
Dark Moon: Rise of The Dark King

He was a prince from the biggest kingdom in the Andromeda Continent.His family was the Holy Knight descendants who had killed the dark king. A mysterious accident took his father's life and cursed him with the dark power, making everyone doubt his identity. His uncle treated him as a war puppet even forcing him to relinquish his right to the king's throne and his cousin treated him like his nemesis. Feeling guilty for his father's death he decided to give his blind loyalty to his kingdom and accidentally fell in love with an unknown woman. But after all, things started going well, he was accused of rebelling and was cruelly executed. A dark power revived him, but he was not the same person they once knew. This time he would rise again not only as a king but a king among the kings that conquered the land... _________ >This is love at first sight, but also a slow burn romance (Romance subplot) >The story mostly about the MC's internal struggle >Please expect a lot of battle and fighting scenes as well as some political maneuvers in this story >The MC is cold for romance and mostly act by his status as a royalty >His past play a big role please be patient >This is not eye for an eye type of story Discord chanel: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Cover by Commission Aleena Mao from Pixiv -------------- Other works: *The Incubus System *Dragon King's Harem *Seven Sins System *Demon Lord's Succubus (Completed)

Nanakawaichan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
534 Chs

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 165. Heart Family's History II

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 165. Heart Family's History II

He flipped the page to continue his search. He was getting impatient, but he didn't want to lose his focus.

"What is this?" he murmured.

Sentences in gold ink were written on the next page.

"The Dark King is the one that created the dark crystal. His goal is to rule the world and bring peace to everyone. But the dark power consumed his heart. So he looked for it and hoped that he would find it someday."

"I don't remember hearing anything like that before," Angel mumbled.

"It's a myth, Angelus," Rose replied.

"Is it true that the dark crystal consumed him?" he questioned. "So he wasn't an evil king before?" His trace of concern was clear in his tone. If it was true, then there was a possibility that he was next.

"According to the myth, yes. The dark crystal was the reason that he became the dark king," she said. She caught his concern, but it was only a myth. No one knew the truth. "Most people believe that the dark king was born evil," she added.

"Why?" he asked. "The history book mentions it clearly." That weird fact caught his attention.

"Because the dark king was the one who created the crystal. It was from his power. Why was he corrupted by his own power and turned into an evil one?" she explained.

Indeed she had a point, but the dark power could consume him and turn him into an evil king. Then history would repeat itself and he didn't want it.

"You got a point. Still..." His brows furrowed as he thought hard. "I think something isn't right. Especially this sentence." He pointed his index finger at the book.

"The dark power consumed his heart. So he looked for it and hoped that he would find it someday."

He understood the first sentence meant the dark power had twisted his logic and ego. But he didn't understand why the ancient dark king looked for it. Didn't that mean the ancient dark king realized that what he did was wrong? If he realized it, then why couldn't he stop himself?

"Hmm..." Rose hummed before she spoke again. "Maybe he was looking for someone that could remind him that he had a heart?" she guessed randomly.

"Or maybe... it was the reason why he kidnapped the princess of Heart Family," Angel muttered. It was just a guess, he hadn't sure of it.

"That's possible. Maybe he was searching for her so he could be reminded of his humanity," she replied.

Angel nodded. He believed that was true.

"You're right," he agreed. "Although I still don't know why." He opened the next page, hoping that he could find another clue.

Rose watched him closely. She was worried about him. She wanted to help him if he needed it. But she also felt bad that she couldn't do anything.

"Let's stop for now. We can come back tomorrow," she suggested.

He looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you for reminding me," he said. "I'll go get some rest."

Rose closed the book and returned it to the librarian before they left the library.

As they walked through the corridor, he was deep in thought. He was thinking about the dark crystal and its effect on the ancient dark king.

He wondered how the ancient dark king felt when he realized that he had become an evil ruler. Did he regret what he did? Or did he just accept it?

Did he know that his actions would affect the future? If so, did he care?

If he knew, then why did he keep on doing it? Was it because he didn't have a choice? Or was he simply blinded by his own ambition?

Was he afraid of losing everything?

Or was he too confident that his plan would succeed?

Those questions were haunting him and these thoughts were driving him crazy. He kept wondering why the ancient dark king didn't try to change his fate.

But he also knew that it was impossible to find the answers right now.

He sighed deeply.

"Are you alright?" Rose asked him.

"Yes. I'm fine," he replied.

She looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes.

"You're worrying too much," she told him.

"I know."

"Just concentrate on your health first. The book and mystery can wait," she reminded him.

And Angel replied with a nod.

>Read the original on https://m.webnovel.com/book/dark-moon-rise-of-the-dark-king_20098538705442905

>Read 10 chapter ahead of DM + 2 weekly update

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