
DARK Phoenix

Kurai Fenikkusu. he was in a car crash and lost his wife. after the crash he lost his memory and his hair turned white. no he is trying to find out who he is.

Taysanvader · Action
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 Losing Memories and Making New Ones

It's August 5 2022. kurai fenikkusu, a college student age 20 from america, he moved to Japan then moved back to america with his girlfriend named shinrai mujoken. coming back from shopping in their car, a 1999 acura cl. As they passed through, another vehicle, a f250 ram truck hit them on the side of their car, their car flew in the air as if it was flying, and started spinning uncontrollably as it made contact with the road. When the car made a stop, flipped upside down with gas leaking to the side, the traffic stopped, and very few people came out to help while others just stood there recording. as kurai crawled out of his car with shinrai in his hands he could sense her life slipping away. "Call an ambulance somebody please '' Kurai screams with frustration and sadness.

Then the kurai felt a hand touching the side of his face as their car burst into flames. with a sweet but frightening voice she said... "I'm scared, please save me". "I'm here, someone is coming, just stay with me" kurai said. As Kurai bursts into tears Shinrai says "plz... I'm scared, don't leave me. I don't want to be alone." "I'm right here, I'll never leave your side I promise". Kurai says. With her last dying breath she sat up and kissed kurai before collapsing to the ground floor. And resting her eyes and her soul fading away. At that moment kurai felt hopeless. He thought in his head that he wanted more power, if he just had more power he could have saved her. As everything was beginning to become pitch black kurai's hair turned from black to white, and everything went dark.

1 week later... It's now August 12th 2022

Kurai fenikkusu wakes up and he sees that he is in a hospital. He tries to remember what happened but can't seem to remember. Kurai then looks in the mirror, seeing that his hair turned back to normal but kurai didn't know that it changed in the first place. A nurse in the hallway sees him and rushes to get a doctor. As the doctor came into the room he asked "how do you feel". Kurai responds with idk. Then the doctor says "do you remember what happened". "No idk, my memory is kinda fuzzy". Kurai says. "Do you know a woman that goes by shinrai mujoken"? The doctor says. Kurai responds with "yes she is my girlfriend we've been together for 2 years". "I hate to tell you this but last night, you two got into a car crash, but shinrai didn't make it, Sorry for your loss". Then suddenly kurai's eyes widened and all of the memories from what happened that night came into his head all at once! Kurai went into a panic not knowing what was going on he went into a fit of rage and started destroying things and attacking the doctor! As a couple of nurses including the doctor came to restrain him he suddenly stopped... and his hair turned white. "Sir, are you calm now" the doctor says. "Where am I? Who - who are you people". Kurai says "you can't remember? We were just talking about it". The doctor said, "I can't remember what happened". Then the doctor proceeds to explain it to kurai again but after they finish talking,kurai still can't remember. Not even his own name. Like a different personality. The doctor diagnosed him with amnesia and sent him home with a personal maid to help him. Until he gets his memory back.

I'm going to tell you something important. Family is all that you have, friends will come and go and best friends become family. Cherish them for they may not be here as long as you think they will. You might be saying "I already know this, why are you telling me". It's because most people lose family and still take them for granted. Please, whatever you do, love and cherish and never let go of your family. Because sooner or later, they will be gone as well as you in the future.

It's August 16 2022 kurai's admission out of the hospital. For some reason kurai was required to STEP out of the hospital in a wheelchair, even though his wounds miraculously healed overnight. Yet no one even mentioned to kurai about how fast his wounds healed or his hair turning white. Like he never got hurt and his hair never changed. So many mysteries, so many answers, so little time. Once kurai got back to his home he was surprised how big it was. He was exploring the house a little. He found out he had 5 bed 3 bath and 2 garage house. But as he explored he stumbled across a picture of kurai and shinrai... And his heart skipped a beat. Kurai didn't feel anything but he noticed his heart stopped for a split second. But he shrugged it off. Kurai's maid, her name is Ella Johnson. She was a bit strange, but always told the truth. Ella liked cooking, cleaning, and strangely she loved playing rocket league. In Fact she was so good she was offered a contract with NRG,but turned them down. When everything was explored kurai asked some questions. "What's your name"? "My name is Ella, Ella Johnson". "Nice to meet you". "Likewise ". Then Ella states; "if you have any questions ask me, I'll answer them to the best of my ability". "Really? Well how did I get such a awesome home"? Kurai asks. "Well your a specialist. You hunt things like demons, monsters, and others who use their power like yours for evil. "A specialist? What is that"? "Well you are one of only 50 million people who can use an ability called magic". "Magic? What kind of magic"? "Wait how can you forget what a specialist is but know what magic is"? "IDK just answer my question". "Fine, fine. These are the categories, there is elemental magic, which contains fire earth air and water. There is light magic and dark magic, light magic uses pure light to make anything one can think of for a weapon, and it's danm powerful. But with the cost of mana, which is basically your life force. Dark magic contains the control of gravity, and elemental magic but earth water air and fire are blackish purple. And it's much more powerful than regular magic, and sometimes can even rival light magic.".

"Wait so about mana? It's your life force, what do you mean"? "So people like you have a high amount of mana or life force. Everyone has mana in this world but contains so little that they can't even cast magic, even if they could just a fire shaped twig would kill someone normal cause their mana would be all gone". "Wait, something didn't add up. If a regular person has so little, how come they don't look all half dead"? "Well it's enough mana to run, walk, stand up, speak or do sports. But you need a lot more mana to cast magic. You see, people do use mana. They use it in daily activities but it's so little mana if it was a spell it would be as small as atoms. And we need to eat and sleep to replenish that mana". "Wow. Do I have a certain amount of mana or..." "You have a mana count of 3.5 trillion, which is the tenth highest in the world. The bigger the spell the more mana you consume. A blade made by fire can cost up to 300,000 mana. But making the tallest building in the world out of fire will cost you 800. 67 trillion mana to make. And the highest mana count is 100.75 trillion. But there is a. Cool down. If you use 1 million mana you need about 5 hours to replenish it all. If you use 1 trillion that would take 3 days to replenish. And there are certain attributes that specialists have. You have fire and air. A perfect combination and 1 of 300 to have more than 2 attributes''. "Wow I can use fire and wind, how do I do that"? Try to focus your mana to your hands, once you feel that then think of anything. Anything small like a knife or a pistol and it will form. But controlling which attribute to use is all up to you.I can't teach you that

Because I don't have 2. I have 1 which is water. But I don't have much but I have more than most so I'm able to use small water spells". "Oh I see, ok let me try". "Hmmmmm"... (Sounds of frustrations) " uuuh! it didn't work. I'll try it next time I guess". "Well that's fine, you did lose your memories. It's getting late master, I think you should get some rest, I'll make dinner". " Thank you Ella haha you're like the perfect wife". Ella's face blushes for a second.

That night kurai had a dream. A dream that seemed so terrifying even hearing it gives the toughest people nightmares... In this nightmare kurai was lying on his bed but not being able to sleep. And suddenly he hears a noise, like the sound of a plate being shattered. He went to check the kitchen and saw a broken plate but thought it fell down so he cleaned it up. When he was done he looked out the window above the kitchen sink. He sees trees blowing in the wind, and cars passing by with bright shining lights. Then he sees someone that looks like a woman who is hurt and covered in blood behind him through the reflection of the window. He quickly turns around but no one is there. He shrugs it off and goes back to his room. As he walks through his bedroom door he ends up on the road, looking at a huge car crash he sees that same woman from the kitchen. She has a broken leg, a few of her fingers were bent so far backwards and her head is fiercely bleeding. She starts walking towards him and Kurai starts stepping back. As she got closer kurai fell to the ground, looking behind himself the door was gone. Then kurai says "stay back now"! Then the woman says "Don't you remember me? You promised you would never leave me. I'm here, come be with me for ever and ever while knowing you could never do anything! You're weak, you're powerless and you let me die you monster"! Then Kurai stands up and runs away, frightened he says "I don't even know you leave me alone"! Suddenly In Front of kurai appears a pitch black hole in the ground stretching all across the earth. Kurai stops and turns around and the woman from the kitchen is standing right Infront of him. She proceeds to say "you would leave me? After you promised you would never go? You promised, now you have to die with me"! The kurai says, "What do you want from me"? "I want you, and I'll have you". And she grabs Kurai and jumps into the void with him. And Kurai suddenly wakes up, sweating and breathing heavily while grabbing his chest. "What the hell". Kurai says as he goes back to sleep.

The next morning...

It's now August 17th 2022

"Master It's time to wake up, I brought you breakfast". Ella says "huh? it's morning already"? "Yes and it's time for you to eat your breakfast so dig in ''. Ella says as she places Kurai's breakfast on his bed. "Thank you Ella, I appreciate it". "Your very welcome master". After kurai eats his breakfast he takes a shower and changes into new clothes and brushes his teeth. After he is done he goes into the kitchen and sees Ella doing dishes. He proceeds to help her but she says to relax so Kurai just sits on the couch watching TV. After Ella was done she came to kurai and said "it's time to train. Come now in the backyard". "Wait, why training"? Kurai says. "Well your job as a specialist is to hunt monsters and demons and evil doers with your kind of power. Right now you can't remember how to use magic so you need to relearn". "Alright then I'll train ''. Kurai said with a sigh. They both went in the backyard to train. Kurai was trying to use magic but couldn't pull off any spells let alone make a single flame. So Ella had another plan. Ella grabbed a picture of shinrai and brought it over to kurai. "Look at this picture, it may re- awaken your powers' '. Ella said. As Kurai looked at the picture his heart stopped for a split second again. And this time he felt sad but he didn't know why. "Now try to use fire magic, you can do this' '. Ella said. "Ok I'll try, here goes nothing"! Kurai held out his right hand and thought of a flame in the palm of his hand. While he thought this he looked at the picture of shinrai. Then a black purple flame ignited on his hand. "Huuh! this-this is impossible, you're exposed to regular fire element magic". Ella said "How is this possible"? Kurai said. "It could be because you lost your memories and you just got a new element type due to relearning them. Ok now try wind magic, I wanna see what this does". "Ok I'll give it a shot". Kurai then held out his hand with his palm facing away from him. He thought of the wind breezing down on Ella. Then he looked at the picture of shinrai... And suddenly Ella fell to the ground. "Aaaaahhh! I can't move my body! It's like something is on top of me that's so heavy I can't move! Just stop, stop it now"! "Oh my God are you ok, I'm so sorry". Kurai says as he tries to help Ella get up. Ella slaps his hand away and she screams "get away from me"! With a frightened face and voice. "I'm sorry, just please let me go rest. We are done training for the day". Ella says. "ok you go get some rest please don't push yourself". Ella goes and gets some rest but not before making dinner. Then kurai eats and he goes and checks on Ella. As he opened the door he saw that she was asleep so he closed the door and went to sleep himself.

Three days later... August 20th 2022

"Master, you have done quite a bit of training but can't seem to control your power. And tomorrow is your first day back to college since the accident, I think we should hold off training and. Try to focus on your school work, that way maybe being reacquainted with your friends may bring control back to your powers". Ella explains. "How come you always think my past would help"? Kurai says.

"Well for starters, being confronted by your lost memories may help you gain your memory back and with your memory back come your power control and even your old powers. you could even have 4 types of magic when you gain your memories back". "Well I guess that makes sense. But I still don't even know what to do, or where to go, or even who my friends are. Plus I still have to go to Shinrai's funeral on tuesday".

"Yes yes master, a lot to think about. Her funeral is just in 2 days, and I can arrange someone to give you a detour around the campus and your subjects in school. Just leave it all to me". "Alright ella I trust you". The next morning kurai had to wake up for college. and he never would have guessed what would happen that morning... Monday morning kurai wakes up to a half naked pretty lady on his bed! With a shocked expression on his face kurai says "why the hell is there a random woman on my freaking bed"! Then this random woman wakes up and looks at kurai and says "yay kurai you're awake, I've missed you so much, I thought you were going to die"! As she cries in his arms. "Uuh, who are you?". "I'm Hailey Duh, your college best friend since you moved to America ''. "I'm sorry I just don't remember you". "Right I forgot that maid of yours told me you lost your memories.speaking of her... Have you two been doing it cause it seems like you two love living alone together"!

"Whaaat! No nothing like that. I promise". "Ok I believe you". "That's good". Kurai said with a relieved sigh. "And I'm so sorry about shinrai! I knew she was so special to you and now she is gone"! Hailey says as she reverts back to crying. Then Ella barged in the doors. "Ah your both awake, get dressed while set for breakfast". Ella says. "Ok, kurai I'm gonna get ready, do you mind if I use your shower"? "Ya go for it"... " Hang on one minute Ella! Do you mind telling me why you let a complete stranger in my room! And a lady for that matter". "Oh right, she is your college best friend, I checked her back round and she seems to be in the clear so I paid her to accompany you at college and she said that she wanted to stay the night so I let her". "In my freaking bed"!

"Don't worry I let her. It's not like you would try anything". "It doesn't matter, next time tell me. I want my own personal space". "Ok master". Ella said with a lite chuckle.

After they got ready and ate some breakfast they went to college. They took Hailey's car. When they got there hailey showed the kurai around the campus. The dining hall, the class buildings, the dorms and even the club rooms. After he was shown the whole campus she took kurai to their classroom. As they walked in, many students stood up and yelled "kurai"! And they were all glad to see he was ok. And they all crowded him. Many said that they are grateful that he was ok. And many others said sorry about what happened to shinrai. But Kurai had no clue who any of these kids were. Hailey told everyone to stand back, and she explained to all of them that his memory was lost in the accident and that he can't remember any of them. Then the teacher walked in and told everyone to sit down. He said he was happy to see that kurai was ok, and that he is aware of his memory loss. After class all of the students reintroduced themselves to kurai and he was the talk of the school.

During lunch he ran into a dude named

Tyler basin. "Yo kurai it's been a while. I'm sorry to hear about shinrai ''. Tyler says. "Sorry but I lost my memory so if I know you I can't remember you". Kurai says. "Man, that must have been some accident that made you lose your memories. Anyways I'm gonna be there for shinrai's funeral and I hope you're there too". "Ya I'm going to be there. But I can't remember who she was. And it makes me kinda sad". "Well you should ask Hailey about her, she was the one hanging out with you guys the most ''. "Well I'll ask her. And I have a question for you". "What's up"? "I was wondering

If you're a specialist, like me"? "Well no I can't use magic. But you do have a

Partner". "A partner? Ella never mentioned that to me". "Ya I can't reintroduce you to her now but later she isn't busy. I'll give her a call for you". "Ok that 's fine. Well I gotta get to my club room". "Alright man you have a good day". "I will thank you and you too".

Kurai and Hailey start heading over to Kurai's club room. This club is called the swordsmanship club. Where they practice handling swords and knives and even katana's. "Hey kurai's back"! One of the members says. "Ya kurai it's been forever. I'm sorry what happened". "Oh I kinda lost my memory so I can't remember any of you or what this is". Kurai says. "Well if that's the case then let's introduce you to everyone". "Alright let's do it". Kurai says.

"This is Carter Simmons".Hailey says

"Hey how's it going, the names Carter as you know and i'm a specialist just like you". Carter says. "Well it's nice to meet you Carter ''.

"Well I already know you, so no need to introduce yourself". "This is Martha Anderson". Hailey says. "Hi my name is Martha and I'm basically your mentor, I was the one who taught you everything about swordsmanship and now I guess I get to teach you again. Oh right and I'm also a specialist". "Nice to meet you Martha". "This is Anth-". Hailey says while being interrupted. "Ya the names Anthony and I'm a pro specialist and I don't really care about anything besides for what I do, so...". "Well it's uh... Nice to meet you".kurai says. "Ya he might act tough but he is a softy". Hailey says. "Shut up no I'm not". Anthony says with embarrassment. "Well it's nice to meet all of you. I look forward to being in this club with you guys, ``Kurai says. "Oh and kurai our specialist graduation is coming up this Wednesday". Carter says. "So there is a graduation? Am I also graduating"? Kurai says. "Well no you have already graduated so you don't need to be there but I hope you get to be there to see me graduate". Carter says. "I'll try to make it".kurai says. "Great, I'm looking forward to it". Carter says.

Tuesday afternoon August 22 2022

Shinrai's funeral...

As the sad music plays and the tension in the room darkens. With the sorrows of the loved ones who lost shinrai. Kurai walks up to her open casket. Staring down at Shinrai's pale dead body with a flower in his hands, kurai's hair turns black. Like he was himself again. And kurai fell to his knees and started crying loudly with his sorrows being heard though nothing was being said. As Kurai cried he said, "I should have saved you. I should have been the one dead, instead I was punished with your death and leaving me here alone with no one to dry my tears and yet I can't let you go. Please come back to me". As the kurai kept crying with every second it became louder and louder and louder until it all stopped... There was silence, kurai's hair turning back to white and no more tears were being shed. Kurai stands back up and places the flower on her chest, and walks back to his seat with his eyes still puffy yet no sad expression was being shown. As the funeral ended, Kurai headed back to his home. Then falling asleep on his bed without eating any food. He just slept. And that night he had a dream... The sound of a thunderstorm outside kurai's house and the wind pushing trees. Kurai and Shinrai sit there on the couch watching a movie in a dark room lit up by the tv. Then shinrai says, "I love you, then kisses Shinrai on the cheek. let's go to bed, it's getting late". "Alright I'm just going to go to the bathroom. Can you put everything away? I'll come out and help after I'm done". Kurai says. Then Shinrai says "ya go on ahead I'll take care of it". Then kurai walks to the bathroom and does his business. Then he walks out after getting done and sees that Shinrai isn't there but everything is still In place right as he left it. "Shinrai? Where did you go"? Kurai says. Then Kurai walks to the kitchen and sees a shadowing figure. "Babe I thought you were going to put everything away". Kurai says. Then he turns on the lights and sees Shinrai but all bloody with a twisted neck and an arm bent backwards with an eye hanging out of her socket. Kurai drops the the floor in terror then says " Shinrai what happened to you"? "What happened to me? You left me to die, you didn't save me. I was crying for help and you left.". Shinrai says. "What no i-i...". Kurai tries to say. "You can't tell me the truth. You must pay for what you did to me"! Then shinrai lunges towards shinrai with a knife and shinrai runs to his bedroom in fear and confusion. Then kurai makes it to his bedroom, turns around and sees shinrai running towards kurai and screaming with hatred. Then kurai shuts and locks the door and you can hear a loud bang on the door. Followed by loud knocks and screams. Kurai rushes to his phone and tries to dial 911. Then the banging and screaming stops. As the phone rings, Kurai sees a mysterious figure in the bathroom. "Why did you run away from me? Don't you love me anymore"? Shinrai says. Then kurai drops his phone and looking at shinrai he gets tunnel vision. And right as the phone hits the ground shinrai lunges at kurai screaming with a knife in her hands. Reacting fast, kurai created a flaming blade and right as shinrai gets on top of kurai he stabs her in the chest. Blood gushing from her mouth, Kurai realized what he had done. And starts crying. Then Shinrai says "this time you killed me. You murdered your girlfriend. And this bloodstain will never go away"...

That morning Wednesday August 23 2022

Kurai hears a faint sound while asleep. It sounded like a woman. Yelling. "Kurai..."

This mysterious voice said. "Kurai stop..."

This voice got louder and louder. Then kurai woke up and Ella was on the floor saying, "kurai stop! You're crushing me with your magic stop"!. Then kurai finally realized what was going on and he stopped casting the spell. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, are you ok"? Kurai said. "Damn it kurai you need to learn how to control your powers. You could have killed me"! Ella says. "I'm sorry i-i didn't mean to". Kurai says. "It's fine but seriously you need to learn how to control yourself. Now get your ass up and get ready". Ella says.

Later in the afternoon.

"So this is the graduation? It seems secret, why is that?" Kurai says. "Well we don't want any demons knowing where the noobs are, cause they always go after fresh blood". Ella says. "That didn't make any sense, aren't they going to fight them anyways"? Kurai says. "Well yes but demons aren't just a bunch of brainless animals, their most recent tactic was to go after the boobies cause they see them as potential threats". Ella says. "I still don't get it. What about the veterans"? Kurai says. "Do I have to explain everything to you, look, boobies are the easiest to kill and they can also get even stronger. So they kill them because they're the easiest". Ella explains. "Ok I get it now". Kurai says. Graduation begins. a man starts walking to the podium and starts speaking. "Today these brave students become full fledged specialists and will start partnering with you veterans. So please let's celebrate their great accomplishment. Carter Lucas grey please step up to the podium". Carter walks up to the podium and starts saying a speech. "I thank all of you for being there with me on my journey to becoming a specialist. I vow to dedicate my life to protecting this world from demons and I will bring... Then all of a sudden something appears... A humanoid figure but it has dark pale skin with the veins popping out bright red at the tip of his entire arm. With long black as night hair. It attacks Carter, cutting off one of his arms and pushing 30 feet back. Carter lay there helplessly screaming in pain, his eyes filled with fear. This thing lunges at Carter. But Martha jumps and stops the thing parrying it and then slashes across its chest. The thing screams in pain, then Martha goes for a second attack. But the thing blocks her attack and bites her on the neck. Then it stabs her straight through her chest with its hand. Then Martha stabs the thing through its heart and releases a giant flaming burning the thing to ash. Martha drops choking on her own blood and takes her last dying breath. Her eyes filled with nothing. Kurai runs to Carter trying to close his wound. Kurai conjures a black flame on his hand attempting to close his wound.hailey stops kurai saying, "you don't want to do that, black flames are too hot to be touched by human skin. It will burn him to a crisp". "Well you also have flames so please close up his wound and take him to safety". Kurai says. Hailey nods and takes Carter elsewhere. Then suddenly another one shows itself on the stage. Then another and another. After a minute twelve of them show up. One looks like a lion with purple flames around its neck and tail and purple blue fur. Another one had a humanoid figure but it's face was deformed with many eyes, and long nails with orange red skin. 4 other specialists show up to kurai's aid. One of them handed kurai two swords. One sword with a chain on the tip of the handle with a curve at the end of the blade with a tiny hook, and the other with a curved hilt and a curved blade with lines going through it as if it's meant for flames. Kurai took a stance as if he first started sword play. All at once these creatures as well as the 4 other specialists started the attack. Kurai takes on two demons, one a lion and one a humanoid demon with a bunch of eyeballs. Kurai jumps and swings his swords at the demon lion, cutting its face and the side of its body. Then the other demon came from behind and attempted to strike the kurai. Kurai jumps in the air doing a backflip and lands behind the demon and cuts it in half. Killing it. Then the demon attacks from the side landing a blow. Kurai with a giant wound on his side. He holds his wound trying to stop the bleeding. Then kurai remembers during training he can imbue enhanced weapons with magic. Kurai puts his right foot back and his left foot forward. Then positions his second sword across his chest with the blade facing the demon lion. Then he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, imbuing black flames into the sword and lunges towards the demon lion and right before he swings he says... Black rosemary slash! And slices the demon lion in two and burns it to a crisp simultaneously.

After he finishes he looks around seeing the other specialist's working in sync killing one demon after another. Soon enough the demons are all dead. "Hey kurai it's been a while since you were admitted into the hospital". A woman says. "Uh hi, I don't remember you, what's your name"? Kurai says. "Oh right you lost your memories. Well my name is Jane blue. I'm your partner as a specialist". Jane says. "Oh I see...". Then a giant demon appears. Something so huge and so powerful. When you look at it you can see it's heavy breath. Thick veins with the color cyan. Black skin black horns blueish black fur oh it's head and neck. Kurai tries to pull out his sword but the demon is so quick in a split of a millisecond it's In Front of kurai and strikes with a blow that slices kurai's left arm off. Knocking him back into the ground destroying the grass dirt and stone. Then the demon goes and attacks the other specialist. And one by one they get wiped out. As kurai looks around after leveling his head he sees Hailey, Jane, and others brutally killed with body parts everywhere. Kurai, frightened, starts heaving breathing.It gets faster as he looks at the horror around him. Suddenly He feel's a power surging through him. His breathing gets faster and faster. He stands up, grabs his first sword's chain and imbues it with gravity magic. And he starts swinging it. Faster and faster with every inch the ground being crushed as the blade gets close to the ground. He starts charging at the demon, imbuing more gravity magic into the sword more and more every second. It starts getting staticy and everything looks unreal and looks like pieces are missing. He keeps swinging faster and faster and he makes a large slash at the demon. But the moment it cut the demon in half, the static overtook his sight and everything became black.