
Dark Masked Tym

Tym the daughter of the king is tasked with a mission, one she might not get back from, but is willing to try.

Memexico19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Gang up

They continued in silence. No one spoke. And aside from the neighs of the horses and the sound of the guards' Footsteps. There was no other sound.

Everyone was lost in their thoughts as they progressed towards the mountains.

The entire villagers came out of the houses to bid farewell to the prince.

They all lined the streets as they watched us leave.

"Safe journey, my prince!"

One of the women standing at the beginning of the line shouted.

And subsequently, it seemed as if they have opened a dam.

The 'safe journey' was in the mouth of the entire village.

"May the gods protect you on your quest!"

They called out once more.

The prince only nodded at them without saying a word.

His face was pulled up in a frown, and his attention was towards the mountains.

Tym furrowed her brows at the prince when she saw how nonchalant he was acting.

Yet, she didn't say a word as she followed the prince out of the village, and towards the mountains.

"Why didn't stop to acknowledge your people?" Tym frowned at the prince.

"Mind your business, peasant." The prince snapped at her before he urged his horse to go faster.

Tym didn't increase her pace. She kept on her normal pace and followed the prince.

They travelled for a long time until they were completely out of the capital.

Tym who has never been out of the capital glanced around the place. She was awed by the beautiful field in front of her.

And in her mind, she decided she was going to bring Cicil to this place.

"Hurry, we don't have all the time in the world." The prince snapped at her when he discovered she wasn't keeping up with his pace.

Tym didn't reply to him, and neither did she hasten her pace.

She only frowned at the prince, who thought he can easily control the Masked Tym.


"You are not entitled to order me around, prince. If you are impatient to get to the mountains, you can hurry towards it."

"Who do you think you are to defile my orders?" The prince growled at her.

"Pathetic," Tym scoffed. "You know, I'm not one of your guards. If you anger me, I will return to the capital and take my sister with me."

"And you think we won't stop you?"

"Stop me? You jest, prince." Tym laughed, "it's like you don't know who I am. I'm the Masked Tym if you still don't know about that."

The prince scoffed. "do you feel your title makes you invincible?"

"It does." Tym before she turned her horse, and started walking towards the right.

"Where are you going?" The prince called out to her.

"None of your business," she snapped at him.

The guards who were around stood there and wondered what was happening.

"Let's go."

The prince turned his stallion and started following Tym.

Tym smirked when she noticed them behind her.


She murmured under her breath as she urged the horse, Forward.


They journeyed throughout the day, yet, were nowhere near the mountains.

From the village, the mountains seemed to be near.

However, the nearer you get to the mountains, the further it was.

"Let's rest here for tonight." The prince dismounted from his horse when they got to a cleared area in the forest.

Tym got down from her horse, while the guards, who have been walking all day, collapsed to the floor.

"Gods. This is bone-breaking." A guard exclaimed.


They erected a tent for the prince, while Tym and the guards were to stay outside.

Tym watched everything with an amused expression on her face.

It was on the tip of her mouth to protest the injustice.

How can the prince allow a female to sleep outside with the guards?

Tym got up after the dinner they had.

"Where are you going?" The prince frowned at her.

"I would have said it's none of your business. However, seeing how red you are, I will tell you, to save you from the high pressure."

The guards snickered. And that made the prince's cheeks turn red.

"Don't tell me any more. Do whatever you want." He snapped at her as he entered his tent.


Tym started heading towards the place she heard the rushing of water.

"It better be a stream." She murmured as she went forward until she got to the stream.

"Argh. A stream!" She dashed towards the water body with a cheerful expression on her face.

Tym ran towards the stream.

"What a beautiful stream."

The moon that was shining on the water made it look more crystal than anything else.

It was glistering at night; the sight was awe-worthy.

Tym sighed as she removed her boots and slipped a foot in the stream.

"Gods, this is awesome." She sat on the bank of the stream and put her legs in the water. "I think I might die fulfilled." She sighed as she continued to wad her feet in the water.

It was refreshing to see such a sight after a an entire day of travelling under the hot sun.

Tym glanced around, to make sure there was no one in the place before she removed her veil.

She left the full mask on her face as she made to remove her clothes.

However, a sound from behind her caused her to raise her head.

On seeing the guards, she instantly put the veil back on and rose from the floor.

"What are you doing out here?" She snapped at the guards, "aren't you guarding your prince? Why did you guys leave him alone there?"

The guards didn't utter a word as they came close to where she was.

"Do you think we will let you be after you beat our brothers?" They growled at Tym.

"Oh?" Tym folded her arms. "this is news. What did you say I did again?"

"You beat our brothers!"

"And who are you, brothers?" Tym pursed her lips.

Her mouth twitched at the side when she saw how much her questions angered the guards.