
Stuck with everyone

Raze had continued his enchantments in the dark, large space. It was an area that not many would venture into, one because they were completely blinded, and the fear of going into the unknown was difficult for them.

After witnessing one of the students murdered, they would now be even less likely to venture inside. Without being able to see, it was a place where students wouldn't bother coming anyway.

Still, Raze was careful to listen out to hear if anyone was coming in his direction. Due to the shape and size of the room, the moment someone stepped in, their steps would have echoed, unless they had some type of technique that would silence their footsteps.

In the end, Raze had finished enchanting all three of the remaining blades from the auction, and he was holding one in his hand that had become incredibly light after the enchantment; it was practically weightless.