
Dark Masked Tym

Tym the daughter of the king is tasked with a mission, one she might not get back from, but is willing to try.

Memexico19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

I don't think I can do this anymore

"Shut up," the prince growled at her as he tried to rise from the floor. However, it wasn't as easy as he anticipated.

"Before you embark on journeys like this. Make sure you train your body to withstand this kind of thing." Tym slowly rose from the ground and helped the prince. "You don't need to act all high and mighty all the time. If you can't do this, don't join me." She picked up a club and raced towards the monster, who was ready for her.

However, she didn't employ the methods she had made use of before. Instead of charging forward, she jumped, making it as if she wanted to jump on him. Tym hit her clubs right on his head before she sank to the floor.

The creature growled and trashed as his eyes changed colours. His fangs elongated as he growled.

"What a Pathetic creature." Tym raced towards it and hit it once more.

This time, when the creature knocked her with its paw, she fell next to it.

"Ouch!" she cried out in pain. "Must you use your powers on me?"

The creature advanced towards her, intent on squishing her to the ground.

"Tym, catch!" The prince, who has successfully staggered towards his sword, threw it at Tym who expertly caught it.

"You will make a good striker!" She chuckled as she thrust the sword into the creature's stomach.

The creature growled as it trashed until it disintegrated into ash.

"Gods." Tym fell on the floor as she took a deep, steady breath.

"That wasn't real?" The prince asked as he staggered towards her.

His collision with the tree has made him hunch his back in pain.

"I guess it was sent by the dragon worshippers or whatever you call them." Tym gasped, "if this is how the rest of the journey will be, I doubt I will continue. I'm drained, already."

"No, don't say words like that. You can't be tired."

"You can take the rewards you intend to give me and give them all to your guards. I don't think I can endure something like this again." She rose from the floor and walked over to the stream.

"Please don't leave. If you like, I will double the reward. I will pay you any amount you want, but please don't leave. There are—"

"I'm leaving. I don't think I can continue this journey any more." Tym Frowned, "the creatures and all the things I'm expected to fight are one thing. I can stand for all that, however, I don't think I can tolerate your guards ganging up against me."

Tym balled her hands into fists when she recalled what had happened earlier. It made her want to shout out in anger, but she kept the feeling in check.

"I will warn them if that's what you wish, Tym. But please don't go. I don't think my guards can—"

"No, they can't. Just the sight of this creature is enough to send them running like kids. I don't think they will survive this journey."

"That's why I need you, Tym. Please don't say no. If it pleases you, I can add more profits to the one I already agreed to. Please—"

"What new profits are you adding?" Tym pursed her lips as she glared at the prince.

"Anything you wish."

The prince was quick to promise the Dark Masked Tym because he knows she was the only one who can rescue his sister from the dragon shifters.

Without her, things won't go the way they are supposed to.

"If I wish for you to make my sister a noble, will you do that?"

"Yes, I will." The prince nodded without thinking about it. Deep down, he knows that making her a noble will be easy, seeing he's a prince.

"Then, it's settled. When we return to the kingdom, you must make my sister a noble. If no," Tym laughed, "I don't think you want to know what I can do.

Beneath this mask is a human whose ways can't be predicted."

Had it not been for Tym's sister, there was no doubt that she won't agree to this even if she was hanged on a tree.

"It won't come to that." The prince promised, with a firm resolution.

"It better not do." Tym turned to face him, "you were sleeping before they woke you up, right?" She asked the prince, who looked like he wasn't ready to rise from the ground.


"Can you go back to your tent? I need to bathe." Tym made it sound like a question, but to her, it wasn't. It was an order she gave and hoped the prince will understand it for what it is.


"I didn't ask for your opinion. It was an order." Tym clenched her teeth.

"You don't have to sound hostile. I'm leaving." The prince slowly rose from the floor, with a frown on his face as he thought of the strange man in the mask.

He was interested to know who the Masked Man was, and how he got to be the Masked Tym.

This was so unlike the prince, who always does this nonchalantly. He doesn't get intrigued easily. However, with Tym, the prince can't help but wonder who the man is, and how he earned the name.

As for the Masked in the name, he already knew it was because of the mask and veil the odd man always wears. And most of the time, the prince had to wonder how he survives in such harsh weather.

"Why are you still standing there? Is there a breathtaking scene around?" Tym snapped at him.

"I'm leaving."

The prince only cast a glance at Tym before he turned and started heading back to the tent.

Tym didn't turn to look at him. She kept her attention on the lake in front of her until she was certain the prince has gone a long distance.

"Gods," she sighed. "Is it too difficult to ask for an eventless bathe?"