

In Past a huge demonic invasion occur in which earth got conquer by them. To stop him, a monk comes and sealed him. This is a story of 16 year old teen who got demonic powers accidentally and becomes demon soul’s vassal his father was a top ranked demon hunter and he trained him to control this power, Dark Ministers who are direct servant of demon god fight with him to complete the resurrection process fast. The earth covers from demon god dark energy and sunlight won’t able to reach to earth and all vegetation destroys, they make dome structure to survive this apocalypse and this is an advanced civilization who make advance weapons to fight with demons. Can Rudra stop this resurrection process and will safe the earth? Answer is in this novel.

Dark_God666 · Action
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10 Chs


Arun watches the navigation system of the ship. Navigation shows that they are close to evacuation ship and soon they will reach to the evacuation ship.

Arun checks the number of enemies and informs to other.

" Rudra…! How many enemies remain to clear".

" I almost cleared them all".

" Hurry up! We are close to evacuation ship".

Arun also ensures with the other member, who was clearing the left side of the ship.

" Hey how many enemies did you clear".

" Sir! I almost cleared them all".

"Rudra! what about Gautam?".

At this moment Rudra was watching the Gautam's fight, Rudra immediately inform Arun and asks him to lift up the machine gun.

He informs Gautam's to fight a particular spot and he will shoot down the demon. After getting a clear and perfect shot, he starts firing on Mayaracha.

Mayaracha gets a severe damage from the bullets and forms a purple shield to defend himself from the both sides.

Rudra was still firing as he was unaware about the shield till the machine gun reaches his limit.

Arun calls to Gautam and said " Gautam what are you doing upstairs".

" Nothing just fighting Mayaracha".

" what? He is here ... why?".

" I will tell you the reason later".

" finish him immediately, we too close to the evacuation ship".

" I know about it, but I need few more minutes".

" we don't have enough time".

Suddenly a ringing sound comes from Mayaracha's earphone.

Trrrrrrrrr...….. Trrrrrrrrr...….. Trrrrrrrrr...…. Trrrrrrrrr...…..

He picks up the call and a voice came from the other side with deep and heavy voice.

" Mayaracha! what are you doing".

" Fighting with Gautam".

" Hurry up! Retreat from there, our mission is completed".

" Ohhh... that's great ".

After knowing that there mission gets accomplish, he orders all the demons to retreat to their base. Arun and other was confuse why all the demons were retreating. Gautam asks to Mayaracha in a confusing voice.

" you came here for my son and now you are retreating because your mission gets accomplish. What was your actual goal?".

" haaaaa.... Haaaaaa..... haaaaaa.....".

Mayaracha orders all the demons to retreat to the base, after getting the order all the demons turns at same direction and flew away to their base. Mayaracha starts to head toward his base and Gautam shouts at him .

" Where are you going, tell me about your intentions".

But no answer came from him and slowly he lost in the dark mist. There ship flies toward the evacuation ship at full speed and the evacuation ship has also takes off to his destination.

The distance between both ships was merely about 5 km.

Now they was heading toward the northern region of the Bharat.

(In this story the area that comes under the Bharat starts from Afghanistan then Pakistan, current Bharat, Tibet, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and ends with Myanmar ).

The evacuation ship was heading to the Jammu and Kashmir, where the Bharat's headquarter of Starlight Corporation located.

Gautam came to downstairs in tension and recalls the conversation of him and Mayaracha and tries to find out, why he came? He enters in the cabin area and Arun asks him.

" Hey Gautam! What's the matter? Why did Mayaracha came for?".

" Arun he says that he came for Rudra to take him".

" Take him? Where?"

Gautam replies in a tensed voice " To make him a vessel".

" Vessel! Don't tell me they are trying to revive him".

" I guess! They are again trying to do it, that they try to do 23 years ago".

" Arun! I don't want to loose my son!".

At this moment Gautam got too emotional by remembering what happens 23 years ago when he lost his parents.

His voice starts trembling and it's seems like he don't want to remember about his past. Rudra resets the settings of the machine gun and comes out from the cabin.

" Dad are you alright, what happens at the roof and why your voice is trembling? Is everything okay?".

Gautam somehow makes himself comfortable and normalize his voice and asks for a glass of water. His subordinate quickly brings a glass of water and gives it to Gautam.

" Thanks".

While Gautam was drinking the water Rudra asks to Arun about his dad through eye movements as he feels something is wrong and he wants to know what happens upstairs and what did they talk about? why did he comes to their ship? And many questions were revolving in Rudra's mind.

Gautam drinks the water and feels relaxed from the stress and he answers the question of Rudra's.

" Yeah Rudra! Everything is okay. Arun how much time left to reach to the evacuation ship"

" We almost reached to the ship".

" That's good! What about the damage that our ship took".

One of his subordinate tells " Sir! There is no damage taken by the ship".

Every member of their team comes in the cabin and the one who was in the left cabin of machine gun also come out.

" Sir! We have a problem the power of our weapons is being exhaust due to heavy firing and our ship cannot defend us from further battle".

" Don't worry about it, we are close to the evacuation ship" Arun replies.

Gautam connects his ship to the evacuation ship and order to open the entrance of ship. There is separate entrance for the civilians and ships of the officers. The cabin member of the evacuation ship orders his subordinate to open the entrance for their ship.

" Yes sir!".

Arun sits down to his seat and handle the steering of the ship, slows down the speed and lands their ship inside the evacuation ship.

The evacuation ship size is almost as big as a city with up to 5 floors for living and 2 for other stuff and storage of food and other supplies and the remaining 1 floor that is located at the bottom of the ship is for the operating activities of the ship.

Total 8 floors are there and the ships ¾ area is for civilian and ¼ area is for the officers and at the front of the top floor the cabin for piolet is located.

Their ships land at the flight deck, Aniruddh was waiting for him with his mother and Rudra's mother was standing with Bhavya.

They comes out from the fighter ship and they hug each other. The name of Arun's wife was Shyeni and Gautam's wife was Ahilya and the name of Bhavya's parents was Himavan (Father's name), Mainavati (Mother's name).

Ahilya hugs Rudra.

" how are you".

" I am fine Mummy".

" Happy Birthday to you beta! I can't do wish you at morning because you leave the home in rush".

" Thank you mummy".

Gautam also wishes him at same time just after Ahilya

" Happy Birthday to you beta! What do you want for your present".

" Nothing dad I just want just you and mom and your support".

" Our support is always with you".

Rudra was a child who don't want anything special with his parents, he always asks for their love and support at his every birthday.

But still they give him what is necessary for him at which age his birthday comes. Many time they gifted him with comic books and manga and some expensive watch. Arun and his wife Shyeni also wishes him. Suddenly someone came inside the flight deck and says.

Thanks for reading till end. The next chapter will come soon.