
Dark Moon: Rise of The Dark King

He was a prince from the biggest kingdom in the Andromeda Continent.His family was the Holy Knight descendants who had killed the dark king. A mysterious accident took his father's life and cursed him with the dark power, making everyone doubt his identity. His uncle treated him as a war puppet even forcing him to relinquish his right to the king's throne and his cousin treated him like his nemesis. Feeling guilty for his father's death he decided to give his blind loyalty to his kingdom and accidentally fell in love with an unknown woman. But after all, things started going well, he was accused of rebelling and was cruelly executed. A dark power revived him, but he was not the same person they once knew. This time he would rise again not only as a king but a king among the kings that conquered the land... _________ >This is love at first sight, but also a slow burn romance (Romance subplot) >The story mostly about the MC's internal struggle >Please expect a lot of battle and fighting scenes as well as some political maneuvers in this story >The MC is cold for romance and mostly act by his status as a royalty >His past play a big role please be patient >This is not eye for an eye type of story Discord chanel: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Cover by Commission Aleena Mao from Pixiv -------------- Other works: *The Incubus System *Dragon King's Harem *Seven Sins System *Demon Lord's Succubus (Completed)

Nanakawaichan · Fantasy
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536 Chs

Second Arc (His Art of War) - 20. The Bait

Second Arc (His Art of War) – 20. The Bait

Commander Irwin spurred his horse, followed by his army. A few days ago, he had just received an order from the king to secure Southpoint Town, the king also gave him a secret order to prepare for another kingdom's attack. To be honest he was confused when he got the order since Asteria was not in a war. In addition, to reach Southpoint Town, the other kingdom troops had to pass the border outpost. If Asteria was under attack, the outpost would send the news to the capital. Then a declaration of war would be imposed. But after he heard the king also sent the elite troops to the Southern border of Asteria, he was worried. He knew that Generals Helias and General Collett had also been sent to the Southern Outpost. Although General Helias said he was assigned to take care of the monsters in the South area, their preparations were as if they were going to war. Besides, they all left in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep and now he was assigned to secure Southpoint Town. He predicted the relationship between Asteria and Euphorion was deteriorating, so the king decided to tighten the security in the South.

'Is the situation already that bad?'

He raised his head, the sun was not above his head yet. He was supposed to arrive this afternoon but since he was worried, he sped up and hoped to arrive before noon.

A few minutes later a town began to appear from a distance. But as he approached the town, he realized the gate was closed. Commander Irwin raised his hand, ordering his troops to stop while observing the town walls.

'Why there are no guards? Where are they?'

Feeling uneasy, Commander Irwin raised his three fingers, instructing the magic user to get ready, then he shouted.

"I'm Commander Irwin. I was sent by the king to secure this town."

But he did not receive any answer.

He shouted again.

"I'm Commander Irwin from the capital! By the king's order, open the gate!"

But instead of opening the gate, a woman in a black military uniform appeared above the gate wall, followed by several men in the same uniform. Commander Irwin was surprised when he saw an adamantite badge embedded on her collar.

'Euphorion's General? How could they possibly take the town without any attack reports from the Southern outpost?'

Flare bowed politely and smiled.

"Welcome to Southpoint Town, Commander. You arrived earlier than we thought. We haven't prepared anything yet. I hope you will forgive our impoliteness."

"May I know what reason brought a Euphorion's General to a small town like this?" asked Commander Irwin as he tried to contain his anger.

"This town is in our path, so we think we'll take it over first before we take down the capital," she replied casually.

Commander Irwin's anger exploded when he heard her answer.

"We, Asteria have never had a problem with Euphorion! Why did you attack us ?!" he said without further ado, his irritation seeping in his voice.

The smile on Flare's face faded away and changed with a displeased expression, her eyes glaring at Commander Irwin.

"We are the ones who should say that! Asteria has destroyed our largest trading city! Attacking our Northern border without a reason!"

Commander Irwin was shocked when he heard her words. He remembered the secret orders that the king had given to him, and also remembered about the two generals and elite troops who have been sent to the Southern border.

'Is this the reason why the king sent so many troops to the Southern border and ordered me to prepare for another kingdom's attack? Because in fact, Asteria was at war with Euphorion?' He thought for a moment.

'No, Asteria has been in peace for a long time. Why does the king wage war for no reason?'

"Liar! I've never heard any news about it!" he shouted.

Flare let out a condescending chuckle.

"You don't even know anything about this?"

"You!" Commander Irwin raised his two fingers, ordering the archers to get ready.

But Flare also gave her order.

"Bring him here!"

Commander Irwin held his command as two Euphorion soldiers carried a man in an official Asterian suit. His head bowed in submission. She took out her chakram and pressed it to the major's neck.

"Commander, we have a lot of hostages here. I hope you can behave more carefully. It will be bad if I lose my patience."

He turned his head towards his troops and moved his hand down, ordering his troops to lower their weapons. After that, he secretly put his hand to his ear, ordered to send an emergency message to the king, which was answered with a nod from one of the magic users. He turned his gaze back to Flare.

"What do you want?" he asked curtly.

"I want to take down Asteria," she answered nonchalantly.

Commander Irwin clenched his hand, trying to contain his anger once more, as he tried to find a way to release the hostages. Meanwhile, Flare realized that an Asterian magic user had just sent a Magic Messenger. A slight smirk was on her face.

'They've taken the bait. Now we just have to wait for their king to send more of his troops here.'