
Dark Moon: Rise of The Dark King

He was a prince from the biggest kingdom in the Andromeda Continent.His family was the Holy Knight descendants who had killed the dark king. A mysterious accident took his father's life and cursed him with the dark power, making everyone doubt his identity. His uncle treated him as a war puppet even forcing him to relinquish his right to the king's throne and his cousin treated him like his nemesis. Feeling guilty for his father's death he decided to give his blind loyalty to his kingdom and accidentally fell in love with an unknown woman. But after all, things started going well, he was accused of rebelling and was cruelly executed. A dark power revived him, but he was not the same person they once knew. This time he would rise again not only as a king but a king among the kings that conquered the land... _________ >This is love at first sight, but also a slow burn romance (Romance subplot) >The story mostly about the MC's internal struggle >Please expect a lot of battle and fighting scenes as well as some political maneuvers in this story >The MC is cold for romance and mostly act by his status as a royalty >His past play a big role please be patient >This is not eye for an eye type of story Discord chanel: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Cover by Commission Aleena Mao from Pixiv -------------- Other works: *The Incubus System *Dragon King's Harem *Seven Sins System *Demon Lord's Succubus (Completed)

Nanakawaichan · Fantasy
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534 Chs

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 58. The Wine and The Couple IV.

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 58. The Wine and The Couple IV.

"No other way? If you wanted me to take a rest, you could tell me or ask me to take sleeping pills in the 'normal' way. Yet you decided to give me that way," he asked. That kiss made him conclude that she had feelings for him, but her absence broke his trust apart. Even though he now knew the reason for her absence, he was still curious as to why she dared to kiss him.

Rose bit her lower lip. Her mind went back to that fateful night. She remembered she did it because she wanted to treat him with her healing skill. Since she had to keep it a secret, she had no other choice but to put Angel to sleep with her sleeping pills. Indeed, she could have Angel drink it himself. But she was just a stranger back then, she wasn't sure he would take foreign drugs from a stranger. Unfortunately, even with the sleeping pills, she failed to treat it since the castle's Magic Shield blocked her skill.

After a short silence, she finally spoke.

"Back then, I was just a stranger to you. I wasn't sure you would accept my medicine." She didn't dare to look at him out of nervousness, even though what she said was the truth. She also didn't understand why she dared to kiss him. It was her first kiss and she had never kissed anyone but him before, or since. Yet she gave it like nothing.

Was it because Angel had saved her? Could love appear that easily? Just from a simple heroic act?

Then what about Rai? Hadn't he saved her too? And Artheur? Hadn't he fought to the death for her? Why didn't she have any feelings for them?

'I do not understand. What attracted me to him? Was it because I was too naive back then? If that's true... Then why did that feeling stay in my heart for so many years?' The more she tried to find the logic behind her feelings, the more confused she became.

Angel's voice broke her thoughts.

"Then why don't you tell me your identity directly?" It was a simple thing that could solve everything easily.

If he had known her identity from the start, indeed he would have taken her out of his room to avoid scandal. But after he confirmed her identity, he would take her medicine willingly. As for the promise, he would ask the guards if he couldn't find her in the hunting competition. There wouldn't be any misunderstanding between them. Also... He would go to Zephyrus to visit her once he has stabilised his position as king as well as his kingdom.

His question made her turn to Angel, showing her flushed face that couldn't be hidden anymore.

"My uncle tried to set me up with Prince Ilex. If I tell you my identity, you will take me to the guards and my uncle will force me to accompany him again. I don't want it. I ran away from the party because I didn't want that." Her words stopped for a moment. Her doubts were clear from her face.

"I chose to accompany you that night..." she finally admitted.

"You stayed with me all night?" Angel said in disbelief. He thought Rose left after she gave him sleeping pills back then.

"You got hurt because of me so I thought I should take responsibility for that. Besides, you keep calling your father and holding my hand. I couldn't leave you." Her words made her brain replay what happened that night and made her remember... What she saw was a clear trace of severe childhood trauma. It wounded his heart and made him have nightmares when he was in pain. She knew he wasn't faking it since she'd checked his condition from time to time.

'Is he really the real one?' Her heart was pounding ever since she could remember how absurd his story was. Her flushed face changed to a puzzled expression.

Upon her change, Angel frowned.

"What's wrong? Did I say anything weird?" Since his father's death, he was often screaming in his dreams because of his deep trauma. But since King Gervis thought he was just pretending, they didn't treat it and left him to deal with it on his own. So, even though the tragedy happened a long time ago. Sometimes, he still had nightmares about it, even until now.

Rose didn't answer but only looked at him in confusion.

'Was he just pretending? Wasn't he immune to poison?' she thought. Yet that thought was broken as soon as she remembered how the monster's poison tortured him.

> Read the original on https://m.webnovel.com/book/dark-moon-rise-of-the-dark-king_20098538705442905

> Read more than 10 chapter ahead of DM + 2 weekly update

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