
Dark secrets.

Leila_Smith_7569 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 where it all starts

It all started on a dark and gloomy night when Leila was out at the bar with some friends, she had to use the bathroom so she went to use the bathroom and when she got there something pulled her under the floorboards of the bar. There was a whole new world under there WHAT THE HELL! Leila turned around and there was a huge forest find her and then something grabbed her GET OFF OF ME YOU CREEP, then it all went dark.

Chapter 2

She woke up on top of this lizard human mix, You're finally awake, you took a long nap, who are you? My name is Una I'm card of the leopard gecko tribe what tribe are you in? Me..tribe???? Uhhh I think you got the wrong person, I don't know any tribes??? Well then how did you get down here then? Leila stoped talking… a little while later they arrived at this cave well this is where i live and I guess you can stay for a bit. Thanks Una but I need to get back home my friends are waiting for me…..

Chapter 3

Actually I have no idea where my friends are so I guess I'll stay for a little bit until I figure out how to get back to them,