
Dark Moon: Rise of The Dark King

He was a prince from the biggest kingdom in the Andromeda Continent.His family was the Holy Knight descendants who had killed the dark king. A mysterious accident took his father's life and cursed him with the dark power, making everyone doubt his identity. His uncle treated him as a war puppet even forcing him to relinquish his right to the king's throne and his cousin treated him like his nemesis. Feeling guilty for his father's death he decided to give his blind loyalty to his kingdom and accidentally fell in love with an unknown woman. But after all, things started going well, he was accused of rebelling and was cruelly executed. A dark power revived him, but he was not the same person they once knew. This time he would rise again not only as a king but a king among the kings that conquered the land... _________ >This is love at first sight, but also a slow burn romance (Romance subplot) >The story mostly about the MC's internal struggle >Please expect a lot of battle and fighting scenes as well as some political maneuvers in this story >The MC is cold for romance and mostly act by his status as a royalty >His past play a big role please be patient >This is not eye for an eye type of story Discord chanel: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Cover by Commission Aleena Mao from Pixiv -------------- Other works: *The Incubus System *Dragon King's Harem *Seven Sins System *Demon Lord's Succubus (Completed)

Nanakawaichan · Fantasy
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536 Chs

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 50. Moral and Logic

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 50. Moral and Logic

The sun had set and the sky above Luminus City turned dark. The royal couple had returned from their evening walk to prepare themselves for the dinner. It was a private dinner for two of them, a romantic one so there were no other guests there.

Angel was in his dressing room, staring at his reflection in the big mirror in front of him. His hands smoothed his ascot and his blazer. From his suit that looked different from his unusual uniform, it was clear that this was not an ordinary event. Although this was just a private dinner, it aimed to build intimacy between him and Rose. So they had to wear neat clothes and show the best side of them.

After he finished, he exited and walked towards his study room to check Chancellor Allan's report. This was his chance since he didn't want the twins to know about it, neither did Rose. At least until he made up his mind. He also couldn't check it anywhere else since this report was so important. Besides, the same as him, Rose was preparing herself and he believed she needed more time than him considering the women wore a layered dress.

"Your Majesty," the guards standing in front of his study, greeted and bowed to him. Which he answered with a nod.

After he entered the room, he sat in his chair and opened the envelope. His hand took out several sheets from it and his eyes immediately moved from side to side to read them.

As he read it, he understood why Chancellor Allan had delivered this report directly to him. Some suggestions looked logically right but sounded so wrong and heartless. Although he couldn't deny this was the simplest solution. Still... It wasn't just for Cley and Claire or the twins' parents who died for the city. But also for his promise to the late Prince Lucian, the one who brought him to this position. While some of them sounded implausible and hard to execute.

After he finished reading it, a long breath left his mouth as he leaned his back on his chair. His hand put the report on the desk. He closed his eyes, trying to find a way out. His heart and his logic fought each other, trying to dominate his mind but he knew he had to find a middle ground on this. It was clear that he had to take this decision carefully.

His brain worked to find a way out. He knew the first thing he should do was use the antidote from King Eudon to neutralize the air in that city. He could order his troops to evacuate the corpses and bury them properly. Which was followed by a whole month of requiem. Then what about the city?

If he let his troops take the dead's goods, it might trigger looting and competition between his soldiers. The only way was to collect the items in one place and list them. If a family member wanted to take it, as long as he/she could prove it, he/she could take it. But it would drain energy, money and time. It was inefficient and it went against what he usually did. Moreover, despite the compensation he got, he had to develop other economic cities.

And the buildings? The city was not only his hard work but also the Late Prince Lucian's. Even if he could turn that city into an ordinary city, who would want to live in a city like that? He could order his troops to clean up the dead remnants, but he couldn't change the eerie atmosphere.

This was not an easy decision since whatever his choice, he would not be able to satisfy everyone's wants. This was why he sought advice from the nobles. Also, he asked for this in private since the meeting would only spark debate. Still... He hadn't gotten a glimpse of a way out of this.

As he was deep in thought, the knocking sounds followed by a voice from outside dispersed his mind.

"Your Majesty, dinner is ready." A male voice came from outside.

Without answering, he put the report in the secret drawer of his desk and walked out. The servant bowed upon his presence.

"Your Majesty," the servant greeted.

"Is she ready?" he asked.

"Yes. Her Highness is waiting for you at the dining hall, Your Majesty," replied the servant.

"Thank you." After that, he walked to the hall.

> Read the original on https://m.webnovel.com/book/dark-moon-rise-of-the-dark-king_20098538705442905

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