
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 35

In a rabbit hole in the country of rain, Akira stood silent among the corpses of the six slaves, she barely needed seconds to kill them all.

However, Akira's mind wasn't focused on them, but rather on what have taken over her and what had she experienced.

She wondered whether <experienced> should be the right expression as she still had that feeling.

She knew within her that as long as she focused, she could let her spiritual power disperse around her, enabling her to see all kinds of things, namely the body composition, blood flow, heartbeat, and rhythm, and enter a state of full focus.

Akira decides to name this insight as the pure world.

Akira tried to see the pure world again and found some limitations, one of them is that she could only sense a hundred meters around her and that for only one minute.

Akira knew that as long as she grow stronger so will the time and range expand.

But this isn't the only thing on her mind, her desire was the catalyst and the fundamental reason for that growth, she knew the importance of understanding the why and how is it, if not then that meant that a ghost exist.

Although she had nothing to lose more than her life, for Akira her life is everything she had. As a result, she simply refuses to give it up for strength, otherwise, she will not have kidnapped civilians for human experiments.

And the last thing is the organ that was made inside a hidden space of her womb, she focused on her clitoris and surprisingly it grows till it reaches the same size and grids as the dick of the man she transformed, not only that but from her pussy two balls were produced. She marveled at her ability to control all of that, not to mention the strength that filled her body and the vitality that run in her cells.

She could be sure that the benefits that she received are equal to ten years of hard work to enrich her potential if not more.

Now her physic and psychic have truly reached the shadow level, all that remains is to fully upgrade her techniques to match her strength and then she may not fear anyone.

After all, the technique of infinite potential has still not been practiced to the peak of what she can.

As Akira was pondering in her heart, new information was transmitted from her shadow clone, vigilance raised in her heart as the sight of the ninjas from the hidden leaf village moved to the reactions of the hidden village of rain.

Akira pondered over the fact that her situation was revealed before quickly denying it.

She had completely hidden her traces, so the only reason that they could be coming in this direction is either a lure, a mission, or a fake before switching directions.

Akira didn't bother with that but for now, she needs to completely clean up the place, it barely took ten minutes before the whole nest was burning, and every room was scorched not leaving the sight any trace of her existence.

With some other earth techniques to strengthen the place and water wave techniques to harden the hot land, the rabbit nest was as good as new.

As dawn broke over the hidden leaf village, a squad of skilled shinobi gathered in the briefing room of the Hokage's office. The team consisted of four members: Haruto, the leader with a calm and analytical mind; Sakura, a medical-nin with unparalleled healing abilities; Kenta, a swift and agile tracker; and Rei, a jōnin specializing in intelligence gathering; and lastly Minato, and old comrades of Akira in school and a talented one.

Their mission was a crucial one - to deliver a secret message to the shadow lord of the hidden rain village. The message contained vital information about an impending threat to the alliance between the hidden leaf and hidden rain villages, and its successful delivery was paramount to maintaining peace.

Equipped with the knowledge of the urgency of their mission, the squad embarked on their journey. They swiftly traversed the lush forests and rugged terrains, relying on Kenta's keen senses to navigate through unfamiliar territories. The journey was arduous, but their determination never wavered.

As they neared the hidden rain village, a faint unease settled upon the team. Sakura, with her medical expertise, sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The usually bustling village seemed quieter than usual, shrouded in an eerie stillness. The squad's instincts kicked in, and they moved with heightened caution.

It was then that Kenta's sharp eyes and Minato's natural sensing ability that caught a glimpse of movement in the distance. Squinting, they focused their gaze on the figure six hundred meters away. To Minato's surprise, he realized that it was a crow, but something felt off. The crow appeared to be a shadow clone, a technique mastered by skilled shinobi, but it was uncommon to encounter one so far away from the hidden leaf village.

Haruto swiftly assessed the situation, realizing the potential danger they might face. With a firm command, he directed his team to take defensive positions while keeping an eye on the transformed crow. Rei's swift reflexes allowed her to create an earth barrier around the squad, ensuring their safety.

As they observed the transformed crow, the squad's minds raced with possibilities. Was it a diversion to lure them away from their mission? Or perhaps it was a trap, an ambush waiting to be sprung. Doubt filled the air, but the squad remained resolute in their duty.

With caution and precision, they decided to approach the transformed crow, knowing that direct confrontation might lead to dire consequences. Haruto signaled Sakura to use her medical expertise to analyze the clone from a safe distance. Carefully, Sakura used her chakra-infused senses to gather information about the clone's purpose and origin.

After a thorough examination, Sakura relayed her findings to the squad. The transformed crow was indeed a shadow clone, but its purpose remained elusive. There were no signs of hostility, nor any apparent connection to their mission. With this information, the squad chose to proceed with their original objective, taking the transformed crow as a curious but ultimately inconsequential occurrence.

Leaving the transformed crow behind, the squad pressed forward toward the hidden rain village, their resolve strengthened by their professionalism and unwavering loyalty. They knew that the safety of their village and the success of their mission depended on their swift and decisive actions.

As they continued their journey, the squad's hearts beat with anticipation and determination. The hidden rain village awaited them, and with the secret message in their possession, they carried the hopes of their comrades and the fragile peace between the villages.