What she is like?

Kirito: That sure got you to take your mind off the situation, didn't it? Look, she's on a sports club at school and she hates video games. She has nothing in common with people like us. Besides...

Klein: That not what I mean!

Vergil: If I have a little sister and if you asked me the same thing, I also think you try to flirt with my little sister.

Klein: Not you too, Vergil!

Having enough, Kirito proceeds to kick Klein at his crotch, making the red-haired guy started to rolling on the ground while holding his crotch in "pain" which is non-existence.

Vergil: ...-_-... Are you stupid or what? Are you forget this is just a game? You don't feel any pain here.

Realized what Vergil said is true, Klein immediately stood up as nothing happened.

Klein: T-That's right!

Kirito: Anyway, don't you think it's strange?

Klein: Of course, I do. It's a bug after all.

Vergil: No, Klein. What Kirito means can't be that simple. The inability to let players log out is a major flaw that would heavily impact the game. Even as we speak, your pizza is getting colder by the second. That represents a real monetary loss for you, doesn't it?

Klein: I see what are you getting at...

Kirito: This situation could easily be resolved by rebooting the server, which would forcibly disconnect everyone. But there hasn't been any announcement.

As soon as the clock hit 5:30, Vergil, Kirito, and Klein suddenly heard a ringing sound, blaring like an alarm at full volume.

*dong* *dong* *dong*

Before they can proceed to spoke, Vergil, Kirito, and Klein noticed their bodies enveloped in pillars of brilliant blue light. Instantly, the three disappeared from where they standing, leaving no trace. What exactly happened to them?

///To Be Continued///

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