
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Book&Literature
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288 Chs

Fighting the Flood Dragon (1)

Two Silver Dragons… These were the flood dragons who had a chance encounter and stumbled upon a treasure with the aura of the Dragon God being released from it.

Just from that minute aura, their bodies experienced variations, and their weak strength boosted to that of High-Level Sky Profound Realm.

In fact, their strengths reached the peak of the Sky Profound Realm.

Not long ago, their son was killed by some human cultivators. To this couple of Silver Dragons, their hatred for all the Human Cultivators had reached the very peak.

When they noticed two humans slowly landing near the cave which released the Dragon God's aura… They immediately decided to attack them.

Upon seeing that the man had released the woman's hand and jumped down, the female Flood Dragon went towards his landing position to kill him before he could even land.

At that moment, the female flood dragon heard an arrogant voice of that human, "Just a flood dragon huh…"

Initially, as the female flood dragon sensed the power of this human, it felt like laughing. This human was beyond crazy… He dared to speak so arrogantly when he was merely at the peak of the True Profound Realm.

He was definitely a fool!

However, then the Flood Dragon felt the aura of that human suddenly become 6 times as that of before. However, it appeared as though this human was still not done charging up.

Now… The attack had also amplified this human's profound energy by ten times. The Female Flood Dragon didn't know why but a strange sense of fear crept within its heart.

Although incredibly prideful in its own strength, it didn't wish to take on this attack head-on.

Immediately, it moved back its large body and dodged Yang Tian's attack.

The area where the Female Flood Dragon was standing a moment ago burst apart with a loud explosion.

The female flood dragon was somewhat thankful that it had trusted its instincts and gone against its own arrogance or it might have been severely injured by this human.

However, it wasn't given a moment of rest as it felt a strange presence behind it and turned around to see another Yang Tian, his right fist glowing with reddish energy. This was through the use of none other than Star God's Broken Shadow.

"Flaring Star Crushes the World!"

He used this fist move and struck the female flood dragon straight on its gut. Along the thick scale of the flood dragon prevented Yang Tian's fist from giving it some severe damage, the flood dragon was still thrown back.

In the mid-way, the flood dragon felt another presence of Yang Tian. This was naturally because of the Star God's Broken Shadow, 2nd Stage.

"You can consider this my original. The name is a bit lame so don't mind it too much. Fire kick!" Yang Tian's feet seemed to be ablaze with the Phoenix's Flames as he struck the Flood Dragon with his foot.

This time, the entire body of the Flood Dragon seemed to bathe in the Phoenix Flames, and it was diagonally in the sky. However, the profound energy in the Phoenix Flames was far weaker than the Flood Dragon. It just took a breath from the Flood Dragon to suppress it.

In this short series of consecutive combos from Yang Tian, the female flood dragon understood that this human was a threat. If this went on, this human might really kill her. However, even though he was a threat, he wouldn't be able to fight with that sort of strength for a long time. He also lacked a decisive power to truly damage them. That was why the female flood dragon felt that it would be better to assist her husband, who was in even worse shape than herself.

While Yang Tian was fighting against that female flood dragon, the male flood dragon was having a showdown with Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan was quite stunned when she had felt Yang Tian, releasing her hand and going on to fight against the flood dragon. However, she soon calmed down as she saw him fight against the flood dragon.

He should probably be fine for the time being.

The storms persisted for seven full minutes, then finally dissipated. The male dragon's voice rang out from high in the air. "So it is actually a human who has stepped halfway into the Emperor Profound Realm. No wonder you dare to come and attempt to encroach upon the treasures of the Dragon God in vain. But since you have come, you can forget about ever leaving again!"

Chu Yuechan said in an icy voice, "We are only passing by. I have no idea about the treasures of the Dragon God, nor did I think of offending you two."

What she received was an angry roar from the male flood dragon, "Silence! You, humans, are all vile and despicable creatures! It is because of you that our only son has died. I will definitely kill you!"

The power of the flood dragon was wind attribute. As it released its power, the wind and the clouds in the surrounding area began to surge. Sand and stones flew everywhere, and the awe-inspiring momentum caused the entire core region of the Wasteland of Death to faintly tremble.

The Profound Beasts close to the core region that were slumbering or resting in silence were all startled awake and fled away in terror. Even after reaching a location they felt was safe, they still didn't dare to howl out. They didn't even dare to breathe loudly. Trembling nonstop, they looked into the distant skies, where they saw those enormous draconic shadows.

"Frozen Cloud Domain!"

Chu Yuechan didn't hesitate in using this domain. Although not at all comparable to the domain of someone at the Emperor Profound Realm, it could still restrain the flood dragon quite a bit. She was also holding a longsword created out of ice.

Her body moved, and it was like a blue light flashed by as she pierced straight towards the male dragon.


That enormous collision sound was clearly heard in the area around her.

Although Flood Dragons weren't like the Scarlet Dragon, which had an authentic, pure dragon bloodline, and these flood dragons instead were merely lesser dragons with a seventy or eighty per cent pure lineage, they were still dragons. Their bodies had the toughness similar to those of true dragons.

But the injury to his scales was more than enough to further enrage the male dragon. Its counter-attack came as well. As the wind howled fiercely, the ice on its body broke off in enormous chunks as it smashed down towards Chu Yuechan with its massive dragon claw. Following the path of the dragon claw, screeches of the space being torn apart were generated.


The enormous dragon claw landed upon Chu Yuechan's shield of ice. The dragon claw was bounced away, while numerous cracks also appeared on the shield of ice.

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(50 chapters ahead.)

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