
A Shining Star

Chapter 8: A Shining Star

The dream ended.

The dream that Gray and Ravana had for that short moment by the river concluded. 

The vile creature from earlier was back. 

Gray felt like both of their lives were on the line… More than ever… 

While the dark creature never truly spoke, he suddenly began to communicate with both Gray and Ravana for the first time. He spoke to them both through telepathic ways. A voice emerged at the center of their minds, infiltrating itself in their thoughts. 

You can't control me… I am above you, Human… You won't be able to protect her… The voice said. 

"What… What is this? What is this voice in my head?" She asked out loud.

"It's in both of our heads!" 

It's me… The voice directly answered her. 

"What do you want from me?" Ravana shouted. A long silence filled her head. Felt like she was left alone in her confusion regarding this specific question. 

"Why did you take me?" She asked a slightly different question. 

Because you escaped me years ago… This new tidbit of information suddenly triggered something into her. A memory.

"You escaped him?" Gray was not expecting to learn that all. 

"No… This… This can't be…" She nervously murmured as she grabbed her head. The voice inside of it was starting to hurt her, to give him a headache. This fragment of memory she remembered all had to do that time when she almost drowned in her old home as she went to the nearest river to her house.


She simply went there to swim a little, but randomly quickly found herself pulled at the bottom of the river by something she couldn't see. Something she couldn't explain. To her, it felt like a big hand aggressively pulling on her ankle.

It wouldn't let go, no matter how much she tried getting away from it.

The water was too dark. The only thing she could see underwater was a dense mass of shadow. To make things worse, she was all alone today at the river. Her friends couldn't come with her today. It was a rare thing that she was alone for beach time. Usually, most young men she knew would always go with her as she often wore sexy bikinis.

Ravana was still only a teenager when she came close to drowning that day. She was barely nineteen.

The dark shadow underwater kept pulling on her ankle, and it eventually forced her to get pulled very deep in the river. She fought so much against this presence that she quickly ran out of energy. Progressively, her eyes went shut, and she appeared to be going unconscious as she kept getting pulled deeper and deeper into the water.

But incredibly calmly, a different kind of presence softly came out from the depths of the river, came closer to the surface and gently voyaged near Ravana's head. The only detail that actually made her realize this object was now there next to her and that brought her out of her sudden comatose phase was the nearly blinding light of it.

A bright ruby-red light. 

Ravana partially opened her eyes and discovered the object slowly moving in front of her underwater. 

A bracelet. 

A ruby-red colored bracelet. 

She remembered how beautiful she thought the apparently lost piece of the jewel was as she opened her eyes and first saw it. Despite the alarming and dangerous fact that she was still getting pulled deeper and deeper underwater, this heavily glowing bracelet brought her to a calmer space. 

While her ankle was in the grasp of this dark presence, her hands and her arms were then completely free of movement. The bracelet swam a little closer to her, and Ravana reached for it with her right hand. She successfully grabbed it and felt an immense new power going through her veins. The teenage girl's eyes suddenly turned bright, ruby-red not too long upon touching the object. This was also when the bracelet started to feel as if it was animated. It was no longer swimming in the water like an abandoned boot… It was now actively moving toward the surface. 

Taking Ravana with her.

Not bothering to ask her opinion on the taxi. Simply daring to touch it probably was far enough for the item to take her with it.

But at this point, Ravana had already spent way too much time underwater without a way to breath. She had now spent roughly two entire minutes under the river. The stress of having a nightmarish dark shadow constantly pulling on her ankle didn't help. It simply brought her closer and closer to imminent death. The risks of drowning today were high in the air. She had started to realize it.

But this ruby-red bracelet didn't seem to be interested in giving up on rescuing this young woman. The bracelet kept pulling her harder and harder to transport back to the surface. It was a fight between the two strange presences. A combat between the bracelet and the shadowy shape beneath her.

The efforts of the item finally paid off as it was successfully able to pull her out of the shadow's grasp. The bracelet then quickly brought to the surface, out of under the water. 

Ravana remembered feeling her body lifted. She was no longer in control of herself. To her, it was almost as if she was flying underwater. Levitating. Almost like in a dream, in which you are floating into the sky. It was soft. It was calm. It all felt fluid and nice. The closer she was getting to the surface with the item, the more clearly a bright red circle of light could be observed from the outside of the river. There was, of course, absolutely no one there watching that day, but if someone stood on the beach, looking at the river, this person would see a ruby-red ring of light taking shape near the shore. 


The bracelet strongly hit the surface, and it wrapped itself around the end of a tree branch from a nearby tree. It almost seemed accidental. The item came out of the water and got caught by the branch. 

Ravana was still firmly holding the bracelet in her right hand. She was hanging on the side of the shore, currently unable to fully come out of the water, as most of her legs were still in it. 

She momentarily looked over her shoulder and noticed the same dark shadowy shape from earlier, quickly and dangerously coming closer to the surface. Obviously following her wherever she went. 

Urged and rushed, Ravana started climbing on the strong branch the bracelet was wrapped around and ultimately managed to get up on the old tree on the shore. Ravana was even lighter back then as a teenager, so it wasn't too much trouble for this tall, old, strong tree. She was saved. The dark shape remained underwater for a while until it finally disappeared a few minutes after climbing into the tree.

Ravana remained up there for hours in the company of the ruby-red bracelet. She was too scared to leave. She even considered she had gone a little crazy that day.

Did she simply fall into the water unconscious for a while and imagined the dark shape? Same thing for the moving bracelet that presumably rescued her? 

She never spoke of this to anyone for years…

To anyone except Gray who she deeply felt like if he should have this item she kept with her during all the time. 

Now, as Ravana remembered all of this on that night in the woods, Gray re-lived everything that happened to her years ago at this samer river.

Gray saw and lived everything in his mind. 


"I can't believe you went through all of this years ago…" Gray came out of this trance, quite shaken by it. 

"I don't get it… Was that you that day at the river…?" She said while holding her head. 

The dark creature simply nodded after she asked this question. 

"Why did you wait so many years to come back then?" She kept asking more questions.

Still not providing any more information to her, he silently walked closer to the both of them, but clearly more after her that he was for him.

"Don't you touch her!" 

Protective of her, Gray rushed at the creature, hoping to beat him up with his fists. 

The creature waved his arms at him and pushed him away. 


That didn't work.


  That done it, that was the last drop that pushed Ravana over the edge.

"You… Ass-hole…" 

Ravana's right hand turned into the silver claw as it did before. 

She rushed up to the vile monster and clawed his chest! Sending him flying backward. 

With that distraction implemented, Ravana then jumped next to Gray, shielding him. 

"We have to go…" Ravana declared right before she fully transformed into her true form… 

Her skin turned into a beautiful dark gray-silver color. 

Her eyes turned ruby-red. 

Silver moth wings spring out of her back.

Ravana was no longer the same person.

She was now the moth woman! 


She picked Gray up from the ground in her arms and flew away, escaping their assailant. 


Elsewhere around the small town of Point Pleasure, the intense smell of Gray's charming cock resonated deep into her.

The place was an ancient and visibly abandoned facility. 

Almost as soon as she smelled his dick again, her painful headache left her, and she no longer felt like she had to hold her head anymore. She removed her hands from her head and took a deep breath. She already felt a little better.

"I think I get it now…" 

She said as she watched over Gray. Ravana was still the moth woman. 

"Are you alright, Ravana?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you…"

"No, I'm fine, thanks to you…" he corrected her. 

"Gray…" she melted. 

She intentionally jumped into his arms and basically let him take her. She lifted him up, holding her arms as he moved his cock in the direction of her pussy.

He was about to penetrate her as he stood there in her arms. 

He slowly lowered her a bit and made her sit right on top of his large glans. He pushed his member into her. Slowly and softly at first, but pushed it very deep, very quickly.

The vaginal penetration had started. 

"You came to me, but I was actually the one who needed you, Gray…'' Moth Woman said. He rammed his cock deeper into her and proceeded to bang her faster. Always faster. 

Shoom! Shoom! 

He drilled her wet pussy with strength and power. 

This was like nothing she had ever experienced. 

Ravana was deeply enjoying the hell out of it. She blushed and moaned, keeping her too busy to even be able to speak. For the first time in her life, Ravana didn't feel like a complete and utter monster. 

"Ahn! Gray!"

The Moth Woman moaned as she was taking every inch of the huge human cock that was currently taking care of her. Just like last time she had a bizarre experience at a river when she was still a teenager, no one appeared to be in sight to help her. Not that she wanted to be helped that much right now. She was into it. She was fully on board with this. She thought it felt incredibly pleasant. Her sweet face was currently sitting on his left shoulder. Her chin pushed right into it. 

Gray fucked her sweet pussy for several more minutes before finally stopping before pulling her back down.

"What are you doing?" She asked when he stopped. He made her sit on her knees on the ground.

He pointed his big dick right in front of her face as he masturbated himself. Aggressively stimulating himself for the final blow. 

A ton of pre-cum had already flowed out of the tip of his glans and had gotten everywhere on his member. A ton of it had covered the interior and the exterior of her vagina as well. 

Gray ultimately ejaculated all over her beautiful face, only after a few seconds of intense masturbation. 

He came once.

He came twice. 

He came for the third time.

And even a fourth time before being done pushing thick cum-shots out of his dick. 

It honestly was as if the Moth Woman had been 'bukkaked' by multiple people for an entire hour, except there was only one donor that was responsible for what happened. 

The Moth Woman simply sat there on the floor of the facility with the semen dripping off of her face. She calmly enjoyed the feeling of having so much jizz covering her. She occasionally allowed a good amount of his sperm to enter her mouth before eating and swallowing it. 

"Delicious," she said. The young man's cock progressively shrank down in size as his erection faded away following the conclusion of his climatic ejaculation. It was still incredibly large, but his flaccid state was, of course, a lot smaller than what he was a minute or two ago. 

"So, what's next?" She asked with simply too much semen inside of her mouth to properly speak. 

"I want to make sure you're safe, Ravana…"

"That's what I meant to do for you. And I am not Ravana anymore, I'm the Moth Woman," she corrected him. 

"You're Ravana," he simply replied. 

She was totally unsure about staying with him or not. She never had any human knowing who she truly was before. Simply by looking at her, Gray was able to tell that she was not feeling too comfortable about him knowing who she really was. But at the same time, Gray was making her feel amazing. The way he looked at her, she felt admired by him.

Gray offered her his right hand, and the Moth Woman opted to accept it. She took his hand and he helped her get up. She was surprised by this, Gray showed her so much chivalry. This was unexpected for her since it turned out that she was not human, at all. 

But something quickly interrupted them as they were soon about to leave the river…

The creature from the river had followed them all the way here…

He entered the dark facility where they were.

"He found us!" Gray declared.

"He's never going to stop…" The Moth Woman realized. 

A come back? Unbelievable! We are back with a new Yoga Fighter chapter. It has been a long time, I'm sorry about that. But to be honest, Yoga Fighter was never meant to be one of my main projects so what pushed this to make a return was the demand. Thank you so much for demanding more chapters. Since you seem to enjoy this story so much, would some of you be interested in supporting it through donations? Please let me know! We could do fun things like early access to chapters and other stuff.

CamilleJuteaucreators' thoughts