
DARK SHADOW: Two Souls In One Body

It was believed that some certain people were the first vampire and werewolf. But in this Fictional fantasy, Dracula is the first vampire and King Lycaon is the first werewolf. It was believed that the two were created by a certain entity who was casted down from the underworld of Lucifer to earth. These two had always gotten into fights and wars, always fighting for more power and fame. But what happens when a teen boy gets pressed with the responsibility to host the soul of King Lycaon and fight against Dracula himself? Does he even stands a chance? Even if he succeeds, aren't there still other threats? And what will happen when a terror rises, one with the aim of putting an end to the supernatural race? All these and more questions to ask as the story goes on and the only place you get to get an answer is in this horror fantasy titled DARK SHADOW- Two Souls In One Body

Anonymous7x · Horror
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16 Chs

Asset Of Death

"I'll help you avenge the death of your parents" King Lycaon replied.

Francis' wish ever since the death of his parents is to find their assaulters and avenge. He had vowed to finish his education and become rich, have affluence, power and the authority which he will apply in avenging his parents' death.

Well, maybe fate says the time is here, it is time he avenged their deaths. "Geez...okay then. Just promise to leave my body when you're done with this silly revenge of yours" He snickered.

"I don't know how Nicholas did this but why had he betrayed me by pumpimg me into the body of this annoying kid. Now the kid is commanding me. Well, I promise you but that's if I survive the war though" King Lycaon said and one could picture that he might be grinning at that particular statement.

"Deal then" Francis muttered and finally got to the class.

He met Kelly and Gabriel sitting at a corner at the back of the room.

He made to walk towards them when Kelly gave him a glaring look which is enough to tell him that he shouldn't come near.

"Guess you've forgotten he broke up with you" He heard King Lycaon's voice but ignored him and went for another seat.

His eyes met with Billy's and he smirked at him which sent fear down Billy's soul.

The teacher soon came in and the class started immediately.


"Reverse!!" Lance yelled.

Baddo quickly marched the brake and swiftly turned the gear backwards. He rolled the steering like the expert he was and plunged his foot on the accelerator making the truck shoot off like a bullet with an inexplicable speed.

This was sure not an ordinary truck.

The cop cars swerved into the woods immediately. They were four and they vehemently chased after the truck like their lives depended on it.

"They're closing up on us!" Baddo shouted.

"Fvck! Fuck? Why today of all day?" Lance ranted angrily as he hits his hand on the dashboard of the truck.

He grabbed the MGP-15 Submachine Gun and exchanged the magazines immediately, loading it with the former one. He strafed out immediately since the cover was already ripped off by the vampire.

He opened fire on the cop cars immediately and they all swerved into different directions, dodging the bullets.

The cops returned fire quickly as they also began firing at the truck.

One of the bullets hits Lance's arm and he fell into the truck.


Two cops car appeared ahead of the truck immediately with a cop firing bullets at the truck.

One of the bullets hits the windscreen of the truck and glasses slashed through Baddo's face as the bullets stuck into one of the Gunmen's head.

Baddo screamed in agony as the bullet had burned his cheek slightly.

"Holy shit!" He cursed as he now several injuries on his face.

"Request for back up quickly!' Lance yelled at the Gunmen.

Baddo drift the truck to the right swiftly and headed for the Eastern path of the woods. The two cops cars along with the ones behind followed suit immediately.

"Open fire on them!" Lance screamed.

Some Gunmen broke the windscreens of the truck which was a total of eight.

Eight Gunmen strafed out immediately and opened fire on the cars. A bullet hits one of the tyres of the cops cars and it tumbled immediately, crashing against a tree and It exploded.


The explosion shook the ground massively as the car burned down. The cops began firing aggressively and the Gunmen were forced back in.

"One down"

An helicopter appeared behind the cop cars and began raining bullets on them. The cops cars also fired back but the helicopter was shooting really fast and sporadically.

Eventually, the cops were forced to retreat and the truck sped out of the woods as the helicopter followed suit.

"I swear imma kill all those motherfucking Beasts, they caused all this shit" Lance cursed with his heart.


It was break time in Stardom High and the students flooded the cafeteria as they all ordered for what to eat.

Francis came into the Francis with a lifeless look as he found a booth where he sat. He didn't bordered to eat anything as he just sat there, staring at the students.

"Bored huh?" He heard a voice and looked up to see Nora standing before him a tray in her hands, where two hamburgers sat with a bottle of lemonade.

"Can I sit?" She asked but he gave no reply so she drew out the chair opposite him and sat, dropping the tray.

Seeing her reminded him that she was part of the reason he's in this situation.

But then, could he blame her? If he wasn't going to her room when Billy kidnapped him, he would have still kidnapped him on another occasion.

So he just let out a sigh...

"Your friends were looking for you two days ago, what happened? And wait,why aren't you guys together?" She asked as she looked behind to see Kelly and Gabriel who sat on another booth at the far end of the cafeteria.

"Do you guys have any issue?"

Francis just stared as she asked all her questions.

He then stood up and without any comment, he walked out of the cafeteria leaving Nora on the sit, dumbfounded.

"Aww, he left you? Guess you weren't his type after all" Nora looked back to see a rude looking girl.

Well, that's Jasmine, a girl crushing on Francis. Well they are both crushing on him so Nora is like her rival.

Nora ignored her and stood also walking away. Jasmine took one of the hamburgers and shoved it into her mouth before walking away with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Billy and his gang could be spotted at another side of the cafeteria, eating silently.

"I just feel like killing this dude" Billy groaned angrily.

"Shouldn't we be more worried about how he's still alive?" Fred, one of his gang asked.

"That guy is fucking something else, I'm still confused how he survived" Damien said.

"Well, I don't care who or what he is, I'm gonna make sure I get rid of him and this time, he won't survive the hit"



That was the perfect name for this place.

The entire room was dark and only some pairs of red eyes could be seen illuminating the room.

With the aid of the red glowing eyes, one could narrowly spot a man that was seated on throne-like chair. His face couldn't be seen as it blends with the darkness.

Light suddenly penetrated into the room and candles could be seen in an horizontal line.

One could now see everyone in the room.

The man was truly sitting on a throne and before him were men who were cladded in ancient attires.

The elders. The Primus.

"My Lord, how about the awakening? When are we awakening Lord Dracula?" One of the elders asked.

"Soon, very soon. For now, we need another asset, one who would deliver our message"