
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Book&Literature
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288 Chs

The Abyss of Nothingness

(A/N: There is no information till the latest chapter beyond this point on. So, I will be taking the information I have in mind and continue to create the story from here. Once it's explained in the original, it might be far from the truth, but that's the point of fanfics I think. To explore the possibilities. I hope you will like it.)

The Abyss of Nothingness…

No one knew what it held. In the entire history of the God Realm, countless experts had tried to explore its mysteries. Not a single one of them returned to tell the tale… This was, without a doubt, the most mysterious place in the entire God Realm.

While Yang Tian was going over to this place, he remained very cautious.

As he was scaling down, he was checking this place out with his Divine Sense, but there was no reaction. This was not surprising…

He took a deep breath and rushed towards the bottom of this Abyss.

He continued to move forward, and after some time or so, he had finally reached the bottom. The laws here… They were strange. He could sense that they were strong in some areas and weak in the other regions.

It was as if it was forming a barrier…

Since it was a barrier, it held the central region and the outer region. Yang Tian could guess that it was the outer region.

There was another thing which he sensed… A faint change within the Exquisite World.

Some sort of rich energy was flowing within the Exquisite World. However, after pouring into the Exquisite World, it would leave Yang Tian's body, many times richer than before. This energy was extremely potent… Much more potent than Yang Tian's energy at the 1st Level of the Divine Master Realm.

However, because this energy was pouring into Yang Tian's body, he could see things much clearer now.

At some distance… Yang Tian stared at the being in front of him. The shape of this being was similar to that of a human…

The reason he thought it was similar and not the same was because of two extra pair of arms, three eyes on his face; two eyes were identical to that of humans while the third eye was on his forehead, perpendicular to the other two eyes. He also had a tail, growing out just a bit above his hips…

He wasn't a beast. Yang Tian could not feel any sensation of that of a beast core from him.


All the words from his throat were incomprehensible for Yang Tian.

He frowned a little as he gazed at the colourless barrier, which was surrounding this man.

He could more or less draw an analogy about this. This guy was sealed within this location…

Moreover, this location was the place which held the Law of Nothingness. The Energy which was flowing in the Exquisite World was the Primordial Energy created in this place…

The Primordial Energy circulated within his Exquisite World and would use the Law of Nothingness within it to empower itself before leaving.

'This sort of situation is somewhat baffling…So this entity before me is not the resident of this world. This location is created from the Law of Nothingness, the only person who has mastered that law is the Ancestral God. Only she could have sealed him in this location…'

'The fact that Ancestral God had to seal him here with the Law of Nothingness already proves that he is a being on the same level as that of Ancestral God or maybe a bit weaker than her. Does that mean he is the lord of a universe as well?'

Yang Tian used his energy and got out of the Abyss of Nothingness. There was no more point in staying here…

As he was heading up, he continued to think 'This man was eating the Yin energy… Most likely to get out of the barrier. He might be the reason why the entire Primal Chaos's Yin Energy is on the decline. But why only Yin energy and not Yang energy as well? Does he not need Yang energy, or can he create it on his own?'

'The barrier surrounding that man was created using the Law of Nothingness…It is growing weaker and weaker. The energy there was extremely attracted to this Exquisite World… Was it because it would be able to support its consumption through the Exquisite World's ability to create Primordial Energy in this area?'

'This is not something I can challenge at my current power level. I guess I will wait until I am at the True God Realm or the Creation God Realm.'

Yang Tian let out a sigh. There was no point in being overly concerned about this…

Some things shouldn't be forced. This was one of them.

The more he would dwell over this topic, the greater the fear within his heart. That would not be the optimum mentality in taking out this threat.

'However, this changes my plans a little…'

Yang Tian had returned to the Dragon God Realm. There… Jasmine had come, searching for Yang Tian.

Once he returned, Jasmine found him and then said to him, "Heal that woman… I am done playing with her. Most of my anger has been quelled now."

Yang Tian knew that since Jasmine was asking him to heal Qianye Ying'er, that meant she had gone over the board…

As he went to visit Qianye Ying'er, he found the pitiful state she was in. That state did make him pity this woman.

She really had been beaten furiously by Jasmine… That explained why Jasmine was in a good mood and had said she had forgiven Qianye Ying'er.

The other thing which surprised him was that Qianye Ying'er still hadn't exploded herself. Did she still want to live? What motivation did she have now?

Yang Tian bent down and healed her using the Miracle of Life. He decided to heal all injuries of her body…

There was initially a blank look on Qianye Ying'er's face as she stared at Yang Tian, soon, she opened her mouth, "I, thank you, for healing me."

Yang Tian paused for some seconds, hearing thanks from her mouth sounded quite unnatural. However, he did reply to her indifferently, "You should be aware of why all that happened to you…"

Qianye Ying'er blankly stared at Yang Tian and spoke, "Yes, I deserved every bit of that torture from you. For using you and for asking Nan Wansheng to poison Heavenly Slaughter." She did not break or bend her words. The words were spoken with a clear tone as if she knew what she had done and was prepared for the consequences.

Yang Tian raised his brow.

'This woman has become calmer. This is interesting…'

Well, I hope you like the novel.

Check out my p.atreon: bit.do/dragon04

(50 chapters ahead...)

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