
Meeting The Chief

As they crossed the threshold, a spacious and cozy living room welcomed them where nearly all the furniture was made of wood, casting a nostalgic and vintage spell upon the space. 

Yet somehow, despite the weak rays of sunlight streaming in through the window and the verdant presence of potted plants in the corner, the air remained murky and oppressive, tinged with the decaying stench of dark energy. It was as if someone had aired out a piece of rotten meat in the peak of summer heat. 

Song Zhuyu had gotten used to such an atmosphere, so much that he could brush it off with ease – after all, this was nothing compared to mass graves – but the same case did not apply to Chen Ru, whose complexion was turning a sickly shade of green with each passing second as he struggled to breathe through his mouth.

"Oh my, is everything alright, Mr. Chen?" Yi Caishen voiced her concern upon noticing Chen Ru's discomfort. "Is the journey here too difficult for you?"

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