
Dark Moon: Rise of The Dark King

He was a prince from the biggest kingdom in the Andromeda Continent.His family was the Holy Knight descendants who had killed the dark king. A mysterious accident took his father's life and cursed him with the dark power, making everyone doubt his identity. His uncle treated him as a war puppet even forcing him to relinquish his right to the king's throne and his cousin treated him like his nemesis. Feeling guilty for his father's death he decided to give his blind loyalty to his kingdom and accidentally fell in love with an unknown woman. But after all, things started going well, he was accused of rebelling and was cruelly executed. A dark power revived him, but he was not the same person they once knew. This time he would rise again not only as a king but a king among the kings that conquered the land... _________ >This is love at first sight, but also a slow burn romance (Romance subplot) >The story mostly about the MC's internal struggle >Please expect a lot of battle and fighting scenes as well as some political maneuvers in this story >The MC is cold for romance and mostly act by his status as a royalty >His past play a big role please be patient >This is not eye for an eye type of story Discord chanel: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Cover by Commission Aleena Mao from Pixiv -------------- Other works: *The Incubus System *Dragon King's Harem *Seven Sins System *Demon Lord's Succubus (Completed)

Nanakawaichan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
560 Chs

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 188. The Cave I

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 188. The Cave I

The pitter-patter of their feet echoed in the darkness as Rose followed Angel through the winding cave system. The sound of the battle above them grew fainter with every step they took, but Rose's curiosity grew stronger.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice laced with a tinge of eagerness. She wanted to know what Angel was hiding from her.

But Angel only asked her to wait, his tone casual and calm. "I will tell you after all this is over," he said casually. His hand held hers tightly, making sure she didn't wander off into the darkness.

Instead of rushing, Angel walked with deliberate, measured steps, as if he had all the time in the world. Rose didn't say anything, realizing that what he said was true. They may have found refuge in the cave, but it was still too soon to let their guard down. Who knew what other rebel groups were waiting for them there, lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce?

The darkness enveloped Rose like a thick blanket, and the further they moved away from the hole they fell into, the deeper it seemed to become. She stumbled over a rock and nearly fell, but Angel caught her arm with a firm grip, steadying her. The only sounds were their breathing and the occasional drip of water from a stalactite.

Surprisingly, Angel seemed to know where they were going, despite the blackness that surrounded them. It left Rose confused and a little unnerved. She had assumed that they were lost, but Angel's confidence suggested otherwise. He moved with a steady pace, his footsteps echoing through the cave, and Rose followed in silence, trusting him even though she didn't understand.

The air was thick with humidity, causing Rose's hair to cling to her forehead and the back of her neck. Every breath was heavy and damp, and the smell of damp earth mixed with the scent of decaying plant life made her stomach churn.

Jagged rocks jutted out of the ground, creating obstacles that forced Angel and Rose to weave their way through the twisting paths. Every step was a challenge, as they had to be careful not to trip over the uneven terrain. It was as if the cave was alive, a creature that sought to trip them up and swallow them whole.

The darkness was absolute, so much so that Rose could barely see her own hand in front of her face. She had to rely on her other senses, his guidance, the sound of Angel's footsteps, and the drip of water from the ceiling above.

Angel led Rose out of the twisting cave. Despite the absolute darkness that surrounded them, he seemed to know exactly where he was going. He was able to navigate through the cave without a single light source because of the flow of magic that guided him.

The magic flowed and pulsed through the air as if the cave itself was alive and breathing. Angel's senses were attuned to it, and he followed it with ease. It was like a song that only he could hear, a melody that beckoned him forward.

It was his spies who had attached magic formations to the cave wall, making it easier for him to find his way out even without light. The magic was like a map that only he could feel and it would only be reacted to his power. It led him through the winding paths of the cave.

But even with the magic flow guiding them, they had to be careful. The rocky path was treacherous, and one misstep could send them tumbling down into the darkness below. Angel kept a firm grip on Rose's hand, guiding her along the uneven terrain with ease. They moved slowly but steadily.

After a while, Rose's feet were beginning to ache, and her legs felt weak as she struggled to keep up with Angel. The uneven terrain made it difficult for her to maintain her balance, and she almost slipped every now and then. It was a good thing Angel was there to steady her, his grip on her hand firm and unwavering.

Angel's steps were slow and measured, each one taken with care. He may have known where they needed to go, but the rocky terrain made it a dangerous journey. He moved with purpose, scanning the path ahead for any potential obstacles. Every now and then, he would pause and listen, his senses attuned to the magic flow that surrounded them.

Note: In case you want to give me gift or anything, please send to this story https://m.webnovel.com/book/villain-mmorpg-almighty-devil-emperor-and-his-seven-demonic-wives_25760862505799905

>Read the original on https://m.webnovel.com/book/dark-moon-rise-of-the-dark-king_20098538705442905

>Read 10 chapter ahead of DM + 2 weekly update

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