
Dark Queen Tamara Original Sequel

She was told that she can never rule the world above her, and she was told to keep her legs close because only man can rule the upcoming world but the king who makes everyone his enemy and continuously tortures the innocent princess that he had snatched or even bought from, little does he know about what will happen next towards her desires to cease everyone as a team of her own and ruled over all celestial beings. _______________________________________ Hello dear readers I hope that every one of you does enjoy this book as it is my first time writing an actual story because I am so used to writing only poems and not literal stories but I was pushed out of my comfort zone by my friends and others who appreciate my work and last but not least this book did borrow the idea of one of those British queens during the ancient time where she hunts for young girls for their virgin blood

Rinasekhon · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 14

I sing to the gloom when it's opaque and bleak when no one under the boulevard glint twits a little

You reckon your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the narrative of the earth, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.

Beneath considerable occurrences, I indicated to you that wishing you was not an option because I seal myself from all the community and depress

Entitling only you to wander through my dullness

Doze of busted crystal and subsiding towards the nearest the edge

Cliffs and depth of earth seem quite delinquent to the soul of one

Seems like extinction knocking on my door and howling at me because they warned me about the blood and love in disguise

Hidden pain is hidden in your pride

Mirror on the wall here we are again

Accepting and declining was never a phase I wanted to go through under the conversion of droplets of blood that pathed 

Lost of deception, scars that burden the prevailing yearns  to escape reality because of the constant speaks of oath with smoke mirror, extraordinary looks over the fitful reflector

Have you not wondered how long I tried to live knowing I was done with the realm

Smashed by darkness just  descent under the cold winter night where there is a c8ntemption of bolouvered of figurative language character doesn't just recede

who was there when they expect you made you think that you were significant to them but if to speak the validity was that easy then I won't be having any issues in articulating my mild mind of wilderness

I was not just vital and now I didn't even notice

Thought to hinder my mind from making my escape to the old fantasy that it was just me in my small world until I was lost in the time the border

When the sun doesn't shine

And the sky is dark and gloomy waiting when a night in my lonely thought I vent to the moons

Why do u fall this easily

How one is allowing themselves to be in this much pain

I'll sing to your shadow even when it gets dark

I'll keep all your secrets tucked inside my heart

I'm willing to follow you wherever you are

Possibly it's time to shift under the verdict of sensibility under the mantle of fairness

I wished the importance that was given to provisional humanity was given to me 

I was right at your fingertips

Pain will forever be engraved around the name of solem discrediting