‘Gray is a normal young man who was just kicked out of school. Again. He keeps receiving nightmares, showing him, a dark place with a dreamy woman in danger. These bad dreams bring him to a small town where everyone know each other and where he knows absolutely nothing. Including cursed mysteries surrounding this place. Gray encounters the woman from his dreams and vows to protect her at all cost. Except, she’s not human… She’s a dark, fallen angel. It is only a matter of time before sinister forces come after the both of them. It is also only a matter of time before Gray falls in love with his fallen angel.’
Chapter 6: A River
He wasn't going to let her vanish from this world.
Gray followed the monster and woman who showed pure kindness to him earlier that day.
It was much later, and the creature had brought the beautiful yoga instructor on the other side of town.
He brought her to a river. A river coast in a dense forest. It could have been about an hour later since the inception of her abduction.
Ravana was now lying down on her back. She stared at something that was standing a few feet away from her, it was getting closer to her position. It was her abductor. Since she was taken away by it, she'd never had the opportunity to have a good look at it. It covered her eyes when it was carrying her in its arms. And it was currently hidden in the shadows of the trees of the forest near the river. She could only see its dark silhouette, its shadows. That was about it for now. Every single time it slowly moved closer to her, she quickly stepped back away from it, crawled away, closer to the river, always closer.
Gray was there too, but he still had to reach their exact position in the woods.
No one knew about him being there.
Despite the high risks of the water of the river adding to her troubles in addition to her aggressor, she seemed to prefer to be closer to it rather than being any closer to this vile creature. She was scared. She couldn't suppress that horrible feeling.
"What are you planning to do with me?" She asked.
Without any form of answer coming from the creature, it kept moving forward, walking closer and closer to Ravana. Its appearance was finally revealed to her, this creature was the creepiest thing ever. It was a dark and monstrously tall male creature. It was very obvious to say that he was a lot taller than Ravana. He looked like a nightmarish, muscular vampire. He had scary, glowing, orange colored eyes and extremely long gray hair that ended at his hips.
"It's you…" Ravana's voice soon changed from weaker and softer to much stronger.
It's Ravana! I finally found her! Gray could see them from a distance.
This thing wasn't nameless, and Ravana already knew about it...
He had dark gray skin. Long, skinny fingers with dangerously sharp nails. His muscles made him look imposing and frightening.
He kept staring at her.
"I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up…" Ravana declared to the dark creature.
This thing rings a bell... It has to be the same thing I saw in my dreams before arriving here in this town… Gray recognized this creature. He rushed toward them. Coming there to help her, hopefully.
"What do you want?" the lady asked the creature point-blank.
He didn't answer.
He walked towards her and attempted to grab her, but right before he could do so…
… Smack!
The creature suddenly stopped! Something hit him!
He turned around—Gray showed up and hit the monster with a long and thick tree branch. The branch, unfortunately, broke in half, and he didn't do any damage to the beast, however, he did stop him for now, catching him off-guard and distracted him.
"Run, Miss. Ravana!" Gray thought for sure that he was going to do that, but she didn't.
"Moth Claws!" Ravana shouted as she clawed the creature right in the back of his head. She viciously attacked him, using Gray's attention to her advantage.
The dark monster was blown away.
Gray rushed to Ravana, coming to aid her. Following her attack, her right hand had morphed into a silver claw-hand. Her hand had turned into a legitimate weapon. She dropped her claw, bringing it closer to her waist.
"Miss. Ravana!"
"Gray…" she touched his face with her left hand, she gently caressed the side of his right cheek.
Ravana then found herself able to smile again…
They looked over, and the creature had vanished…
It was gone…
In a very surprising moment – Gray leaned forward and kissed her – after barely kissing her on the lips for only a few seconds, he slid his tongue into her mouth. While kissing the interior of her mouth with his tongue, he let go of her hold of her as he held her waist, he slid his hand higher and grabbed her right boob instead. He played with it.
Earlier, she was re-discovering sex with one of her students... And now... This was happening to her... This must had been a punishment for having sex with someone who trusted her... Someone that wanted to be taught by her… Now, Gray had been pulled into this because of her. The creature was after her, not him.
After being done kissing her, Gray pulled his tongue out of her mouth and she opened her legs for him. Wide. The yoga instructor was still basically only wearing her thin dress, it made it really easy for him to have access to her genitals.
He placed his index and middle fingers between her tall, towering legs, then started touching the exterior of her vagina with them. It was fresh. It was still very fresh. Gray could touch and see it. He finally decided to enter inside. He pushed his two fingers inside of her pussy, beginning the penetration, starting to finger her. She was still all wet inside. It was perfect for him. It was so easy to slide his fingers inside.
Ravana wished to reward Gray for coming all the way here to get her. She could tell that he had been worried sick about her. She hoped for him to do all these things to her.
She soon became even hotter and wetter that she was earlier back home.
"I'm sorry I pulled you into this, Gray…" she apologized to him.
"What do you mean?"
Things went dark for a while...
The sound of water calmly hitting against the rocks on each side of the river.
Ravana opened her eyes again.
She had fallen asleep in the woods.
When she woke up, Gray was still right here with her.
The young man was sitting on a big rock, watching over her.
Ravana was still on the side of the river. Gray had stepped away from her a little. He protectively watched over her, but didn't touch her.
She stood up as she realized that it was time to go.
"Ravana. Are you feeling any better?"
"..." she didn't answer.
"Tell me… Something. Anything."
"We should probably go, now…" Ravana truly didn't want to explain anything to him.
Gray raced after her.
"Tell me what the heck happened."
"I am not human, Gray…" she finally admitted to him.
"... Huh…? What do you mean?"
"I am the moth woman…"
Thanks for continuing to read the chapters of this story. Hope you enjoy this one. I'll be back next week with the next chapter, I'm aiming for next Monday but I'm making no promises. For now, this project is going to be a limited story. But if there is enough demand, I could make it something longer.