
Dark Orb Ch.3

Hroda woke up the following week very excited, because it was going to be his first day at a training school, he dreamt about meeting other strong warriors and challenging them to see how strong he really was, and now, he could. After packing their luggage and everything they needed for the trip, they set off and had high hopes.

It was a three day trip from The little town of Ghunsen to Herentia, one of the big cities in the country. After reaching the city, Hroda had a very weird sense that there was another demon presence nearby, and a strong one at that. But he kept it to himself and taught that it would be normal for a demon to be around the city. The mage and Hroda got down from their carriage and walked to the school, surprisingly for them, there was a school entrance examination which would determine if you would enter the school or not.

Hroda and the mage didn't even know this and Hroda knew that he would have trained extra hard if he knew that there would be an entrance examination. They went into the school and signed all the necessary paperwork, Hroda was then assigned the number 8. After waiting for a good 3 hours just for his turn, he was finally called to the test room to face off against another trainee.

But something was off, this person was wearing a black cape covering their face and the crazy thing was, Asmodeus sensed that this was the presence they felt earlier, he told Hroda to watch out and Hroda said he also sensed it. The fight was about to commence and the referee of the match told the mysterious figure to take off the cape, but to everyone's surprise this mysterious figure was actually a female. But when the mage saw this female he was shook.

The fight began and the girl headed straight for Hroda, she jumped into the sky and shot a fireball at him, Hroda was impressed due to the similarities that they shared, he easily blocked the fireball and stood still. Asmodeus asked him why he stood still and he said he wanted to observe this girl. The girl then ran straight at Hroda and it was a close combat fight, she tried to at least hit Hroda once but none of her attacks were landing, the judges were shocked because they couldn't even see what was going on. Then suddenly the girl got a random burst of power, this shocked Hroda and he knew that he had to at least be serious now.

She was getting stronger, faster, and even more angry. This puzzled Asmodeus because he was the only demon who could get stronger the angrier he got. The girl then got another boost and this time she was able to hit Hroda, Hroda started to get a bit infuriated, then out off nowhere the girl shouts, "FIGHT ME BROTHER!!"

Till next time...