
Dark Night Filled With Stars

Aurelia, the daughter of a marquis, was charged for treason, and to be hanged the next day. That was when Aurelia regretted her decisions, her stupidity and gullibility was the cause of her and her family's destruction. Blinded by love, she did everything to please the second prince, but he only used her as a pawn in his game and when she was of no use, framed her. But now she returned, back to her 15 year old self, four years before her death......

ScarofAzalea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

#1: Treason of Aurelia Luna Montréz

*Clank Clank*

'It is cold, dark, lonely. These chains that bind me to this place, are so cold and heavy. Huh....(*sigh)

Am I that dangerous? What did I even do? Oh... yes... I remember, I got imprisoned for charges of treason against the empire....

I was falsely accused of killing the crown prince by poisoning his cup of tea... But I never did it....

*Sigh* Man.... This room is so depressing.... wait... it is a prison right? It is damn spooky, I am probably held in the highest prison, in the black tower. The place where treasonous officials and people are tortured and prisoned.'

Wow! I spent four months in this place huh........

**Drops started falling from her cheeks, she felt miserable, all alone in a dark tower in south of the palace, only a single window big enough for a mouse to fit in, damp and tattered dress, heavy metal chains held her her hands, neck and legs as though she were an animal.

Her face disfigured due to torture, body so thin to the bones, no one would think she was the daughter of a marquis.**

*Clank Clank* *Screech*

" Aurelia Luna Montréz, daughter of the Marquis Montrez, have been charged guilty by the court for treason and shall be hanged at the public square tomorrow at noon. The execution will be carried out in presence of his Highness Kaiser William De Licht by his trusted executioner Barry. Her body will be hanged at the city gate alongside her two brothers and father. This is the imperial decree issued by his Majesty the emperor." said a soldier, sneering at her.

"Well Well, if it isn't the treasonous snake.", a voice said from behind the soldier. It was him, the root of all problems

" Your Highness, Prince Kaiser", the soldier immediately bowed, revealing a person behind.

"Hmm, Luna. Aren't you a bit too fat? Must I cut down your excess food supply? Oh yeah, your getting hanged tomorrow right? I am so sorry.... or should I say thank you for your contribution?" said the Prince.

I froze, all this time though I had my suspicions, I believed in a little corner of my heart that he would love me back. But this is reality, I am nothing more than a chess piece.

"Kaiser, I did whatever you told, at least for the time that we spent together leave my family, they had no connection to any of this!"

"Oh my dear! If only you told me earlier, They were hanged this very evening, didn't you see their bodies were hanged on the gate already.."

"But those were missing an arm and leg... No!!!!...." she ran over to the window, the three bodies which she had seen were her family?

" How could you do this?? I did everything as you told, I kept my family away from the ancestral mines, stopped them from getting higher ranks, even distanced myself from them for your sake! It is ok that you used me but my family? Why?" She cried holding his collar.

"Their sacrifice was necessary for the greater good my dear. Well, I came to tell you something, your friend is pregnant with the royal heir so, we are pushing the marriage ahead of time, it is taking place day after tomorrow, please bless your best friend and me from up above."

No No No.... This can't be... Lillian is pregnant and getting married to you? I was just an obstacle? My family? what about them?

"About your family, it is your fault they died, they were guilty of treason because of the weapons found in the mine and them colluding with the enemy country and that too so miserably, your brothers traded their properties and arms for your life till now. Too bad they have a sister like you." He said each word sharp as an arrow into her, condemning her. He soon left along with the soldier.

The place became quiet again.

My fault? she trembled, If I had not chased after the prince, not followed his requests, then my family would not have become the scapegoat for this bastard.

How the hell did I fall for this guy? If I could go back in time, I would slap my fifteen year old self for being so naïve.

**She fell down, from the window she could see the sky, it was so much dark, there was no moon that night, but only five stars, four in a corner and the fifth one separate and alone.**

Probably, that star is like me, lonely and separated, I want to meet my family, I want to hug Dad and brothers. Please...

She cried the whole time.

**The next day, Sun didn't rise, It was bright as day but no sun in sight, all booed as she was being dragged to the square by soldiers. All people called her the devil who killed the sun(crown prince).

She couldn't blame them, she deserved being called the devil, she gazed up, the single star still shined brightly.**

Just a lit bit more and I can see my family again, I will beg them for forgiveness...

"May you have a good rest" prayed Barry, the only one who sincerely wished the prayer.

Mom, Dad, Brothers I am sorry I will join you in a few moments

**The rope tight around her neck and people still booed, it felt better, than the hard metal, this rough rope felt like heaven. She closed her eyes, she could feel oxygen emptying into the air leaving her.

She got up coughing, and removed the covers on her head, she was home.**

Wait... What happened?? Barry?? Isn't this home? Wasn't it destroyed when the imperial soldiers seized it.

My hands... They are so.... healthy? without any callouses or injuries? Have I really come to heaven??

I ran as fast as I can to Dad's room, but there was no one. What?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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