
Dark Secrets; The Making Of Evil

Otis Daniels and Monalisa Dale, have been rivals since college, and are now at the same university. Monalisa attempts to revenge on Otis and is successful. She sells her nemesis for traffickers but the future has something different for her as Otis is saved by her biological father (unknown to both of them). Otis is recruited into her parent's syndicate as she returns as an undercover agent to infiltrate the Hornets and seek vengeance on Mona for the death of her friend Sola and the horrible experience she passed through at the hands of her captors and buyers. She is transformed from sweet Otis to an evil she had only dreamed of.

D_seke3 · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Memories 2

Mr Williams.

17:00 hours,

June 18th, 1999,

Mr. Williams sat in his living room fuming. The young boy from the community had just left after delivering the message that his mother had summoned him home the next day. Ever since he chased his daughter out of his house, Mama Citas had never stepped foot inside his compound again.

"Anyways," he thought to himself "she must be joking if she thinks she'll make him drop one penny for that little brat of a daughter." Just when he was about to be made the zonal director of his estate committee, the foolish girl got pregnant for his boss's son out of wedlock, giving his opponents something to use in their campaign against him.

A position he had worked all his life for. Just this Monday, that small man who used to answer him, sir, was shouting him down because he eventually won the position. "Bastard" he cursed under his breath in anger as he remembered the humiliation he had been suffering in the office.

And as if to add salt to the injury, she got pregnant for a bloodying spoilt child. "She and that child must suffer the shame he is passing through in the office," he thought to himself cursing.

Calling out to his lovely wife who was sitting at the dining table, he told her his mom had sent for him and he would be going there after the close of work the following day.

Mrs. Ivy.

17:00 hours,

June 18th, 1987,

From the dining section Ivy had overheard what the messenger from the community had told her husband. "Bloody old witch" she cursed in her mind. "You and your granddaughter would never succeed in your plans to take away my happiness. I must be happy whether you two witches like it or not. Perhaps if your son could spend more time with me as a man than spend the whole time carrying out work matters on his head, I wouldn't be this miserable going about with different men. I wouldn't have gotten pregnant for that Idiotic Peterson who had all the while been also seeing the lady on Mats Lane, her bloody former bestie, and ended up marrying her. Then when the deed was done, you want to poke nose and say her son is not the father of my son. "Old sad witch" she cursed.

Continuing in her head, she said "And for that little brat, you're lucky I never caught you. I would have used a hot rod and straightened you for feeling so special to steal my man and get pregnant for him."

She hated the girl because it was never her intention to end up with William while his rich sailor boyfriend Peterson, was there. It was during one of Peterson's many voyages that she had decided to kill time and satisfy her lust by allowing William her next-door neighbor sleep with her. The useless William could not even meet up to her satisfaction, but she had no choice but to manage. Then after about a month of frustrating encounters with William, she realized she had been knocked up. To save face, a quick marriage was put in place while she had gone to live with his old witch of a mother in Bruges town until the birth of the little brat of a daughter.

"And for that bastard boy, after claiming I wasn't special for you, I let you sleep with me sheepishly, something the bible frowns at, yet you still have the guts to leave me for my daughter. May god punish you wherever you are. Your little brat and bastard child would suffer the pain you caused me. Animal." she scoffed.

Dr. Daniel's Residence.

17:00 hours,

June 18th, 1999,

37 years old Dr. Daniel had just returned home from his place of work, the UCTH. Entering the house, he didn't see his wife in the living room.

Proceeding into the bedroom, he saw her lying on the bed sobbing.

She had been like this for the past two days. Or rather acted like this for the past two days whenever she knew he would be coming home. The coming weekend would mark their twelfth wedding anniversary and yet nothing to show for it concerning a child.

They've both gone for all the medical and fertility tests known severally, both at UCTH and outside the state. But each time the results had always been the same. Both of them are fine.

He had always told her to relax and let God do His thing, but whenever their anniversary approached like this one, she became depressed and resorted to crying. After having a

stressful day in the theatre, Daniel had no strength to begin consoling her. He did that yesterday and the day before.

Let her cry till she's satisfied if it'll make her feel good, then no problem. He was certain, she hadn't prepared any food for him again. He just couldn't get it, it's not like anyone from his family was on her neck, why can't this lady just goes easy on herself and everyone else. Without saying a word to her, he got undressed, grabbed his towel, and entered the bathroom for a shower. When he was done, he returned to the room, got dressed, and went to the living room without saying a word to her. As one who never saw a reason to eat out of his house, he was pissed that for the third time that week, Anna his wife, had not made any food. While he could easily lose his cool, he decided to ignore her like he had always done and prepare something for himself. Entering the kitchen, he decided only boiled yam would be fast enough. Within 10 minutes, the yam was on the gas cooker. He went back to the living room to pick up the newspaper he had bought earlier in the day from the university gate on his way to work. Returning to the kitchen, he sat on the stool andbegan to go through the article that had caught his attention.

Some 25 minutes later with the yam almost ready, he began to mix the egg and other ingredients he'll need to prepare sauce. 10 minutes later, he sat on the dining table eating alone.

He had no emotional strength to worry about his wife. For 12 years he had gone through the whole childlessness with her, yet she just always found ways to complicate matters.

Not even a single person from his family including his mom had bothered her for one moment, instead, everyone fasted and prayed for them, something she just couldn't bring herself to do. For 12 years he had remained faithful to Anna, yet she never failed to make it seems he already had a second wife with kids hiding somewhere, the reason why he isn't acting worried.
