
Yang Tian (2)

"Yes… Yes!" Pei Lin immediately said before turning his body and pointing his finger, "Sir, this guy right here is the son of the defence minister! If you mention to the higher authorities that you have taken him as a hostage along with 150 other passengers, I believe there is some chance of the government to agree to your demand."

"What did you say?!" Not just the terrorist pointing his gun at the Pei Lin, even the other terrorists were startled.

They naturally knew of the defence minister, Yang Chengxu. He was one of the reasons why the security of the borders have improved a lot; he was the reason why a lot of terrorist bases have been hunted by Chinese Soldiers.

His management was absolutely magnificent! Moreover, his word held a lot of weight in the party as well.

"Are you really speaking the truth?" The man who had earlier killed someone asked with a grave look on his face. His lecherous gaze was long gone, and a grim look had replaced it.

A bit dumbfounded at their reactions, Pei Lin nodded his head and said, "Yes, Sir! He and I study at the same university, so I know of his status. You can ask others…"

No sooner had he finished speaking that they heard another voice speak, "Yes, yes! Yang Tian is really the son of the defence minister!"

"Hey, Yang Tian. Get up… Why are you not saying anything? Don't you realise that your hesitation could take our lives?! Get up!" Someone from their group shouted at Yang Tian.

Qiu Shan clenched his fists and got really angry. This… These were their friends! How could they do this at such a crucial moment?!

"You all…!" Before Qiu Shan could say any further, Yang Tian placed his hand over his thigh and lightly said, "Don't say anything… It doesn't matter any more…" His voice had lost all its energy.

Perhaps it was because he was aware of his future fate.

"You! Stand up now!" The man coldly said to Yang Tian, his domineering voice left no hope for compromise.

Yang Tian soundlessly stood up and started walking towards the terrorists. As he was walking towards the terrorists, his eyes stopped at Pei Lin for some seconds and then at Mei Xin.

He had dated Mei Xin for nearly half a year. He could read her face like a book at this point and could see that she was feeling quite guilty.

Yang Tian had naturally noticed Mei Xin whispering something in Pei Lin's voice before Pei Lin had sold out Yang Tian's identity.

A disdainful smile crept on his face as if he was looking down on her.

Yang Tian then turned his head towards the terrorists and started walking quietly…

The people in the plane were feeling quite bad in their hearts as they saw a teenager go over to the terrorist's side. But they also held a naïve hope that this would indeed save their lives…

"So, you are the son of Yang Chengxu? You will be quite useful to us…" The terrorist stepped in front of Yang Tian while saying with a smile on his face.

"You don't need to try and scare me with such cheap tactics. I know you don't dare to kill me." Yang Tian said with a hint of confidence in his voice.

Some of the terrorists were slightly annoyed while hearing his confident tone.

Only a single terrorist's face remained unchanged, and he asked, "And what gives you such confidence?"

"If it because you want 10 of your members to be released from the prison, isn't that right, Crimson Cats?" Yang Tian called out the name of this terrorist group.

The eyes of all the terrorists, including the one standing in front of Yang Tian widened, "What makes you think we are Crimson Cats?"

"Well, your and your subordinate's reaction confirms it for me. But another reason is that I saw your faces in my father's files a month or so ago. It took me some time to recall it because I had only seen your faces just once…" Yang Tian said quite calmly while suppressing all his anxiousness.

He felt that this would be the optimum way to deal with the situation.

The terrorist, who appeared to be their captain nodded his head, "You are half-right though. I indeed don't dare to kill you because if I do, I am sure Yang Chengxu will 'subtly' make our comrades disappear as well… But there is one thing you got wrong." He gave a signal to another terrorist standing in front of Yang Tian.

"I can still make you experience pain. I don't think your father would like to hear his recorded screams again and again…" The terrorist in front of Yang Tian raised his sub-machine gun and pointed it at Yang Tian's arms.

Although Yang Tian was a little nervous as a gun was pointed at him, he tried to swallow down his nervousness while speaking, "… You aren't aware of my father's personality then. If you harm me, he will harm your comrades. If you send him audio of my screams, he will send you recorded audio of your comrades' screams. At the end of the day, he might even give up on me."

The captains of the terrorist indifferently said, "It doesn't matter to me. There is a little chance of them being released, so I don't care much. I am just giving it a try. If it fails, it fails."

Those words scared Yang Tian a little. His gut instinct told him that this guy wasn't kidding…

And he noticed the hand of the terrorist standing in front of him subtly moving towards the trigger of the gun.

'I see… I guess this means I will die either way. If they get their comrades, my use will be finished, and they will kill me. The way depends on them… and if they don't, then I will definitely die with not a chance of survival. I-It's do or die then…'

He suddenly extended his arm and gave a strong punch to the terrorist's chest and made him stagger back. The other terrorists behind him, including the captain of these terrorists, were startled.

They didn't expect Yang Tian to suddenly attack one of their comrades.

They immediately pointed their guns at Yang Tian. Yang Tian anticipated this move and quickly opened his fist and grabbed hold of the arm of the terrorists before pulling him towards himself.

In the next second, the passengers heard a lot of gunfire.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Yet… None of these bullets even grazed Yang Tian. This was because his body was covered by the terrorist's body he had pulled towards himself. Yang Tian used the body of the terrorist as a meat shield.

The terrorists stopped shooting once they realise that instead of harming Yang Tian, they had injured their comrade, or perhaps even killed him.

The captain of the terrorists was quite surprised. One reason was that he didn't expect Yang Tian to make such a daring move…Another was that he didn't think Yang Tian was so strong.

To have forcefully pulled the body of the terrorist towards his own meant that Yang Tian's strength exceeded that of a fully trained terrorist. Perhaps surprise played an essential role in it. Still, he became aware that Yang Tian had at least had a military training before…

Before he could give out the instructions to the terrorists, Yang Tian suddenly shouted, "Everyone! Let's charge at these terrorists. If we attack them now, we can escape our deaths and perhaps have a chance of survival. With our numbers, these terrorists are no match for us!"

His voice was followed by his quick movements of raising the sub-machine gun and pointing it at the terrorists before he pulled the trigger.


The sound started to resound in the heads of all the passengers as they saw 3 of the terrorists dying before they could escape the swift bullets from the sub-machine gun.

"Everyone, quickly charge! We can save ourselves!" He once again shouted a cry of encouragement.

And the first ones to move was the front row of passengers. They immediately moved towards a terrorist and the 3 of them barely managed to hit a terrorist.

The passengers behind them were somewhat shocked, though. As they saw this scene… They felt hope rising in their heart, that they could win! They could survive!

Just as that small spark of hope was about to turn into an absolute all-destroying fire, they heard another gunshot. But this time, it wasn't from any of the terrorists or Yang Tian.

It was from someone seated in the back seats of the plane…

The passengers unconsciously turned their head towards the person who had shot it and saw a woman with black clothes standing up, a hint of arrogance on her face, and a gun in her hands…

The one who had been shot was naturally Yang Tian. His heart had been shot…

'So there really was someone in the back seats, huh?'

With that… Yang Tian's body slowly fell on the ground, the sub-machine gun falling on the ground as well.

"Looks like it was indeed a good idea to let you stay at the back and observe things…"

"I can't believe four of you got killed by a kid… Even if that kid is Yang Chengxu's kid…" She was walking towards the group of terrorists with a hint of disdain on her face.

But just as she had passed by the seat where Yang Tian was initially seated, she was suddenly shocked when Qiu Shan suddenly attacked her body.

He gave her a series of punches. He was quick in taking hold of the gun in her hand.

He was quite nervous while holding a real gun in his hand… It was a lot heavier than what he initially believed.

And this was just a revolver…

"Y-You brat!" Not just the woman… but the captain of the terrorists was shocked and angered as well.

Before they could do anything, Qiu Shan pulled the trigger and shot the woman's head! Blood splashed on his face, and his shirt was covered with blood soon enough…

The backlash of pulling the trigger was quite severe as the gun practically dropped out of his hands.

Just as the terrorists were about to shoot Qiu Shan. The people who had been immobilised with fear for so long suddenly charged towards this small group of remaining terrorists at the same time!

They unconsciously realised that this was the only time where they could regain their freedom and save themselves from a fate far worse than animals.

Because of the rare moment of courage shown by Yang Tian and Qiu Shan… The plane was wrestled back by the passengers from terrorist's control.

Some of the ministers themselves made the trip to Italy where the plane had landed, and the passengers were taken to a safe hotel. He met them all and gave them medals for their bravery, praising Qiu Shan a lot.

However, although this praise might have meant a lot to Qiu Shan earlier, he couldn't help but remain sad since one of his good friends had lost his life.

Upon hearing that it was Mei Xin, Pei Lin and a few others, who had sold out Yang Tian's identity, they were taken to China into custody and punished severely for their actions!

Hope you have liked this chapter.

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